Black Desert Online Remastered Event
- From Aug 23rd to Sept 6th
- Submit screenshots and videos of Remastered BDO for different prizes!
Special Sales: Mount Pearl package and Venia Riding Attire
- From Aug 23rd to Sept 5th
Brand New Style
- From Aug 23rd to Sept 5th
- Experience the brand new glow! Special costume sales for BDO Remastered are here!
Event Shopping Cart
- From Aug 23rd to Sept 19th
- Use the Event Shopping Cart to get discounts on your favorite costumes!
New Semester, New Coupon
- Teenage server exclusive event
The long-waited Graphic/Audio Remastering is now here!
Graphics Remastering has been applied.You will be able to experience the big changes with your very own eyes.
- Through the remastered graphics, feast your eyes on dramatic lighting effect and realistic display of objects and surrounding.
- Ultra Mode is best experienced with a high end PC, so please keep this in mind.
- If you would like to see the remastered graphics, please go to Settings → Display → Display Quality → Graphics → High-End Graphics and choose Remastered Mode or Ultra Mode now. (*Remastered option can only be set from a PC that supports DirectX 11)

Audio Remastering has been applied.
- The music of Balenos, Serendia, and Calpheon has been remastered. You can now enjoy the re-made and remastered music of each of these territories.
- The ambient sounds in all territories have been renewed.
- Voices of 130 NPCs including Edan, Orwen, and Jordine have been renewed.
- Mount music has been removed.
- Combat music will be played regardless of the game time being day/night..
- The music that plays when you have low HP has been removed.
- Combat music will be played under different conditions now.
- As for normal combat, combat music will be turned on if the character or summoned creature is inflicted hit.
- As for combat against a boss monster, combat music will be turned on if the boss monster is closeby.
- The ambient sound and background music would be lowered when conversing with an NPC to hear the voices better.
- Music in the fields excluding towns, villages, enemy camps, will be played once and not repeated.
- If music is not played, ambient sound will be heard more clearly. You can not experience much more animated ambient sounds.
- The sound effects of the following five boss monsters have been renewed: Titium, Belmorn, Mudster, Skeleton King, Kzarka
New UI changes are as follows:
- UIs of the starting screen, Server Selection, and Character Selection screen have been improved.
- Character information on top-left corner has been changed to remastered version. Character’s HP, Black Spirit, Class resources have all been unified as character information.
- You can select “Custom HP Bar” in the Edit UI window to return and separate them to the way they were before.
Quickslot UI has been renewed.
Party UI has been renewed.
Mount and Resident icons at the top left corner have been combined as one icon.
Family buff icons (Value package, Node Investment level, etc) have been improved.
Nearby NPC, Video guide, and other icons next to the mini map have been renewed.
The mini menu icons at the bottom right corner have been removed.
The following notification message will be displayed even when the menu button UI on bottom right part of the screen is turned off: Weight Limit Exceeded alarm notification, Character Durability alarm notification, Mount Durability alarm notification
Mini map has been renewed.
HP gauge of the monsters and boss monsters you can face without having obtained their Knowledge has been improved to remastered version.
Fixed the issue where an abnormal Bound effect would be applied intermittently after performing Grapple on a character.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness that appeared in the thigh part when equipping both Martillo Swimsuit and Epheria Marine Armor together.
Character selection will now be possible on standby or during Emergency Escape mode with a Fishing Rod equipped.
Damage of all basic attacks of Main Weapon of all classes has increased.

Fixed the issue where a white light would follow the character around after performing the skill Flow: Slashing the Dead.
Black Spirit’s Rage: Elven Rage, Waltz of Wind, and Regeneration have been added.
- The skills can be used with 10%, 25%, and 50% Black Spirit’s Rage by pressing F, LMB, or RMB.
- Black Spirit’s Rage skills will have more number of hits, larger AoE, or more damage.
Description regarding how to perform extra hit and skill damage has been added to the tooltip of the skill Evasive Explosion Shot.
Fixed the graphical glitch that occurs when equipping Rocaba Armor together with the Le Vladian Underwear.
Black Spirit’s Rage: Turn-back Slash, Violation, and Grim Reaper’s Judgment have been added.
- The skills can be used with 10%, 25%, and 50% Black Spirit’s Rage by pressing F, LMB, or RMB.
- Black Spirit’s Rage skills will have more number of hits, larger AoE, or more damage.
Black Spirit’s Rage: Devastation, Titan Blow, and Flow: Slugfest have been added.
- The skills can be used with 10%, 25%, and 50% Black Spirit’s Rage by pressing F, LMB, or RMB.
- Black Spirit’s Rage skills will have more number of hits, larger AoE, or more damage.
Fixed the certain hit sound effect (for example skills like Feral Rage) issues.
* Details on the new Black Spirit's Rage skills for the Ranger, Sorceress, and Berserker can be found here: https://www.invenglobal.com/blackdesertonline/articles/6012/more-powerful-with-additional-effects-black-spirits-rage-skill-added-for-ranger-sorceress-and-berserker
[Witch and Wizard]
Damage of the following skills has increased.

Fixed the issue where stockings were visible through shoes when the Mystic is wearing certain types of underwear that include stockings.
Fixed the graphical awkwardness of the Lahn’s hair when wearing Fox Mask.
Fixed the issue where stockings were visible through shoes when the Lahn is wearing certain types of underwear that include stockings.
Atanis Firefly, a consumable item that can light up the dark area, has been added.
- Atanis Firefly for light up the surroundings for an hour.
- Atanis Firefly can be purchased in General Goods shops.
- Lantern and Oil for Lantern will no longer be sold in General Goods shops.
As the characters will get more combat exp, the stats of blue Valks gear (14 days) have been adjusted.
The text “Extra AP against monsters up (enhancement level PRI or up)” has been added to the item descriptions of main and sub-weapons of enhancement levels 0~20.
The text “Additional damage to humans (enhancement level +6 or up)” has been added to the item descriptions of Dandelion awakening weapons of enhancement levels 0~20.
[Loyalties] Old Moon Distress Call will now be sold in NPC shops.
The grade of the following items has been changed to suit the grade of the equipment that will use these items for Enhancement.
- Flawless Magic Black Stone (from Orange to Yellow)
- Cleansed Magic Black Stone (from Orange to Blue)
- Stabilized Magic Black Stone (from Orange to Green)
Fixed the issue where damage inflicted would be tripled upon equipping the cannon suitable for Galley, Epheria Sailboat, and Epheria Frigate.
Ram skill damage have been reduced by 30% for Galley, Epheria Sailboat, and Epheria Frigate.
It has become more convenient to use the skill Ram for Galley, Epheria Sailboat, and Epheria Frigate.
- Previously: By pressing Q while sailing and speed picked up.
- Changed to: By pressing Q while sailing regardless of speed.
- Attacking:
- Previously: After using Ram, attack was possible again after moving a certain distance.
- Changed to: After using Ram, press Q to launch attacks right away.
Fixed the issue where guild mounts were not visible when you are in a Guild Alliance.
Fixed the issue where guild mounts could not be repaired when you are in a Guild Alliance.
Fixed the abnormal motion that came out when jumping in combat mode while mounting a Dream Horse.
It has been changed that only characters of Lv. 50 or higher will be able to receive the item drop rate buff in Arsha Server.
Fixed the awkward system message that came out while your Pet tried looting with your Inventory full.
Combat EXP obtainable in the field for defeating monsters in the following Level range has been increased:
- Lv. 56 ~ Lv.61: Increased by x1.2
- Above Lv.61: Increased by x2
Combat EXP obtainable in the following content has been increased:
- Marni's Stone
- Savage Rift
- Quests related with obtaining Combat EXP
- Book of Training
- Red Battlefield
- Team Battle
HP and DP of Sycrid have decreased by 66% and 25%, respectively.
It has been changed that a maximum of 15 people can loot Sycrid.
Sycraia Regeneration Tower will heal nearby monsters only when there are players around.
Offin's Force Shield durability has decreased by 30%.
DP of the Watcher Offin Tett in berserk mode will no longer increase when you failure to destroy the Offin’s Force Shield.
The following items have been added as loot of destroying Offin's Force Shield:
- Offin Tett's Light Sealed Weapon Box
- Valtarra Eclipsed Belt
- JIN Magic Crystal - Cobelinus
- BON Magic Crystal - Cobelinus
- WON Magic Crystal - Cobelinus
- Black Magic Crystal - Cobelinus
- Ancient Magic Crystal - Cobelinus
- Destruction Spirit Stone
- Pure Forest Breath
- Tree Spirit Stone Fragment
- Black Stone (Weapon)
- Black Stone (Armor)
- Degraded Wood Fragment
Drop rate of the following items which can be obtained from defeating World Bosses Nouver, Ancient Kutum, and Mirumok Destroyer Offin has been quadrupled. Also at max 2 of these items will be obtainable at a time.
- Flawless Magic Black Stone
- Cleansed Magic Black Stone
- Stabilized Magic Black Stone
World Boss spawn schedule in the teenage server has changed.
[Quest and Knowledge]
Quests for returning players have been adjusted. (Conditions and rewards)
- A step stone for a leap I : Level 60 or over
- A step stone for a leap II : Level 61 or over
- A step stone for a leap III : Level 62 or over
- A step stone for a leap IV : Level 63 or over
- Revived Memory (Gathering) : 50 Contribution EXP, 1 Sharp Black Crystal Shard or 2 Hard Black Crystal Shards
- Revived Memory (Fishing) : 10 Memory Fragments
- Revived Memory (Combat) : 3 Returned Adventurer’s Seals
New story quests have been added in Kamasylvia.
- You can start the quest by talking to Lumen, the storage keeper in Old Wisdom Tree.
- The quests are available once per character.
Fixed the issue where delivering White Salve to Tarif which is the last condition in the quest [Trading Lv. 40] Medicines to Save Lives was also possible to be completed in other towns.
New way to obtain Knowledge for ‘Power Engine of Ancient Weapons’ has been added. Upon having obtained Knowledge of all the monsters below, talk to Marzana to bring up the button to obtain the Knowledge for ‘Power Engine of Ancient Weapons.’
- Kalqueesh
- Vodkhan
- Tukar Burmol
- Tukar Demol
Optional reward item for completing the quest ‘Craving Knowledge’ has changed from Lump of Raw Sugar to Capturing Rope.
[Gameworld, NPC, and Graphics]
Fixed the issue where it was difficult to exchange Peridot Leaf with NPC Variel. Now you can exchange many Peridot Leaf items at once.
The name of the Guilds occupying a territory will be color-coded to be more visible under Conquest Status window.
The Horse icons that were wrongfully displayed in Guild Wharf have been changed back to Ship icons.
In the Sound Setting, the default setting for combat music has been removed.
Event Shopping Cart UI has been added.
- You can add the items you want to the Event Shopping Cart in the Pearl Shop.
- If you purchase multiple items at once via the Event Shopping Cart, you will get discounts based on the total price of the items.
- Unlike coupons, the Event Shopping Cart discounts are available at anytime during the event period.
- You can send the items in the Event Shopping Cart to others as a gift.
- You can send gifts to multiple players at once.
- The gift will be sent to them via their mailbox.
The text “the skill cannot be used in this stance” has been edited.
Fixed the issue where Navigation to Olvia 2-4 was not working properly.
Navigation for the quest ‘An Outsider at the Western Mountain Range’ has been improved.
Navigation for the quest ‘What is the Rare Rescued Animal?’ has been improved.
When exchanging the items that you have to enter the amount using keypad, it has been changed that you cannot activate the dialogue button by pressing R.
Fixed the issue where combo guides were displayed even after turning the option off.
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Comments :3
level 2 Samuel_Luque
RIP Margoria :(
level 1 akourbat
"Fixed the issue where damage inflicted would be tripled upon equipping the cannon suitable for Galley, Epheria Sailboat, and Epheria Frigate." - there appears to be a lot of confusion about this statement, with some people claming that damage from cannons was slashed (which is false). Boat equipment on the other hand seems to be completely broken at the moment, to the point whete it takes same amount of cannonballs to kill a sea monster whether you have +8 blue gear eqipped or no gear at all. Are there some news from Korea on this?
We think the line quoted was referring to a bug fix, where occasionally a cannon could shoot 3 cannonballs instead of one, but a confirmation would be appreciated. -
level 1 destinyterror
olivia music <3