Blizzard Entertainment unveiled a new control map, Busan, and a new cinematic short featuring D.Va at Korea Fan Festival this Wednesday. Jeff Kaplan, lead designer of Overwatch, and Ben Dai, a project director for the game, both traveled to South Korea for the event. There, they discussed at length the creative process behind both the map and cinematic.
The D.Va short, "Shooting Star," follows Hana Song as she defends her city against evil omnics. It offers a glimpse into the MEKA Squad and how D.Va spends her "free" time.
"We really pushed Ben and the whole cinematics team to explore who D.Va was as a character, what was deeper about her that we could learn that we hadn't seen before," said Kaplan regarding the D.Va cinematic.
"Eventually we found the real D.VA," said Ben Dai. "She is a 19-year-old strong, young woman who carries the weight of the world on her shoulders. She is someone who is willing to sacrifice everything to protect something she loves. I think both Jeff and everybody agreed [that was] worth telling."
A new control map, Busan, was also announced. Busan is currently available for play on the PTR (Public Test Region) and features a MEKA base, a sanctuary, and downtown Busan as its three objectives. Uniquely, the MEKA base control point has three barriers that pop up around it every 12-13 seconds, which developers stated was to provide the objective with additional defense because it is on low ground.
Busan is the second control map and sixth overall map (disregarding deathmatch, arcade, and event maps) to be added to the game since launch, following Eichenwalde (hybrid), Horizon Lunar Colony (asault), Oasis (control), Blizzard World (hybrid), and Rialto (escort).
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