Popular streamer and ex-professional CS:GO player Michael "shroud" Grzesiek is arguably the most popular PUBG player currently playing the game. Shroud has notably remained a huge presence on in the PUBG community and was, just three days ago announced as one of the celebrity streamers participating in the PUBG Squad showdown.
But now, it is unclear whether or not he will still participate in the event as.
Shroud was apparently banned for 30 days after a run in with a flagrant hacker during one of his stream sessions. As shroud describes it, after running into the hacker multiple times, he finally decided to "see how long this last" and actually requested the hacker to help him travel quickly in the game through the use of a hack.
Shrouds quote on stream:
"It really goes to show that PUBG, full offense to you guys, don't give a s*** because that guy should have been banned immediately, he ran into me twice -- the first time he ran me over fine that was kind of quick, whatever. Second time, he parked his car and I killed him when he was flying his car into the house. At that point, he should already be banned. Third time, I said F*** it, let's see how long this last. We are riding around together -- he's still not banned"
You can watch the moment unfold here:
When it happened, many PUBG fans were upset to see it happen without any punishment or reprimand. Shroud is such a huge streamer in the PUBG community, it seemed to be expected that PUBG Corp would react quicker then they did.

However, many fans are rallying behind shroud and understand his frustration of dealing with the hacker. After all, it was the third time the hacker purposefully isolated shroud after the popular streamer had already been killed unfairly.
In this Reddit thread, one fan questions why the subReddit moderators have been deleted all threads sharing the clip. From the communities reactions, it seems the brunt of the frustration is falling on Bluehole and their inability to fix a game susceptible to such blatant hacks.
In this clip above, Shroud confirms that his ban was for 30 days. That 30 day period runs into the proposed July 13th start of the PUBG Squad Showdown that Shroud is scheduled to play in.
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Comments :3
level 1 TroutNibbler
Ha ha. Cheater.-