If you recall, Doomfist's introductory cinematic ends with the Overwatch villains uncaring beliefs towards death, greatness, and remembrance:
"Those who fall will be forgotten, those who rise up, their names will be remembered forever"
You can listen to the quote at the 1:36 mark during the official trailer.
Why is this suddenly relevant? Well, it has to do with a prominent bit of Korean text presented in today's reveal of the control map, Busan. Shown at Gamescom alongside the release of a new D.Va cinematic, Busan is a thriving Korean metropolis home of the MEKA base of operations, a downtown district, and a sanctuary.
When the sanctuary portion of the map is seen, we get a clear look at this text on a slab of stone.

When translated into English, the stone reads:
"The fallen shall be remembered forever"
Coincidence? It seems unlikely. The Overwatch development team has been known to hide obscure clues and lore references throughout their maps and this monument using the exact same language as Doomfist, only reversed, is cause for lore detectives to pause and wonder why.
Will Doomfist mount an attack on Busan? Has he already in the past? Or perhaps the MEKA pilots stand as the true foil to Doomfist's "power-above-everything-else" mentality and, in the future, we might see a full-on ideological clash.
I wouldn't put it past the story team prone to adding incredible small details that risk going unnoticed to have purposefully placed this Doomfist throwback quote in Busan.
What do you think? Let us know in the comment section!
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