Game 1
KZ vs M17

Well, might as well lose the first game.
ㄴ It’s literally a match against last-place teams for each region right?
ㄴ Those games are the most fun.
Why are Vladimir’s effects black?
ㄴ You're not allowed to show blood in China.

KZ is different! They are doing well.
ㄴ Looks like a bully. KZ becomes so stronger against weaker teams.
ㄴ SKT won that weaker team, feeling like they’re the king of the world?
ㄴ Well, the early-game was competitive.
Penta Kill from Khan!
ㄴLCK’s top laners are only so strong in this Rift Rivals. But, “only” top.

???: “Hey there. You’ve waited too much. This is the comeback of the REAL KING.”
ㄴ They’re just only strong against domestic teams?? SKT fans… Stop.
ㄴ Yo, it’s just a win against an underdog...

Game 2

This is going to be so interesting.
ㄴ SKT vs FW. This is a dream come true.
ㄴ Okay, an easy win for LMS this time.
ㄴ FW, the Korean killers. The victim will be SKT.
ㄴ LMS using their best team against such a weaker team.
ㄴ So, what are the chances for SKT?
ㄴ 10%.
Faker is going to heaven for sure. He’s such a nice, generous person to play in this kind of team.
ㄴDid you see that? Faker is smiling.
ㄴ Well, he’s probably going to heaven after showing a middle finger to his haters lol.
‘A team that has nothing to lose’ vs ‘a team that has so much to lose’ lol.
ㄴ SKT has nothing to lose. If they manage to win, it’s going to be a miracle.
ㄴ Yo, guys. I know that in the bottom of your hearts, you’re still rooting for SKT.
ㄴ SKT fans, please… You’re already trying to make SKT seem like a team that doesn’t have anything to lose.

Aatrox is so OP!
ㄴFaker won the matchup against Maple in the Asian Games right??
ㄴWell, he wants to make Faker retire using Aatrox.

Blank… He is finally doing something for the team!
ㄴ Bang using Varus and his CS is similar compared to Vladimir.
ㄴ Galio seems so vulnerable.
ㄴ SKT is currently a team that can be flamed anytime… What happened...

LMS is having such a hard time against an LCK 7th place team.
ㄴ Yo, please stop.
SKT is the unsung hero. The team lost against KZ and Afreeca… However, they win KT, FW, RNG. They’re so strong against the better teams and they show mercy to the underdogs lol.
ㄴ Wait. KT is a strong team???

???: This is a 7th place team in the LCK??
ㄴ “Yep, that was the only way to win the Rift Rivals.”
Game 3

3:0!!! 3:0!!!
ㄴA real 'strong team' loses on these kinds of games.
ㄴIt's 2:0. This is KT's perfect chance to make everyone laugh.

G-REX might perform really well. You never know since they have nothing to lose.
ㄴ Don’t forget that G-REX has 2 Korean players.
KT is remarkable!
ㄴ It is the “KT time” !!!
ㄴ Yo, this is what I’m talking about. KT doing so good. The pros are now starting to concern about their sponsor’s brand image lol.
Such a beautiful teamfight.
ㄴ I have some good expectations on tomorrow’s match against LPL.
ㄴ Well, expecting a win might not be good for your mental health.

???: Yo, PawN! Wake up! We won!

A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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