Day 1 of the 2018 NA LCS Summer Split Quarterfinals was a clash between Echo Fox and TSM. In the match, TSM edged themselves to the semifinals with a 3-2 victory over Echo Fox. The matchup for the semifinals is to be decided.
Huni was suffering from the flu, but his sickness wasn’t the only thing that troubled him in Game 1. He was picked off several times and ended the game with a 1/7/0 record. TSM jumped to an early lead with Hauntzer’s Gnar picking up several kills, and the game was closed with a pentakill from Zven’s Kai’Sa.
Game 2 was close all the way until a big teamfight win from Echo Fox. Although Grig stole the first Baron right out of Echo Fox’s pocket, he wasn’t able to pull it off the second time. Echo Fox secured their lead and took Game 2.
The two teams each gave and took one game in the following two games. Dardoch and Lost carried their team to victory in Game 3, and Bjergsen’s Irelia took charge of Game 4, scoring the second pentakill of the day at the end of the game. Dardoch was helpless at the end of the game, being the only survivor, and gave up the penta to Bjergsen.
Both teams were very careful in the most important Game 5. However, again, Huni suffered with a 0/5/3 record on his AP Kennen. Bjergsen’s LeBlanc was everywhere needed in the map, and TSM secured themselves a spot in the semifinals.
▣ 2018 NA LCS Quarterfinals Day 1 Results
Game 1: Echo Fox (L) vs TSM (W)
Game 2: Echo Fox (W) vs TSM (L)
Game 3: Echo Fox (W) vs TSM (L)
Game 4: Echo Fox (L) vs TSM (W)
Game 5: Echo Fox (L) vs TSM (W)

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