[Game 1: RNG vs FW]
Chinese Reactions

▶ Doesn’t today’s match start at four o’clock? Why are they starting so early?
└ Good, good. Let’s watch it early.
└ Stop talking and let’s just watch.

[Uzi picks Kai’Sa]
▶ Good. We won. Uzi Kai’Sa is a must-win pick.
└ World’s best Kai’Sa, Uzi.
└ Isn’t Kai’Sa weak in this meta? How can you be so sure of winning? I do wish RNG wins though.
▶ (RNG gets first blood by killing Gangplank) Captain… That was the most pitiable moment ever.
└ If it were solo queue, he would have gone AFK.
[RNG lost]
▶ It’s 20 mins, but they still haven’t taken down the outer tower in mid lane.
└ It’s alright since they took down the inner tower at bot.
▶ All I’m thinking is that they lost because they picked an ADC.
└ I’m speechless.
└ There’s NOBODY that’s angrier than I am now.
Korean Reactions

[Karsa Plays for RNG]
▶Has the traitor arrived?
Wait, wouldn’t Karsa be considered a traitor to Taiwan?
ㄴImagine Faker going to Japan and then beating us in an international tournament.
Why is this Chinese sister so hot?

[Uzi picks Kai’Sa]
King-ZI picked Kai'Sa...
ㄴUzi hovered over Vayne and then picked Kai'Sa instead.
[RNG Takes the First Blood]
Gangplank is still level 1? Is this even real?
ㄴGangplank is level 1 at 5-minutes into the game. He must be devasted right now.

Why is Vladimir spraying ink everywhere?
ㄴTaiwanese Vladimirs spray oil instead?
ㄴWhy is this so funny?
Why is the screen and sound out of sync?
ㄴDid Riot use an Ekko ult on it?
[RNG lost]
How does FW have 4 dragons at 26-minutes into the game? They're playing so well.
Karsa remembers that he's from Taiwan!
ㄴThat jungler's love for his country...
ㄴKarsa paying back Taiwan for everything.

[Game 2: IG vs M17]
Chinese Reactions

▶ Will Crash have his revenge on the LPL?
※ Crash(Marchi Esports) formerly played for VICH Gaming
▶ (After iG loses the first teamfight) What.. Wah…
└ I’m suddenly scared that LPL might get 2 losses.
└ SKT: Why do I feel like laughing?
└ iG is a freebie to LCK and LMS.
└ I remember they haven’t been in an international stage for half a year.
[Aatrox Dominates in Teamfights]

▶ (Aatrox comes strong in a teamfight) Aatrox is carrying the team alone.
└ TS (TheShy) is really like the father of iG.
(Aatrox has a 1v4 fight)
└ Aatrox fought a 1v4?!
└└ He survived for 5 seconds on a 1v4!! OMG
└ TheShy is awesome. I think I wet my pants.
▶ Aatrox is too strong.
└ That Aatrox would win the game even without a brain.
Korean Reactions

That ADC has arrived.
ㄴIG has one more Korean, let's cheer for them.
[iG Picks Aatrox]
Holy... Kingtrox!
ㄴA Riven main simply picked something similar.
※ TheShy is famous for his Riven.
TheShy is smashing that Darius in lane.
It feels like a Riven with a greatsword.
ㄴThis is TheShy.
[Crash Ganks Top and Secures a Kill onto Aatrox]
King-rash lmao.
ㄴThose who have big heads must die!
ㄴIs that the same Crash that I know? He's so good.
IG is China's Kingzone.
ㄴRookie is freaking hilarious.
[Aatrox Dominates in Teamfights]
TheShy with that one-man carry lol.
ㄴTheShy is definitely a star player.
ㄴAatrox is so broken.
ㄴI think he's the best toplaner in the world.
On my way to play Aatrox.
ㄴTheShy is playing Aatrox like a Riven main should.
ㄴThose who said Aatrox sucks simply suck at this game.
ㄴI feel like players with a bad personality play really well in the toplane.
ㄴFaker is going to start playing Aatrox in the midlane!
???: What? TheShy is playing well?

ㄴThen there's a chance that I can also play on stage?
[Game 3: AFs vs EDG]

Chinese Reactions

▶ Afreeca Freecs comp is really good to initiate.
ㄴ I’m a bit worried about Blitzcrank.
▶ (Scout gets solo kill) A good move from Scout.
└ 6666666 (※ 666666 means very good, thumbs up.)
└ Scout proved who’s really the no.1 mid laner.
└ Was Kuro always that bad?
└ Scout is good in the laning but gets weird from mid game.
[Ray is being overwhelmed by Kiin]

▶ Why is Ray 20 behind in CS?
└ I don’t even remember how long it’s been since Ray was ahead in CS.
└ Kiin is really good.
└ The CS difference isn’t closing at all...
▶ EDG is playing like last year’s RNG, and RNG is playing like last year’s EDG.
▶ (EDG big win in team-fight) GGGGGGGGGGGGG
└ nice
└ We got it!
└ We’re winning?
└ iBoy, I’m sorry I disregarded you.
[EDG wins]
▶ Scout is really good.
└ Actually, AFs mid laner isn’t any good.
▶ RNG, are you watching and learning?
└ 2 wins for China.
└ When’s RW’s match?
└ Ray stirred up the game, but he still won.
└ LCK has fallen so much.
Korean Reactions

[AFs Takes Toplane Gragas and Support Blitzcrank]

TusiN-Crank lmao.
ㄴLook at the composition. They are going to freeze them and then pull them!
ㄴMadlife, are you seeing this? This is the country of Blitzcrank, Korea!
Isn't Gragas 2017 Marin's best champion?
ㄴAfreeca's picks and bans look really bad right now.
[Scout Lands a Solo Kill]
Kuro is getting a beat down.
ㄴEvery lane is losing actually.
ㄴLCK is a challenger league LOL.
ㄴEven when Blitzcrank lands a hook, we're getting the beatdown lmao.
[Kiin Makes an Exceptional Play During a Teamfight]
The Asian Games representative, Kiin! Amazing...
ㄴThe stadium has become silent...
ㄴThe Korean "Class."
ㄴTaeguk Warrior Class.
ㄴKorea just pumps out the best toplaners.
[AFs Loses the Match]
LCK is a 2nd tier league.
ㄴKimchi League is on its way to doom.
ㄴThe gap between the midlaners and ADCs is huge.
ㄴChina No.1 China No.1 China No.1 China No.1
Scout is f***ing insane.
ㄴNo doubt that he used to be an SKT midlaner.
???: "It's only natural that Scout is a good player."

ㄴThe backup midlaners of SKT were always good players.
[Game 4: KT vs MAD]

Chinese Reactions

▶ Wow, so boring… 2 kills in 20 minutes…
└ It seems like they won’t fight until 45 minutes.
└ Honestly, I thought RW wouldn’t be able to beat KT, but now I think they have a 55% chance to win.
└ MAD sucks.
▶ LMS, did you book your flights yet?
└ It’s hilarious seeing Ezreal with that Iceborn Gauntlet.
└ I thought I was watching SKT vs Griffin.
└ LCK has 1 win now?
Korean Reactions

The only team that we can believe in is now KT Rolster.
Score doesn't have Smite. What in the world?
ㄴThe godly jungler that doesn't have Smite. LOL this is so funny.
ㄴWow! And just like that everybody, they took away Score's only weakness!
ㄴThe team must have zero faith in Score's ability to Smite LOL.
ㄴScore is at the point where he even got his summoner spell stolen away...
[KT Rolster Secures Both Baron and Dragon]
The Smiteless Smite king.
ㄴUcal taking Smite was the winning factor!
ㄴIn a way, KT is now a team with no weaknesses, lmao.
ㄴKT found their best strategy.
ㄴIf it was Score with Smite, I bet KT wouldn't even have attempted Baron there.
[Game 5: SKT vs M17]
Chinese Reactions

[Faker appears]
▶ Although this guy is now a meme, he’s still him. His legends will be eternal.
└ Emperor Faker forever.
└ That sound saying jia-you. It’s from those Faker fans, right?
▶ I know SKT isn’t any good now, but they’ll be able to get M17.
└ Why aren’t they picking Irelia?
※ Irelia is a highly preferred pick in China.

▶ I think SKT has a better comp than Machi.
└ SKT has an ADC, so their late game is better than M17.
▶ (the Favorable situation for SKT) Frankly, I’m not sure that iG will beat SKT tomorrow.
└ SKT might have found their senses back when they were the world’s best.
└ I think iG will win in 25 minutes.

[SKT Wins]
▶ SKT players faces look like as if they won Worlds.
└ SKT is the third team from the back in the LCK and iG is aiming for the championship this season. It’s no competition.
└ Emperor Faker gets the MVP.
└ This guy, 6666666.
└ Faker said hello in Chinese! Wow!
└ Faker should retire now.
└ Faker still seems so nice.
Korean Reactions

[Faker Dies to First Blood]
This is definitely our Faker.
ㄴXi Jinping! Give us back our Faker!
I think we'll lose Worlds this year for sure.
ㄴCome on... losing to an LMS team that had lost all of their games? This is a bit too much, isn't it?
[SKT Wins a Large Teamfight in the Midlane]
SKT's Grand Revival!
ㄴGod-King Thal! Scream his name!
ㄴYeah, losing to an 8th place team is a bit too much!
ㄴThis is the LPL killer, LCK.
Does this team just suddenly become better when they get on a plane?
ㄴAt this point, their underperformance in the LCK was staged.
ㄴI'm so full of joy that SKT is winning.
ㄴIs it that impressive to you that SKT is winning against an 8th place LMS team?
Taiwan is just all about that Flash Wolves.
Afreeca Freecs is LCK's unwanted child.
ㄴLet's do an attendance check on all the Faker Fanboys!
Let's look back at the legendary Faker play.

[Game 6: KT vs RW]
Chinese Reactions

▶ Dying standing up is better than kneeling and living. Show the dignity of LPL!
└ Let them know the time has come!
└ This match will show if RW is worthy of international competitions.
▶ RW’s comp isn’t that good.
└ Jarvan is really good against Rumble.
└ That CS difference between the two is natural.
└ So there’s nothing to say about top lane, and the bot lane is trailing. What use is it winning mid lane with Talon?

[Doinb's talon]
▶ KT's ganking mid continuously because Doinb is using the Samsung White skin.
└ Doinb is so funny. Did he pick Talon so that he can run away like that?
▶ Why did they pick Talon?
└ That Talon f***
└ He was good in laning but didn’t do anything else.
└ Did he even use Cleanse?
└ The mid difference is so big.

▶ That KT beats the LPL no.1 team.
└ It’s because they picked Talon.
└ They lost to the picks & bans.
└ Isn't RW more trash than KT?
Korean Reactions

[Doinb's talon]
Did RW really just pick Talon against KT?
ㄴDoinB you cocky guy! How dare you pick SSG White Talon against KT!
ㄴSSG White Talon lmao.
DoinB seems like he was overrated?
ㄴUcal is making some exceptional trades.
ㄴDoinB is taunting him LOL.
ㄴWatching DoinB die made me feel SOOOO good.
Talon's ultimate goes on cooldown whenever it becomes available again.
ㄴIs Talon's ultimate my bank account? lmao.
ㄴI don't think the children here will understand what you're saying, lmao.
LPL's 1st vs. LCK's 5th.
ㄴKT just bought 5 Ninja Tabis lol.
[KT Makes a Mistake in the Botlane]
That time has come.
ㄴThe 'KT Time' has begun!
ㄴMouse just got 4 kills.
ㄴOkay, KT threw, so let's win now.
[KT won]
KT gave us a big laugh and still won. This is the true KT.
ㄴKT will win worlds!♥♥♥♥♥
Ucal's engages were really insane.
The 5th place LCK team can handle LPL Group B's 1st place team.
ㄴThis is the LCK!
ㄴDoinB is doing our country a favor.
???: "Whose carry is it?"

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