On the 14th, Jin Air Green Wings and MVP defeated Kingzone DragonX and bbq Olivers, respectively.
With their victory, JAG continued on a 2-game winning streak, and MVP put an end to their losing streak.
During game 1 of the first series, JAG consistently secured multiple objectives and had the upper hand against KZ throughout the game. Later into the game, JAG won a big teamfight despite having been lower in number. At 37-minutes into the game, JAG took both the Elder Dragon and Baron Nashor to finish the game.
In game 2, by playing around the midlane, Kingzone tied the series. Khan who played Kennen, Bdd, and Cuzz who was subbed in were the key players of the game.
JAG finalized the series by taking game 3. Although KZ had a great start by taking the first blood, JAG's Grace displayed stellar performance and swept in the kills. JAG slowly took vision over the map and pushed down the enemy botlane tower. Afterward, near the Baron area, Ezreal, Anivia, and Morgana slowly nibbled away at the enemies' health -- before taking a large teamfight victory that decided the winner of the match.

The match between MVP and bbq Olivers also went to a full series. Both sides were close in both games 2 and 3 -- with each team taking full advantage of the other teams' mistakes.
Game 3 was also a close game. Both teams net multiple kills from around the map. However, at 30-minutes into the game, MVP took a large teamfight victory. Yondu's Taliyah pulled in 3 of the enemy champions in and won the fight through superior positioning. After securing the midlane inhibitor, MVP then proceeded to lose a large teamfight. Later into the game, however, in front of the Elder Dragon, MVP was able to take down Talon, Swain, and Rakan to take the series.
2018 LCK Summer Split Day 22 Results
Series 1 - Kingzone DragonX vs. Jin Air Green Wings < 1-2 >
Game 1: KZ (L) vs. JAG (W)
Game 2: KZ (W) vs. JAG (L)
Game 3: KZ (L) vs. JAG (W)
Series 2 - MVP vs. bbq Olivers < 2-1 >
Game 1: MVP (W) vs. bbq (L)
Game 2: MVP (L) vs. bbq (W)
Game 3: MVP (W) vs. bbq (L)
▣ 2018 LCK Summer Split Standings
1. Griffin 8-1 (+11)
2. Kingzone DragonX 7-3 (+7)
3. Hanwha Life Esports 6-3 (+7)
4. Afreeca Freecs 6-3 (+6)
5. Gen.G Esports 6-3 (+4)
6. kt Rolster 5-4 (+4)
7. MVP 4-6 (-6)
8. SKT T1 3-6 (-5)
9. Jin Air Green Wings 2-8 (-11)
10. bbq Olivers 0-10 (-17)
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