It took just 4 hours and 17 minutes.
To an audience of over 20K viewers on his Twitch channel, GingiTV was the first player in the new World of Warcraft expansion, Battle for Azeroth, to obtain level 120. Playing a Druid and luckily avoiding the disconnects and realm shutdowns being reported by other players, Gingi and his guildmates Deepshades and Meeres made quick work of the obstacles the new expansion offered.

Most players expect their journey through the newest expansion to take longer than 4 hours, but that is all it took for Gingi and his guildmates to power through the content, min-maxing at every possible opportunity for max experience points. For example, in the first moments of Gingi entering the new Battle for Azeroth zone, he begins to turn in multiple "battle pet tamer" questions finished in far advance of the expansion dropping.
This was just the first of many tricks the hardcore WoW community will appreciate when watching his Druid go from level 110 to 120 in record time.
No time for celebration after the level up -- Method is, after all, aiming for more records than just leveling.
It is a spectacular feat of planning, coordination, and routing that any speedrunner can appreciate. Even Gingi's movements were optimized, darting from quest NPC to quest NPC using every possible movement enhancing option available.
Courtesy of Gingi's hardcore World of Warcraft guild Method and their official post about the record, you can watch the fateful moment from the two other players perspectives via Deepshades stream and Meeres stream.
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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