There are many diverse heroes in Returners. One of the best parts of the game is exploring the various hero compositions available; unlike in many other similar games, there are many viable late-game team comps in Returners.
Even so, there is one hero that has become a compulsory pick for almost all teams, and that hero is Jumong. He is relatively easy to obtain in the early stage of the game and is used widely throughout both PvE and PvP content, so he is a must pick in almost all situations.

Jumong, do you really need him?
Let’s get straight to the point. Jumong is the most widely-used hero in Returners with his high-quality specs, so you need to obtain him whenever you have an opportunity. The reason is that he has the highest overall DPS out of all the heroes in the game. Instead of CC or healing skills, he possesses a buff to enhance himself, and this allows him to deal the most damage, given that he is not interrupted.
This strength is almost revolutionary compared to other early heroes. The early DPS heroes are Little Red, Dracula, Theseus, Hong Gil-dong, Robyn Hood, William Tell, and Hercules; Kunoichi is given as an Attendance Reward. Most of these heroes except for Hercules are heavily reliant upon skill damage. It is therefore quite difficult for them to achieve their best DPS without CD reduction gear.
Furthermore, even beginners can utilize Jumong without much difficulty. A number of other rangers including Hartmann, William Tell, and Taejo are also considered good heroes, but all of them are heavily reliant upon skills, so they can only show their full potential when equipped with reasonably good gear. However, since Jumong’s damage is based on his auto attacks, he can still deal reliable damage even when he lacks good quality gear.
When it comes to mages, Dr. Jekyll and Nikola Tesla, who are the best mage DPS heroes, are not obtainable until you reach Diamond League. Alice can function as a substitute and can be obtained at Platinum just like Jumong, but she requires 500 Adventure Stars and her DPS is not the best. Hercules, presumably the best fighter in the game, can execute his full potential only with the Black Dragon Set.
In summary, Jumong is recommended for his high damage, lack of high-quality gear requirements, and because he is easier to obtain compared to other high-tier DPS heroes. If you’re having difficulty reaching the Platinum League, purchase Jumong instead of gear. He is worth spending Bluestones on.

He’s the best DPS, but how do you utilize him?
Although Jumong can be used for the mid-tier League, he is generally more suitable for PvE content. The main area where he shines the most is Raid, but he also is a powerhouse in other PvE content like Adventure and Special Dungeon. For PvP, he is fairly viable in the beginning, but his lack of CC skills and CC immunity prevents him from advancing to the high tier League, where CC plays a huge role.
His power comes from his auto attacks, which are extremely powerful when you play content such as Adventure. Therefore, you need to equip him with ATK, Critical Hit, and ATK SPD focused gear. On Hit HP Recovery gear or runes help him survive longer.
Jumong acts as the main DPS in the Raid. When paired with Cassandra and Sun Wukong, his power is significantly increased. Cassandra’s Burning Time reduces the cooldown of Jumong’s skills and significantly increases his firepower.
Sun Wukong helps Jumong deal more damage by decreasing the boss’ PHY DEF with her Nimbus skill. Use the tactic cards Splintered Steel Shield and Hero Time to double Jumong’s damage.
There are many combinations of PvE gear for Jumong, but 3 Annihilation (Helmet, Armor, and Accessory) and 2 Ultimate (Weapon and Boots) gear or the full Ultimate set are commonly used. Although there is a slight difference between the two combinations, it is not that significant, so you can equip him with whatever gear set you get first.

Jumong’s popularity in PvP content is not as high as it is in PvE. He may serve his role well enough in the low tier League since both players’ heroes are not well equipped, but it becomes a different story in the high tier League. The biggest reason is that Jumong is not suitable for the current meta, and his skill set in general is not that great in PvP.
The current meta of the League and Arena involves neutralizing the target with constant CC, eliminating the targets one by one with powerful skills, or annihilating the whole enemy team by gathering them in one spot for some AoE burst. Jumong is not suitable for any of these tactics.
Jumong’s rating is also very low when it comes to CC. His skill set itself is heavily focused on self-buffing and therefore he has no CC skills. While his ultimate gives him a significant boost, it doesn’t provide him with any CC resistance; without any resistance, Jumong’s skills can just be canceled with a simple stun.
His strengths become a disadvantage under these circumstances. Mages can deal a lot of damage with skills even if they are stunned. On the other hand, if Jumong is stunned, his skills won’t make up for that potential damage lost while he was stunned.
Therefore, he requires a couple of conditions to be used in PvP. First, he needs a tank who can taunt such as Arthur or Alexander. This is to prevent the enemy from approaching Jumong and decreasing the chances that he’ll be hit by CC.
Cassandra may provide Jumong with a chance to deal more damage, but that combo is not as efficient as it is in Raid, and you’d also need to equip Cassandra with good gear for her to be viable.

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Comments :1
level 2 Urubu
Well written, you guys doin great job here. I bought him for 1st bluestones i got. He had priority in gear for a very long time too.