Hello, masters!
It’s been a week now since the 7-Star gear and Guild Annihilation War have been updated. The stat changes were big as well, and since the PvP content has become more important, you are probably wondering how you should set your gear and team comps.
So, following the previous winner prediction event, we decided to hold an event where you yourselves share your own tips and tricks.
Your tips could be about certain heroes you have placed in your team or about whole team comps. It could be anything useful about upscaling and team management in Returners, like what gear you should equip with whom, which hero should be placed with whom, what skills you should invest in first, etc.
To join the event, you just need to write your tips and/or guide in the comment section below or post it in the Returners forum under the ‘Hero & Team Settings’ category. If it’s a long, detailed guide, then please write it in a separate post in the forum. Out of all people who posted helpful guides, 10 randomly chosen people will get a 5-Star Legendary Gear Choice, and 10 other randomly chosen people will get 3,000 Bluestones! We Look forward to your participation!
[Event: Share Your Own Tips & Guides and Introduce Heroes & Team Comps]
- Event: Share your tips and guides on gear sets, team comps, etc. by either writing in the comment section below or posting in the Returners forum (although separate posts in the Returners forum are preferred).
- Event Period: August 13th, 2018 ~ August 26th, 2018 (24:00 PDT)
- Event Rewards: 5-Star Legendary Gear Choice (10 random participants) & 3,000 Bluestones (10 random participants).
- Winner Selection: 20 people will be randomly chosen out of all event participants.
- The winner announcement will take place on August 30th, 2018 (PDT).
- The rewards will be given out on September 4th, 2018 (PDT).
※ Everything is allowed in this event as long as it includes helpful tips, information, or guides about certain heroes or team comps.
※ Any participant who has been confirmed to have either copied & pasted or reproduced what other players have already written will be left out of winner selection. Respect other people’s efforts!
※ An email will be sent out to winners to confirm their Returners IGN and server to the email address they used when registering on the Inven Global website. Please make sure you have written the right email address by checking your account page.
※ You cannot get double rewards, and if it has been confirmed that you have been cheating during the confirmation process, your winning could be canceled.
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Comments :59
level 2 CWillz
Black Dragon Helm + Boots + Chest w/ Heavenly Sword + Ring is a very good combo for raid Wu Kong gear.
level 1 CAPTLEE
In order to hit 25% in raids, I'd like to give the following tips: reduce phys Def of boss by using heroes like Richard or Wukong, heal or buff your heroes with Dr J or Mozart, have a steady source of DPS like Jumong, and use proper gear. In terms of gear, cd red is key for wukong (loyalty wpn, pirate King hat and boots, and shogun chest and ring for phys Def). For jumong, you will need 400+ phys pierce in order to maximize dmg (ult set). If you use ult set then its recommended you have Cass with as much cd red to trigger jumong's ult (flaming wpn and chest, goddess helm and boots). Happy raiding!
level 2 ThanhTung
The best way helps Hong Gil Dong survive in battle, he needs wear gears that have Reduce CD Skill because he can be targeted when using skill and live longer
level 2 Roxas_jiang
Para conseguir más puntos en RAID.
Explorador:Taejo y jumong, taejo equipa el conjunto Apocalipsis.
jumong equipa conjunto mortal , con la habilidad definitiva ,te va volando.
Guerrero: prefiero wukong, tiene un ataque más rápido que los demás guerreros, lleva espada y anillo filo celestial por lo menos, casco bota ropa puede ser de filo celestial o dragón negro.
Mago: Dr. jekyll , soporte mago . Conjunto monarca conquistador. una partido 2 veces de habilidad definitiva , además habilidad 1 aumentar la tasa de supervivencia
Soporte: Mozart , conjunto diosa brillante , recupera más sangra . Habilidad 2 aumento resistencia física y más rápido entre la bantalla
Tanke: Atena . Habilidad definitiva protege wukong que no recibir el daño. Conjunto puerta mortalServer:Europe
IGN. :RoxasJ
level 5 Azure
For starters, Ultimate Set for rager can be a good investment, it doesnt request soul to upgrade to 6 star and its very good for Jumong. And same for mage(monarch set).
Your first party should be Arthur as tank(can be exchanged with Athena when you get her) Jumong as archer, if you got enought bluestone also take also Taejo (If not remain with William Tell), Alice as mage (Dr J and Tesla are the best but they request bs as well), then a fighter that could be Mushashi(Xiang and Sun for later raid). Tis party is not the best but for start is enought.
level 1 zijing_tee
Hey Guys, There's a guide written by me regrading "resources and time management" in Form, please feel free to check it out from forum.
level 2 Mihok
Guide: Skip Arena Fights/Farm Arena Points
If you fight at the Arena and don't want to watch all the Match long just to another App and go back to the game. Now you will see a pop up Window where you can choose “back“ the fight ends immediately and you can see Victory or Lose. For the next fight you have to wait a cooldown from 1 Minute and than you can do it for the next fight again.
Repeat this to the same enemy which your team can defeat easy and your win streak grows up. Win streak stack up to maximum 100 extra Arena points. If you have time and enough Bluestone, you can buy next 5 Arena Fights for 100 Bluestone, that's the best method to farm Arena Points. So you can buy for a cheaper way lot of condition potions than the Shop.
Have Fun
IGN: mihok
Server: EU
level 7 Suleman_Malik
In order to maximize Tesla's Damage it is recommended to 7 star 3 Benevolent Staff/Chest/Ring to gain significant advantage over your opponent because Tesla will be nuking with his Skills so hard that your opponent will need a lot of 7 star gear to override the damage output from Tesla.IGN: Nimi118Server: Asia -
level 2 TheRealDimz
I will list my league worthy heroes and the gear they have, this will help guide people into building these heroes:1) Hartmann (and easy transfer to Taejo): Full Launcher set - maximizes his damage output2) Cassandra: Full Archangel set - let's her use Unspoken Prophecy often (her ult) silencing enemy heroes3) Mozart: 3pc Goddess (I use weapon/helm/boots but you can use - helm/boots/ring) and 2pc Empress (I use armor and ring but you can use armor and weapon) - this helps a lot with increasing healing and reducing cooldowns. Some people use 5pc Goddess set for Ranged defense4) Tesla: 2pc Absolute Monarch (Weapon and Helm), 2pc Benevolent Queen (Armor and Boots) and Fenemus ring. You can have is ult drop in 7 seconds if you have Cassandra on the team.5) Aladdin (and easy transfer to Dr. Jekyll (although might not be the best for him)): Full Absolute Monarch set - maximizes damage6) Alexander (can be transferred to Athena): 3pc Hell's Gate (for evade and defense - Helm/Armor/Boots) and 2pc Mystical Scarlet (for HP and cooldown - Weapon and Ring) - you want him to dodge and survive as long as possibleRunes are highly unique to each situation and I'm constantly changing them now.Have fun!IGN: DimzServer: America -
level 1 Lordkool
The champion legendary gear set works wonders with Kumiho and Hong Gil Dong. It gives a lot of magic damage and pierce. I usually use kukiho with Dr. J and Athena because they pair well
level 2 Mihok
If League fight is starting and you don't wanna wait until the 5min ends, with a little trick you can see the result and watch the fight directly just have to wait until 1min.
1. Click on your enemy on the "standing" page
2. Click on Enemy Team Info
3. Click on League Shedule Info
- now you can see if he would win or lose vs you
4. Click on Details if you wanna watch the fight.
- to grap the gold/energy reward you still have to wait the 5 min is gone and watch the fight on your Shedule :D
level 1 Almak_Lamak
I have 2 tips concerning gear.
1. Using full sets is not always the best option a lot of times it is better to combine different sets. This can be really crucial in certain areas. As an example when i am completing floor 15 in specter chase i use william tell and switch out one of the ultimate set (helm) and use part of black dragon set instead. This change has 2 benefits. First is that you dont get the ult cd reduction of full ultimate set (u dont want ulti on 15th floor) and second is more phy pierce which is crucial for this stage. There are many other applications of this like trying to maximize cd reduction for either skills or ultimates or maximizing defence against phy/mag.
2. Dont hesitate to use equipment across classes - as an example i use black dragon set on one of my rangers if i decide to use 2 of them together. You can even use some equip for tanks for supports and mages. While equiping the gear to the class it is meant for gives the most benefits te gear can work well even for other classes.
Hope it will be helpful to someone and looking forward to all other great tips.
level 3 Tobias_Reich
1. For beginners use your diamonds for energy and use this energy in the prime time for double exp.
2. Save ur unused legendarys for special events.
level 1 Khuahn
Here's a tips to have more wins in pvp.
1. For team comps, try using 3 or 4 heroes with Magic damage, why? Many players has low heroes with low magic def since they're more focus on Phy def. I preferred Tesla, Rasputina, Dr.Jykell, Cassandra with A taunt tank like Alexander or Arthur
2. For gears, try collecting Gears with Ult decrease, most rings in Loyalty rewards has 3s Ult decrease, One of the Legendary armours has 3.5s decrease, paried it with 3 sets Rare Weap, Helm and boots that will activate 3s Ult decrease. All in all will decrease Ult skill to almost 10s, plus maximizing heroes condition will decrease 5s a total of -15s Ult skill decrease.IGN: Khuahn
Server: Asia
level 1 Anoobis
Mozart: 2/3 empress/goddess set. Empress weapon and chest. Goddess 3pc for skill recovery bonus. This gives Mozart 8 sec skill reduction. Mozart is my most banned hero in league tourney. Definitely my mvp.
level 1 Austin_Perlas
for fast burst of damage during raid set wukong taejo jumong and athena musashi are my choice upon usage of wukong 2nd skill during this time jumong has already casting his ult use hero time on jumong since his ult stacks then us def down card every hit of jumong who. has ultimate set lb 25 will hit dor 25k per hit if chances occurs too musashi wirh sinister blackdragon set would ult for 6 slashes that will damage 25k each crit taejo 1st skill will git around 2 to 3k if he has Anihilation set upon achieving the combo still got time for a couple of hits your score will be around 1.1 to 1.5m and works very good in ifrit raid boss 1 to 4
level 1 Austin_Perlas
in dungeon clearing on new dungeons make sure to have alice and sieg geared up so they can dish out ult works great on bosses who has high hp make sure that sieg atleast has hp recovery since his ult will hit hard he will regn harx to -
level 2 PPeem_713
Maid Victoria serves as a important role for combo wombo her ult cd is 18s. She can pull enemies in range of skills together.
If she wear properly gear such as Shining goddess staff , Holy archangel staff or Asgard of the gods as weapon her ulti cd will decrease 3-3.5 s , next Head , Armor , Boots of Dark knight set : her ulti cd will decrease 3 s or If she using 3 pieces 7 stars of dark knight set , her ulti cd will decrease 4 second and the last one is Accessory from Royal gear : Mystical diamon set ( decrease ulti cd 3 s )
Totally ulti cd reduction = 9-10 second
Now she can pull enemies every 8 second ( not including hero’s condition)
Ps. If her condition is 150% she always use her ultimate skill every 3-5 second!!
IGN : Bamm
Server : Asia
level 5 Caner
Hi Guys,
I want to intoduce myself before i give you some ideas for the newbies..
As you can see on the picture, im 81 lvl in crystal league and gonna be in champion next season with my 66k team power. I have been playing this game 45 days. I have made some mistakes that you dont have to do.
Here is the first advice ;
Keep your bluestones and wait for the events to spend them get legend items. ( Maybe just once you can spend 3k bluestones to get 4star heroes like Taejo. He will help you too much grop up faster. He is very strong for early game and you can defeat your enemys and get rewards faster)
2nd one ;
Best team line up is having every class i think but you have to check every skills and make composition. If you have Musashi ( overpowered damage dealer without any cc) then you have to protect him with Athena's ulti and let him kill opponents.
Other way is if you wanna go aoe dmg dealer team then you have to have hero which is have pull into skill like Maid Victoria and your aoe skills hit only 1 or 2 heroes..
3rd one,
Dont be lazy and do objectives everyday it will help you a lot to get more and more bluestones..
4th one,
Im spend 500 enery everyday only for 2x hero exp advantures and get my heroes lvl up.. because late game i know sometimes i have to change my team comp according to opponents team. Also i need every hero 6 star for specter chase and raids.
This ia most importing thing in the game i think.
Server : Europe
Ign : Elrond
Guild : BloodLegion
level 1 Madkibo_Edwood
When you can choose your first legedaries item, try to choose them who can be used by several characters. For rangers, i Think to ultimate gears by example. With this strategy you will be able go to higher in specter chase and have more rewards every days.
level 1 Trineki
Biggest for me (I'm a new player) is to not forget to get tactics cards when in the proving ground. Also try to always have people ascending when you go to bed/ before work type thing. Id wait before buying too many champs and just focus on the ones that are given and look up some guides to work towards :)
level 1 Eternity
Tip on team comb:
My preferred team comb is Athena, Taejo, Junong, Rasputina and Dr. Jekyll. Because you have two champions who have a push away skill (Taejo, Athena) and they hold the enemies away from your main damage dealer (Jumong). Jumongs ultimate is just perfect to deal a lot of damage in a short time (high dps) so maybe you give him some legendary crit and critdamage equipment. You can compare Kleopatras ultimate to Jumongs, she also deals high damage in a short period of time + she has a stune and a slow option as well. The good thing is she does magic damage and with the potential of her skills she is perfect Allrounder and fighter with max out skills. Dr. Jeykll is a magician, but in this combo he is your support. He heals you and gives you an extra of magic def. He will take care of your team members and will do a decent damage as well.
IGN: Memorable
Server: Europe
level 3 Dildonian
Simply point take advantage of the boomerang event spend your BS on energy and do adventure you will gain tons of gold from items sell them and spending energy and bluestones will net you more points. This will enable to get you more legendaries you want unleashed gear to max it to 25 fast and precious wings to get to 7 star gear fast. This process will skyrocket your cp as well compared to buying from the store which will help you win your leagues and do better in raids which will also skyrocket your cp everyone should spend every last BS they can on energy.
level 1 Danupoom_Pulsub
Just a little tip, don't sell or combine your loyalty ring.
It very useful in any gear combination. -
level 1 Joe_White
The blue tactic card Support group with Cassandra burning time can be very powerfull. Also mixing legendary gear can be better in many scenario, for exemple most support are better with flamming weapon/armor and goddess ser for helm/boots/ring, for cooldown reduction (like mozard and cleo). -
level 2 torppw89
Jumong is great for raid ! ( use full ultimate set )
and monkeyking for -pdef ( use -cooldown mix gear ) / tactic card -pdef
... and first 3 boss for maximum damage done !
Server : Asia
IGN : Exile -
level 1 Whisper89
IGN: Whisper89
Server: Asia
Một số điều cần biết cho mấy bạn mới chơi:
1. Thời gian diễn ra Event của Adventure là vào 7h-9h, 13h-3h và 19h-21h, thời gian được tính là qua ngày mới là 23h (giờ Việt Nam).
2. Bạn có thể hoàn thành nhanh nhiệm vụ đánh Arena bằng cách: Sau khi trận đấu Start, ấn phím home (iphone) ra ngoài màn hình rồi vào lại ấn Back.
3. Trong League, bạn có thể coi thông tin đồ đạc của đối thủ bằng cách: ấn View Details ở các trận đối thủ đã đấu => ấn Record => chọn Hero muốn xem.
4. Trong Specter Chase: ở mỗi tầng, bạn nên sử dụng ít hero nhất có thể ở các vòng đầu, sẽ tiết kiệm được Hero cho các vòng sau.
level 1 drei_vier
Cleopatra is in my opinion a underrated support, she is able to deal good damage, is very tanky for supports and has a insane evade buff, which increases the evade rate of an allie that is currently getting attacked by ~50%.
The gear that I am using are the weapon and armor of the "Immortal flaming empress set", the helmet and boots of the "Shining goddess set", and the accessory depends on the situation. If my enemy is unable to burst her then I use the accessory of the "Immortal flaming empress set", which gives magic attack as basic stat and then I get the 3-pieces bonus of the set, which increases the magic attack further by 23%. If my enemy is able to kill her quickly I use the accessory of the "Holy archangel set" for additional physical def.
The weapon, helmet, armor and boots each give a 2 sec cooldown reduction, which is insanely strong, cleo then spams her 2 abilities, keeps her allies save, deals a lot of damage and gets a lot of hp back.
My prefered runes are:
red: magic attack for damage and attack speed to chain her skills faster.blue: ranged def%, makes every hero too tanky
green: evade rate and hp are both nice to make her even tankier
Thanks for reading :)IGN: Stif
Server: Europe
level 5 PurpleHippo
Hello all,
Hope everyone is having fun saving for the wings to upgrade their gears.
I would like to suggest to the new players, that invest in the stand alone legendary gears aswell.
The stat increment in stand alone gears is very high and some of those pieces inter-weaved with other sets can be very useful.
IGN- PurpleHippo
Server- Europe -
level 2 theada
In league try to avoid using fighters. They are melee and are therefore easy to pick off for stronger teams because they run straight into rangers and mages.
level 1 Julian_Hou
All most all raid use Phy attack, Actually Put Medusa in your Mag team, as her a poison Swamp can reduce the Mag def of boss, will help you get high score in Raid war.
IGN: Rebuilder
Server: Asia
level 1 Ba_5
On pvp you first have to focus down the support hero
level 1 le_ba
n order to maximize Tesla's Damage it is recommended to 7 star 3 Benevolent Staff/Chest/Ring to gain significant advantage over your opponent because Tesla will be nuking with his Skills so hard that your opponent will need a lot of 7 star gear to override the damage output from Tesla.
IGN: Dionysus
Server: Asia -
level 1 MrNiceShoes
15F completion
If you have some decent archer gear, I have annihilation 25.
Throw it on Napoleon and smash 15F to bits.
level 1 Psyclown
For a beginner, focus on your starter heroes & equipment one by one. Equip them with a complete set of 5 star rare equipment. Save your bluestones to purchase a good hero later. Do not focus on league and arena until your hero become 6 star. Make sure you complete at least 13 daily mission everyday, do adventure, raid & explorarion daily. Always update with the page or forum for events & coupon numbers. Keep farming & farming & farming in the dungeon. Gambateh!!
IGN : Psyclown
Server : Asia
level 1 Abredij
Server: Europe
Ign: abredij
My tips are ;
For a beginner, focus on your starter heroes & equipment one by one. Equip them with a complete set of 5 star rare equipment. Save your bluestones to purchase a good hero later. Do not focus on league and arena until your hero become 6 star. Make sure you complete at least 13 daily mission everyday, do adventure, raid & explorarion daily. Always update with the page or forum for events & coupon numbers. Keep farming & farming & farming in the dungeon
Alexander (can be transferred to Athena): 3pc Hell's Gate (for evade and defense - Helm/Armor/Boots) and 2pc Mystical Scarlet (for HP and cooldown - Weapon and Ring) - you want him to dodge and survive as long as possible
level 1 Lu1z
Não vi brasileiros aqui, então a dica que eu dou é não colocar tanque do tipo sigurdo com o taejo concentrado no mesmo oponente, a skill giratória dele vai afastar todo mundo se o taejo estiver mirado no mesmo inimigo a skill dele de afastar vai sair primeiro e o sigurdo não vai conseguir tirar HP dele, não somente ele, mas a skill giratória do sigurdo vai afastar todo mundo e os lutadores não terão como usar suas skills, deixar sigurdo separado é complicado, mas dá pra conciliar.
IGN: TiJolinhoServer: America
Pros BRs de plantão existe uma guilda só pra Brasileiros no jogo, te espero lá. -
level 1 JohnSmith
Know what heroes you are aiming for and what gear do you intend to have for them. This way you don't have to waste energy in the beginning. Your first goal is to get as fast as possible to crystal league or higher in order to have the Rare Relics for upgrading your heroes to 7 stars.
The team I use is Mozart, Dr Jekyll, Athena, Hong Gil-dong and Jumong. I went for one of each since gear is easier to get that way. Use some of your crystals in order to get the 11 Mixed rare Gear, a couple of times. I used 12K crystals on these. It will give you most of the rare gear u'll want a few pieces of legendary. Try to get the rare gear to 6 stars, and then save most of your resources for the legendary and loyalty gear.
Be active in the League, use cards, and try different tactics. Even difference of more than 20%-25% in score can be dealt with.
In Raids and when pushing content beyond my level, my favorite tactic card is Hero Time. One at the beginning on Hong Gil-dong can really turn the course of a fight.
Don't spend crystals on heroes, except for the ones that can only be bought with crystals (Tesla, Dr. Jekyll, etc)
Of course do all your daily missions each day, it takes a surprising little amount of time for pretty good rewards.
And last but not least take into account all the events and save your crystals for them, once you reach crystal or champion league.
level 1 Jackie_Huynh
Best way to farm Boomerang Event points is : use your bluestone to buy energy , then use energy to farm on x3 gold period during the day or you can farm on Enhance Dungeon. If you farm on Enhance Dungeon, you can sell your Enhance materials for gold. Finally, use your gold to upgrade 7* gear which will cost a lot of golds or you can use your gold to improve rune stats. With this method, you will earn points effectively. Enjoy :)
level 1 XXIV
For Hong Gil-dong users, while in tourney/league, build him with high HP and use (Blue) Taunt: Strong Ally tactic card. Your opponents team will focus fire Hong Gil-dong while being immune to damage when he is doing his first skill. -
level 1 Toan_Nguyen
When you plan to buy a skin, save gold, relics and scrolls because leveling a skin requires them (up to level 33)
level 2 Yohanes_Halim
Don't forget to use condition potion before tourney. It improves hero condition so they can use skill faster and have higher odds to win in battle.
Ign: Meis
Server: Asia
level 1 playax
dont update jumong, genghis khan will replace him. He could be good versus the Athena/Mozart/Dr J. meta.
level 11 chash
7star rare gear > 5star legendary gear
If you are f2p, id say its more likely that there are more rare than legendary gears in your inventory.With the 7star gear update, all types of gear are now able to transcend to 7stars.
If you are one of these users, i suggest to transcend your rare gears until you have obtained all the legendaries to activate the sets.
Ign: jodori
Server: Oceania
level 1 Quyen_Ninh
annihilation weapon armor and ring with 2 uniques give the most damage output to a ranger, especially jumong, spec him armor penetration on green runes for even more damage to go against boss raid -
level 3 Tainlin
Raid Tips:Raids are becoming more important than ever with big rewards especially in the top tiers to get wings. My core raid team is Moz, Jumong, Wu, Athena and Taejo. Jumong for DPS, Wu for Phy def reduction, Athena and Moz to keep the team alive.For cards I run steel shield to put on Wu, and Broken Shield to reduce Phy def.I always reset if I don't get the Athena shield on Wu on her first ult. I also try to hit the raid right away at midnight server time to get in damage while he is low level. Hope these help good luck in your next raid.IGN: Jamo
Server: America -
level 4 TheKingAtk
little Red is a Discruptor Mage. She have 3 Mag skill Disrupts the enemy and have the time Cooldown Very short. Best Gear for her is Monarch staff, Armor, Boots , Accessory + Demon king Helmet. When you wear this Gear Skill Cd 5.8s Decrease and Little red can use skill continuity.