Overview: Overview: A highly aggressive Mage who deals incredible sustained damage by reducing the cooldowns of his abilities when damaging enemies.
Lord of Hatred
Hitting enemy Heroes with Basic Abilities reduces Mephisto's Basic Ability cooldowns. Skull Missile and Shade of Mephisto grant 1.5 seconds of cooldown reduction per Hero hit, and Lightning Nova grants 0.3 seconds per Hero hit.
Basic Abilities
Skull Missile (Q)
Conjure a skull that travels in the target direction after 0.75 seconds, dealing 127 damage to enemies hit and Slowing Heroes hit by 25% for 2 seconds.
Mana Cost: 20 mana
Cooldown: 8 seconds
Lightning Nova (W)
A ring of lightning appears around Mephisto for 2.5 seconds. Enemies within the ring take 48 damage every 0.25 seconds. Each time a cast of Lightning Nova hits a Hero, its damage is increased by 4%, up to 40%.
Mana Cost: 55
Cooldown: 14 seconds
Shade of Mephisto (E)
Teleport to a location, dealing 78 damage to nearby enemies and leaving behind a Shade of Mephisto at Mephisto's original location. After 2.5 seconds, Mephisto is teleported back to the Shade's location.
Mana Cost: 40
Cooldown: 18 seconds
Heroic Abilities
Consume Soul (R1)
Channel for 2.5 seconds, revealing all enemy Heroes. After the Channel completes, all enemy Heroes take 357 damage and are Slowed by 40% for 2.5 seconds
Mana Cost: 80
Cooldown: 120 seconds
Durance of Hate (R2)
After 1 second, unleash a wave of evil spirits that Root the first enemy Hero hit for 2 seconds and deal 160 damage to them over the same duration. Durance of Hate spreads outwards from its initial target, Rooting and damaging additional nearby enemy Heroes.
Mana Cost: 60
Cooldown: 80 seconds
Level 1
[Q] Unyielding Power
Quest: Hit Heroes with Skull Missile.
Reward: After hitting 20 Heroes, increase Skull Missile's damage by 60.
Reward: After hitting 40 Heroes, Skull Missile's cooldown is permanently reduced by 3 seconds
[W] Furious Spark
Every 5th hit from Lightning Nova against the same target deals 90 bonus damage.
[E]Malicious Intent
Shade of Mephisto grants 20% Spell Power while active and for 2.5 seconds after ending.
Basic Attacks also activate Lord of Hatred, reducing Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.75 seconds.
Level 4
[Q] Hateful Mending
Skull Missile heals Mephisto for 50% of the damage it deals to Heroes.
[W] Static Barrier
At the end of its duration, Lightning Nova grants Mephisto a Shield equal to 50% of the damage it dealt to Heroes. Lasts 7 seconds.
Increase Regeneration Globe healing duration by 60%. Every tick of Regeneration Globe healing activates Lord of Hatred, reducing Basic Ability cooldowns by 0.5 seconds
Level 7
[E] Frost Storm
Enemies near Shade of Mephisto are Slowed by 40% for 2 seconds.
[E] Ghastly Armor
Shade of Mephisto grants 20 Armor while active and for 2.5 seconds after it ends.
[E] Trickery
After Shade of Mephisto expires, all Slows and Roots are removed from Mephisto and he gains 20% Movement Speed for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 60 seconds
Level 10
[R1] Consume Souls
Channel for 2.5 seconds, revealing all enemy Heroes. After the Channel completes, all enemy Heroes take 357 damage and are Slowed by 40% for 2.5 seconds.
[R2] Durance of Hate
After 1 second, unleash a wave of evil spirits that Root the first enemy Hero hit for 2 seconds and deal 160 damage to them over the same duration. Durance of Hate spreads outwards from its initial target, Rooting and damaging additional nearby enemy Heroes.
Level 13
[Q] Abhorred Skull
Hitting a Hero with Skull Missile grants 20% Spell Power for 6 seconds.
Lord of Hatred also reduces the cooldown of Mephisto's Heroic Ability.
Shard of Hate
Basic Attacks hit enemies near the primary target.
Level 16
[Q] Lightning Reaction
Skull Missile explodes on contact with Lightning Nova, dealing 144 damage to nearby enemies.
[W] Static Field
When Lightning Nova's damage bonus reaches 40%, enemy Heroes within its radius take damage equal to 12% of their maximum Health.
Activate to extend the duration of Lightning Nova by 2.5 seconds.
Passive: Basic Attacks while Lightning Nova is active cause an immediate pulse of Lightning Nova damage.
Level 20
[R1] Consumed by Hatred
Consume Souls deals bonus damage equal to 10% of the target's missing Health. If Consume Souls kills a Hero it will cast again 1 additional time.
[R2] Unspeakable Horror
Durance of Hate Silences enemies for 2 seconds after its Root expires.
Shade Lord
Activate to swap locations with Shade of Mephisto and refresh its duration.
Passive: Shade of Mephisto benefits from all of Mephisto's level 7 Talents
[W] Mimic
While both Shade of Mephisto and Lightning Nova are active, Lightning Nova also casts from the Shade's location.
Tim Rizzo is the editor and a reporter for Inven Global. He joined the company back in 2017.
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Comments :1
level 1 Wanderlust
Thanks for the info. You may wanna swap the pics for the ults though.