The ranger is the most favored class in Returners, and each hero has the distinct characteristics that allow them to shine in specific situations.
Following that trend, the new hero Genghis Khan shines most when pitted against mages. He possesses skills that deal increased damage to mages and also inflict fear. His firepower is further increased when his enemy’s HP is higher than his, and his ultimate skill inflicts immense damage upon a single target regardless of their PHY DEF.
He’s used to nullifying the wombo combo which is quite popular on the Korean server. Since he deals increased damage to mages and his preferred target is the enemy mage with the lowest health, very few mages stand a chance against him.

The eye of a hawk that gazes upon the mage! Genghis Khan’s skills
Genghis Khan is not used as often as other heroes like Taejo and Jumong because of how specialized he is; he is a strong hero, but only in battles that suit his skills. That being said, with the recent surge in popularity of wombo combo teams, Genghis Khan will be vital for anyone who wishes to counter the mages in those comps.
Genghis Khan’s first skill, Lash of the Grasslands, deals damage, inflicts fear and also dispels enemy buffs. Moreover, the skill deals x1.5 more damage when used on mages. This combination of effects is especially deadly against Rasputina, who fights by buffing herself, and is also effective against Nikola Tesla due to his vulnerability to CC skills.
Genghis Khan can remove all types of buffs, such as Jumong’s self-enhancement or Han Seok-bong’s attack speed increase. However, the skill cannot remove buffs from a hero who is immune to CC skills; a few examples would be Dr. Jekyll and Hercules’ ultimate skills. CC immunity nullifies the skill’s fear and buff removal, so against enemies that possess it, you can’t expect much from Genghis Khan apart from his basic firepower.
If kept free from enemy CC and interruptions, Genghis Khan becomes much more powerful. His passive skill, Spirit of Mongolia, makes his attacks deal up to 32% more damage when his health is higher than 70%. This helps him deal significant damage to enemies if he is left alone. He’s also not easy to take down because he heals 4% of his health every time he hits a target when his health is below 50%.
On top of that, the single target damage of his ultimate skill, which ignores the enemy’s DEF, is by far the best in the game. The basic damage itself is nothing to scoff at, and it deals 160% physical damage at a fixed rate, providing Genghis with devastating firepower even at a low level when he’s equipped with the right gear.

Genghis Khan’s main stage is the League, but he’s relatively good for Specter Chase as well
Genghis Khan’s skill set makes him stand out in the League. Unlike Taejo, Jumong, and William Tell who can tumble away from enemies, Genghis is fairly lacking in mobility. This makes him fairly weak against enemies who prefer to target him; thus, it’s a good idea to put him with heroes who can taunt, such as Alexander or King Arthur.
Moreover, Genghis Khan does not have any AoE skill. So teams made with Genghis should consist mainly of heroes with single-target skills rather than AoE heroes. Heroes such as Taejo and William Tell are good choices. With the addition of 7-star gear, it’s hard to rely on one hero’s firepower to take down all the enemy heroes. However, with a team of strong single-target heroes, you can take down the enemy’s core hero fairly quickly.
For gear, Genghis Khan can equip Taejo’s gear set with the 4 pieces of Apocalypse and Wolf Hunter Helmet, or the full Apocalypse set to maximize his MAG DEF; MAG DEF helps immensely since he’s specialized against wombo combo teams.

Unlike Jumong who deals constant damage in Adventure, Napoleon who can randomly insta-kill enemies, and William Tell who deals a significant amount of damage regardless of the enemy PHY DEF, Genghis Khan is not used as often. However, he becomes quite useful in Specter Chase.
His abilities shine the most on the 14th floor in particular. The Wyvern that appears on that floor will barrier and attempt to recover when its health is below the certain point, and Genghis Khan’s Lash of the Grasslands can remove this healing barrier.
Of course, Jumong’s constant damage and Taejo’s burst damage can also clear the stage when the two heroes are equipped well. However, Genghis Khan provides you with an alternative way out if those heroes are not well equipped enough to remove the barrier and stop the boss from healing himself.

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