Game 1
KT vs iG
[After game 1 pick & bans]
Deft’s Vel’Koz?
ㄴ Deft’Koz
ㄴ ADC Vel’Koz?
[First Blood from KT Score]

Score… An exceptional jungler...
ㄴ International team jungler!
ㄴ Score is so good.
ㄴ A new Chinese library just opened.
ㄴ S “the great” core
[KT wins bot lane teamfight]
This is KT!!
ㄴKT, a team for international matches. Please Let’s go to the Worlds.
ㄴ A team for international matches that can’t participate in international matches.
ㄴYo, give me some drinks I feel so good!
[KT loses teamfight in jungle]
KT recovering their usual shapes again lol.
ㄴ Rookie. Are you human?
ㄴ Rookie made KT recover their usual shape.
ㄴ World’s best mid laner is for sure Rookie.
ㄴ Rookie. Where did your patriotism go? Now he’s nearly Chinese.
[KT wins game 1]
China did you really think that you'll win?
ㄴ iG patriotism.
ㄴTheShy and Rookie... They're patriots.
ㄴ KT wins 4 games!

Game 2
[RNG gets first blood]
Game over.
ㄴ SKT T1... They just lost already.
ㄴ Blank recovered his usual shape lol.
ㄴSKT will become a better team if they have a different jungler.
ㄴ Game lost on the 3-minute mark??
[RNG destroys top tier 2 turret on the 13-minute mark]

Top open
ㄴ Thal : 15ff
ㄴ This isn't Thal's fault. It's about the team strategy.
ㄴ It's a mid carry strategy, but he's just up 20 CS.
[SKT wins teamfight ]
What's up with Wolf's flash...
ㄴ Darius (3/4/1): Recovered
ㄴ Thal was really good. He didn't even have enough core items.
[RNG wins Baron fight and wins the game ]
Bye bye SKT
ㄴ What a shame.
ㄴ Why are they hesitant? Who called for the Baron?
ㄴ This is the 7th place team of the LCK.
ㄴ They're using their best team against a 7th place team.
The Good news is...
ㄴ that SKT T1 isn't the best team in LCK.
Game 3
EDG vs AFs
[Kiin gets first blood against opponent Jarvan near top]
This is the international team top laner.
ㄴ Kiin is crazy. He didn't even eat his biscuit.
ㄴWhy is it so funny to see Kiin whipping the opponent with that face of his lol.
[Wins teamfight near the dragon pit]
Kuro suiciding. But, Kiin and Aiming caught him in mid-air.
ㄴSo, Khan... How did you win against Kiin??
ㄴ If SKT won, it would have been 3:0
ㄴGive him a reward from the country.
ㄴKiin cleaning up Kuro's poop then wipes him up and puts him in new diapers.
[loses teamfight near mid tier 1 turret]
How did they lose??
ㄴWhat's up with Aiming's positioning?
ㄴHe had his Flash and Stopwatch.
ㄴKiin. The team needs you so bad.
ㄴHe has Flash and Stopwatch. The team focused every resource on him. And.. gets instantly killed.
KT wins every match but can't get the trophy?
ㄴ Score again fails to win a trophy.
ㄴ A 2nd place that won every match.
[iBoy makes a mistake and AFs wins the match]
iBoy. Give me your account. Let me give you some money lol.
ㄴHe definitely loves Korea.
ㄴWins the match with iBoy getting killed.
ㄴBut the next game is KZ. I doubt they'll win.
Game 4
RW vs KZ
[KZ gets first blood]
Why? Becuase we are Kingzone DragonX!
ㄴ Patriot DragonX
ㄴ Let's not go too far.
[RW's succeeds bottom lane dive]
What are you guys doing?
ㄴ KZ. Only for the LCK.
ㄴ Nice timing tho. Mid and support were not back yet.
ㄴ KT is probably fixing their keyboards.
[KZ wins teamfight near the 24-minute mark]
22minute and 38 seconds = the time when SKT's nexus was destroyed
ㄴ Anivia seems like a nice pick tho.
ㄴ This is why they use mid Kled.
ㄴ PraY dashing to a wall. And GorillA dies without using Flash.
[KZ loses teamfight near the 33-minute mark]
KT get ready.
ㄴ Doinb is so good
ㄴ KZ is done.
ㄴ LCK's only 1W 3L team.
ㄴ KZ... You guys might as well swim back to Korea lol.
Game 5
RNG vs AFs
[RNG succeeds early-game top gank ]
Wins every game and can't win the trophy
ㄴ KT!!! Come on!
ㄴVladimir already got 2 kills.
ㄴ Why didn't KT perform??
[AFs kills Vladimir in the 30-minute mark]
Spirit!!!! I knew you'd do it.
ㄴ Anivia gets her first blue buff after 30
ㄴ The commentators are so one-sided to the LCK.
[LPL wins]
Even RNG lost once. But KT won every single match.
ㄴ This is crazy. Probably the first team that won every game but couldn't win the trophy lol.
ㄴ The king of the LCK, Griffin didn't participate.

Why is KZ only good in the LCK?? They suck in international stages.
ㄴDeft should have performed. He's so strong against Chinese teams.
Deft made Uzi cry all day
ㄴ Mata and Deft... They played in the LPL for a long time but why didn't they perform?
What if KZ becomes better after they come back to the LCK?
ㄴ Well, they'll be whipped in Worlds, so doesn't really matter.
ㄴ PraY might do a live stream after 2 or 3 days and cry...
The gap isn't closing, but it's already upside down. It's a two consecutive international event trophy for the LPL.
ㄴKZ is currently not so bad in the LCK, so they'll probably go to the Worlds, which sucks.
China No.1
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