On the 22nd of July (KST), Gen.G Esports defeated Afreeca Freecs 2:1. Although Gen.G was behind 1:0 after game 1, the team managed to win the remaining games and closed down the series. Gen.G’s top laner CuVee used Swain and Kennen in games 2 and 3. He led the team to victory by delivering concreted performance in teamfights.
The following is the interview with CuVee.

Q. How is to win Afreeca Freecs 2:1?
Every match is so important. Also, It’s a precious win against a strong team. I feel happy.
Q. What do you think was the reason for the defeat in game 1?
We had the advantage in early-game, but we weren’t able to snowball. Things went tough after Ambition made a mistake when he was facechecking. (laughs)
Q. On this match, the team tried to focus on early-game fights. Was this part of the team’s strategy?
We were confident in fights against Afreeca. That’s why we were highly aggressive.
Q. You went against Kiin, who is delivering remarkable performance these days. Was it tough?
Kiin is a good player. However, this time the opponent focused on bottom lane. That’s why the top matchup wasn’t that bad.
Q. Both teams had a lot of AoE skills in game 2, so it must have been tough. Were you confident on winning the game?
I wasn’t certain about teamfights, but I knew we had a shot. I believed that we would gain the advantage if you kept on pushing through.
Q. Your next matchup is against kt Rolster, which will be a tough match. How will you prepare for it?
KT players never make mistakes when they go against us. (laughs) It makes it very difficult for us, but I’ll prepare well since we really need to win that matchup.
Q. The team has the same amount of wins compared to Griffin. What are the chances for the team to win the trophy?
It’s not enough yet. We have to practice more champions and reduce mistakes in order to win the trophy.
Q. Any last remarks?
We are currently in second place, but we can’t count our chickens just yet. The team didn’t perform well in Spring, so this time we’ll try our best till the end.
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