The place where the most asked questions are answered by League pro players! Today’s interview will feature Kingzone DragonX Bdd who went 2:0 in the game against MVP.
In the midst of a losing streak, Kingzone DragonX was put into a situation where they had to score a win to defend their seat at the top of the standings. In today's game, Kingzone showed a very Kingzone like safe and controlled game. Therefore, Kingzone finished the day with a 2:0 against MVP.
After today’s win, we met with Kingzone’s mid laner, Bdd. We heard his thoughts on breaking the losing streak and the difficulties he must have faced when the losing streak occurred right after returning from Rift Rivals.
The defending champions start anew! We have prepared a video interview with Bdd. Let’s watch it!
¤ Victorious against MVP 2:0, you have broken your losing streak. How does it feel?
Our team has been performing extremely well in scrims lately. To see our results in scrims transfer directly onto the stage, it makes me even more happy to win.
¤ In what ways did your team attempt to break the losing streak? The team’s atmosphere must not have been that good.
Honestly, whenever a team experiences a losing streak, it is very possible for the team to go through disharmony and feel an overall down in the team’s atmosphere. Despite this, our team had a very good mindset and did not let the streak put us down. I believe this is exactly why we were able to produce such good results today.
¤ When MaHa was the starting top laner for today’s game, what was your team’s reaction?
Because there was a personal implication with the original top laner for MVP, we weren’t necessarily happy or excited. For me personally, I thought that the game would probably be a lot easier.
¤ You picked Orianna after a long time. Were you a bit nervous due to the mistake you made with her ultimate in your last game?
To be honest, I didn’t play Orianna after that day (laughs). Although I did play one game on her when I went back, I couldn’t play her that well. It felt like I had trauma from my stage performance with her... but I did not stop practicing Orianna. I made sure to remove the trauma. I think this is why I played well on her today.
¤ It seems like you are ever so confident whenever you pick and play Zoe.
I played a lot of games with Zoe. Since I gain a lot of confidence to perform well when I learn a champion, I do have a lot of confidence in Zoe.
¤ Many people were concerned about Kingzone’s performance after the series of losses following Rift Rivals. Not only was there a lot of criticism but there also was a lot of ridicule...
I usually keep track of what the community says. But after Rift Rivals, I didn’t once check what the community was saying. It was more comfortable for me that way. All of my teammates are bound to be tired of it as well. We are all trying our best. Because we are all trying our utmost to produce the best results, we will make sure to be a team that will repay our fans for the support they are giving us.
¤ Your next game will be up against Griffin. Since you did lose 2:0 to them in the 1st round, are you confident you can take your revenge?
There is not a team that I don’t have confidence in winning. As long as we play like we do in practice, I have no doubt we can win against them.
¤ Lastly, could you say a few words on your next game?
From what I felt, I feel like I have dropped in performance. Before, there was no one who could go head to head against me. I will try my best to push my performance back up to par and destroy everyone else. Thank you.
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