100Thieves has secured the 3rd Seed heading into the 2018 NA LCS Quarterfinals. After falling behind early against FlyQuest, the Cavaliers affiliate was able to stay in the game and capitalize on mistakes.
While defeating FlyQuest secured 100Thieves a Top 4 finish, Echo Fox was waiting at the end of the day. Fresh off of a 25-minute victory against TSM, FOX looked favored to take the 3rd seed.
100Thieves had other ideas, showcasing a night and day performance from the first game. While no team during the tiebreakers was particularly clean, 100Thieves defeated Echo Fox with far more poise than shown against FlyQuest. A well-played dragon dance turned a triple kill into a Pentakill for 100T ADC Cody Sun.
Far more satisfied with his Jhin game than his previous Ezreal game, Cody Sun was all smiles when we sat down.

Cody, that was a fantastic Pentakill to finish out the game for 100Thieves. Can you take me through that moment?
When I got the triple kill, I didn’t even realize that I had it until it was announced in game. I was very focused on killing Kai’Sa because she was low and I had fourth shot on Jhin. After I got Kai’Sa, I heard the announcement for the triple and realized I had a quadra.
Our team was all calling to get Alistar, and I noticed my quadra could be a Penta. So I said, “Penta! Penta! Penta!” We knew he was going to try and back because he had no way of escaping, so my team cc’d him and gave it to me.
Your teammates set you up for success there, and now 100Thieves will be the 3rd seed heading into the Quarterfinals. How important do you think the results of today were as far as the seeding arrangements?
To be honest, I think all anyone could have beaten anyone today. It was kind of a coin flip. No one really expected Echo Fox to beat TSM. You also saw us way behind in our match against FlyQuest, but we came back in the game because they made a lot of mistakes as a team. The games were 50/50 today, in my opinion, anyone could have beaten anyone and I don’t think the seeding matters too much.
FlyQuest is the 6th seed. How do you feel playing against them in the Quarterfinals?
If we can beat FlyQuest when I go 0-6 on Ezreal, then I feel pretty confident going against them in Quarterfinals. As long as I don’t go 0-6 again, we’ll probably have a good chance of winning.

When you have a game like that, do you have trouble maintaining your focus?
It’s funny. Usually, if you’re playing well in a game, you kind of get a little ego about it. You know you’re strong from a good early game, or you know that you set up ganks well. You’re on your game, so you’re comfortable for asking for resources from the team because you want to carry the game.
When you’re inting 0-6, that’s all stripped away. You’re not asking for anything (laughs) you’re just like, “Guys, do you need anything? Want me to get you a cup of water?” You see a wave of farm, and you just give it to somebody else because you don’t want to ruin the game (laughs).
You try and do as much as you can to help your team, though. If the game isn’t going your way, you can step up your communication to help the team out. I remember in Immortals, whenever Pobelter would die early on in a fight, he would start shotcalling far more observantly since he didn’t have to focus on playing. When I died, I would say nothing. So I learned from him that you can still be serviceable to your team even if you’re having a bad game.
If you’re dead, that just means your hands are free, right? Since you guys won the game, were your teammates joking around with you regarding your performance?
Nah, in the game, they were really encouraging. They wanted to make sure I was doing okay and that I wasn’t going crazy or anything. I felt really bad in that game because I usually don’t perform like that. It was an off game for me, but both Ssumday and Ryu were trying to keep me in the game and keep me focused. I think that helped a lot.
Are there any specific teams you’re looking forward to potentially playing in playoffs?
If you want to win playoffs, you have to be able to beat every team and win every game. That’s how I see it. Even if you win playoffs due to seeding, or avoiding a stronger team, that’s doesn’t feel like a real win. If you win a championship, then you should be the best team in the tournament, so you have to have that confidence.
We’re looking to try our best and make sure we’re in top condition to beat any and every team.

In the 2018 NA LCS Spring Split, you and Aphromoo were chosen as the Bot Lane for the All-NA LCS Team. Has that put pressure on you to follow up on your great performance?
Not really. I’m just trying to improve and play my game. There’s a lot of things I need to work on, but I’m pretty confident against players I know I’m more experienced than or have an easier time with. I just have to work on becoming more consistent by continuing to play against stronger players.
Thanks so much for the interview, Cody Sun. Congratulations for finishing your second full season of professional play. Is there anything you’d like to say to your fans before playoffs?
For people who have been following me since my time on Immortals, or even in Challenger, I’m very grateful. Looking back, it’s pretty crazy how everything went down. These past two years have been a journey, you know? After graduating high school and playing solo queue to try and get rank 1 just to get on a team, I played with so many up and coming players in Challenger.
Hakuho, Biofrost, Akaadian...there’s so many of us in LCS now and it feels really nice to look back and see that we all did it.

Nick Geracie is a freelance esports journalist currently located in Los Angeles. You can follow him on Twitter here.
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