One of the world's largest game festival, Gamescom 2018 in Cologne is still crowded.
Three days after the Gamescom opened, the audience was getting bigger and bigger. I also stood in a waiting line for play the 'Battlefield 5', but I had to wait four hours for about 20-minute demonstration!
I took photos of my last day at the Gamescom 2018, let's check out.
▲ Oh, there is a gamescom sandwich set in the Subway
▲ But my choice is always sausage.
▲ In Korea, Soju is drunk with a cup...
▲ I was relieved to see that the number is smaller than before,
▲ But oh... yes, this is the Gamescom.
▲ Okay, let's play.
▲ I am going to play Battlefield 5 today.
▲ There is a long way to go.
▲ By this time, I thought these four hours were just trying to scare me.
▲ But I realized that it was true...
▲ Time is running.
▲ "Hey you, do you wanna real battlefield without waiting in the line?"
▲ Hope
▲ Batteries that were 100%... but decreased in wait.
▲ I finally made it.
▲ I was ready to leave for the battlefield. Unfortunately, I could not shoot the demonstration scene.
▲ Hey
▲ Thanks to you!
▲ Let's just look around.
▲ The smell is good! I also went outside the hall.
▲ An artist playing 8-bit game OST
▲ I really could not imagine this.
▲ Sadly, now is the time to leave Gamescom.
▲ I don't know when I will cross this river again.
▲ I took pictures of Germany's beautiful night streets and return to the hotel. See you again next time!