On August 30th, new Black Spirit’s Rage skills for the Tamer, Valkyrie, Musa, and Maehwa were added in Black Desert Online KR. The new Black Spirit skills can be activated with 10%, 25%, and 50% Black Spirit’s Rage by pressing additional keyboard commands like F, LMB, or RMB. The new skills have more hits, larger AoEs, and more damage.
Related: BDO KR Patch Notes August 30th
■ Tamer
The Tamer can use Black Spirit: Moonlight Strike with 10% Rage, Black Spirit: Echo Pierce with 25% Rage, and Black Spirit: Garuda with 50% Rage.
Black Spirit: Moonlight Strike (RMB while holding W+F) [Black Spirit’s Rage 10%]
Moonlight Strike can be used by pressing W+F or by clicking RMB while holding F after Cloud Stomping. The skill has a larger AoE and will hit one more time than the original skill does. The skill is only activated when right-clicking while holding F. If you right-click without holding F, Legendary Beast Dance will be used instead.

Black Spirit: Echo Pierce (RMB while holding Spacebar) [Black Spirit’s Rage 25%]
The base command for Echo Pierce is Spacebar in certain situations and Black Spirit: Echo Pierce can be activated by right-clicking while holding Spacebar. Black Spirit: Echo Pierce has a larger AoE, and will give an All AP +10 buff for 20 seconds while inflicting an All AP -10 debuff for 20 seconds on the targets.

Black Spirit: Garuda (RMB while holding F) [Black Spirit’s Rage 50%]
Black Spirit: Garuda can be used by right-clicking while holding F after Garuda. It has a larger AoE, one additional hit for the base attack and the extra attack. Also, the Black Spirit skill has Super Armor unlike the original skill. Black Spirit: Garuda can also be activated during Flow: Ascension, which is a Flow skill that follows Garuda, by right-clicking during the mid-air attack in Flow: Ascension (F). It will not be used during the smash attack (S+F).

■ Valkyrie
The Valkyrie can use Black Spirit: Lancia Iustitiae with 10% Rage, Black Spirit: Terra Sancta with 25% Rage, and Black Spirit: Promptness with 50% Rage.
Black Spirit: Lancia Iustitiae (LMB while holding Shift + RMB) [Black Spirit’s Rage 10%]
Black Spirit: Lancia Iustitiae can be used by left-clicking while holding Shift + RMB. You have to be very quick in pressing LMB when trying to use this skill. Also, if you want to use Flow: Revelation Sanctus after Lancia Iustitiae, you have to release LMB after the Black Spirit skill has been activated and then hold RMB.

Black Spirit: Terra Sancta (LMB while holding S+RMB) [Black Spirit’s Rage 25%]
Black Spirit: Terra Sancta can be used by left-clicking while holding S+RMB. The wave will have a larger AoE and will hit two more times, and upon using the skill the Valkyrie will have an all AP/DP 10 buff for 20 seconds. The skill will inflict Bound and Down Smash with successful hits. Just like Black Spirit: Lancia Iustitiae, you have to be very quick in pressing the keyboard command. If you do not press LMB at the right moment, Castigatio might be used instead of the Black Spirit skill.

Black Spirit: Promptness (RMB while holding Spacebar) [Black Spirit’s Rage 50%]
Black Spirit: Promptness will hit the target one additional time, and then will hit the target three more times with the last hit. The skill will inflict Stiffness on good hits and Floating with the last hit, and also has a larger AoE and Super Armor. It can be activated by right-clicking while holding Spacebar in certain situations or by right-clicking while holding LMB after Death Line Chase. The former command will be easier to use, as connecting to Promptness after Death Line Chase usually involves left-clicking without fully releasing Shift after Shift + W (Death Line Chase) and if the Shift button is not fully released, then Black Spirit: Promptness will not be activated.

■ Musa
The Musa can use Black Spirit: Below the Belt, Black Spirit: Dash Slash, and Black Spirit: Fiery Angel. The skills will consume 10%, 25%, and 50% Black Spirit’s Rage, respectively.
Black Spirit: Below the Belt (RMB while holding Shift + LMB) [Black Spirit’s Rage 10%]
Black Spirit: Below the Belt has a larger AoE, and the extra attack will hit one more time. It is easy to use and requires only a small amount of Rage.

Black Spirit: Dash Slash (Hold LMB after S+LMB, and then press RMB) [Black Spirit’s Rage 25%]
Black Spirit: Flow: Dash Slash has a larger AoE, and the extra attack will hit one more time. It also gives an all AP +10 buff for 20 seconds and and all AP -10 debuff for 20 seconds to the targets. The command might look complicated, but it is easy to use. Use Spinner first with S+LMB, and then hold LMB and RMB together to use Black Spirit: Dash Slash.

Black Spirit: Fiery Angel (RMB while holding W+F) [Black Spirit’s Rage 50%]
Black Spirit: Fiery Angel has a larger AoE, longer movement distance, additional three hits, and Super Armor. The skill will also recover 40 HP per hit. In order to use the Black Spirit version of the skill, you must press RMB at the beginning of the skill, not at the moment you want to start the attack. You can left-click at any time you want while moving for Black Spirit: Fiery Angel as well.

■ Maehwa
The Maehwa can use Black Spirit: Sticky Snowflake with 10% Rage, Black Spirit: Cloud Stab with 25% Rage, and Black Spirit: Moonrise with 50% Rage.
Black Spirit: Sticky Snowflake (RMB while holding W+F) [Black Spirit’s Rage 10%]
Black Spirit: Sticky Snowflake has a larger AoE and one more hit. It can be activated by right-clicking while holding W+F. The normal Sticky Snowflake can be used when the skill is on cooldown with reduced damage, but Black Spirit: Sticky Snowflake will not be activated if the original skill is on cooldown.

Black Spirit: Flow: Cloud Stab (Hold S+LMB after S+F) [Black Spirit’s Rage 25%]
Black Spirit: Flow: Cloud Stab has a larger AoE and will hit one more time than the original skill does. It also gives an all AP +10 buff for 20 seconds and inflicts an all AP -10 debuff upon enemies. The command is to hold S+LMB after Moonrise (S+F). If you just hold LMB, the normal Flow: Cloud Stab will be activated.

Black Spirit: Moonrise (RMB while holding S+F) [Black Spirit’s Rage 50%]
Black Spirit: Moonrise will have a different skill mechanic from the original Moonrise. Black Spirit: Moonrise deals 906% * 4 damage on the first hit, 906% * 3 damage on the second hit, and 906% * 5 damage on the third hit. Unlike the normal Moonrise where only the first attack recovered WP, in the Black Spirit version all attacks will recover 25 WP per every good hit. Both skills will inflict Stun with the first hit, but Black Spirit: Moonrise will inflict floating on the second hit instead of the third hit. Lastly, Black Spirit: Moonrise has a larger AoE and Super Armor.
In order to use Black Spirit: Moonrise, you must right-click as soon as you use Moonrise. If you are too slow, the right click will cancel Moonrise and activate Chase. Black Spirit: Moonrise can also be activated when Moonrise is on cooldown, in which case the damage will be reduced.

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