The third week of the NA LCS is to an end. After staying at the bottom of the league last split, FlyQuest has achieved 3 wins and 3 losses and is now poised to make it to the top of the ladder.
FlyQuest's gameplay has improved noticeably. You can feel that the team's synergy has gotten better, and each player's performances have also improved. In particular, Santorin showed an amazing performance against CLG.
After FlyQuest defeated CLG, we met with Flame who has a pivotal role within his team. When picking the biggest changes to his team, Flame selected English. Removing multiple languages from a team's communication standpoint, Flame had started strictly speaking English only. Flame explained that the overall team atmosphere has gotten better.

¤ You have finished week 3 of the games. Compared to last split, you seem to be performing better.
I try not to think about last split. I was actually injured before Summer Split. First time whilst being a pro player, I was unable to play during the off-season. It was difficult to raise my performance back to where it was before. Now, I am able to keep up to speed due to the numerous hours I put in. Before, I couldn’t get a grasp on what was going on.
If my ability was up to par, we could have played around me and scored 1 or 2 wins. It is just unfortunate.
¤ How did you injure your leg?
I missed a step when I was hanging with my friends. It took over a month for my leg to fully heal.
¤ How is the team’s atmosphere? It seems it has gotten a lot better compared to last split?
Due to my teammates having good personalities, the atmosphere is always good. If I was to pinpoint what changed, it would have to be that we are more serious. Everyone wants to win. Although the overall atmosphere has become calmer, I believe it is for the positive of the team.
¤ Who drives the atmosphere?
Although we all talk a lot, I tend to talk the most during the draft phase and in game.
¤ If you were to pinpoint one big change to the team compared to last split, what would it be?
We participate in feedback more actively compared to last split. There has also been a change regarding language. Last split, we weren’t using strictly English. Starting from this split, everyone is trying to talk in English.
Because the team is taking feedback well and participating in feedback, the results have improved. The fact that there are more veterans now is also a huge plus.

¤ Last split, were there instances when you wouldn’t use English?
Same with RapidStar, there are a lot of Koreans players and coaches having a translator speak English for them instead of actually speaking English. This isn’t necessarily that good. Despite still having Koreans on our team, I rarely use Korean.
I am actively trying to learn English, and I naturally don’t speak Korean now. When I do speak Korean, the atmosphere isn’t necessarily that good. English speaking players tend to not be so positive about it because they can’t understand what we are saying. There are instances of misunderstanding.
¤ In today’s game, Santorin played extremely well. It seems not only Santorin but also the whole team is performing well.
We are all slowly getting better. Instead of being satisfied with our wins, we are currently trying to find areas we can improve on. I know we still have a lot to improve. In addition, the new support and jungle have a lot of talent. Since we are all training hard, in all aspects, it is going positive.
¤ How far do you think FlyQuest can go?
As of right now, it is hard to say. Regardless, my goal is to qualify for Worlds. I really want to go.
¤ In order to go to Worlds, what do you think FlyQuest needs to focus on the most?
Overall, I believe we all need to improve our individual performance ceiling. Because it is a BO1 format, we should take the wins and try to improve along the way.

¤ Wildturtle is one of the veterans of NA. What role is he providing for the team?
First of, Wildturtle’s personality is great. Because of this, he gives good feedback and takes feedback well. Since his personality is amazing, Wildturtle has the role of bringing other team members closer together.
¤ Last year, you were one of the best top laners in NA. However, it seems that the team’s performance this split has lowered your spectrum of attention. Does it bother you?
To be honest, it does bother me. But instead of standing out, I try to play well with the team. Even if the team’s performance is bad, representatives around me seem to look at me differently since I am giving it my all. When picking top 5 or 6 players in the League, they would pick me from time to time. Seeing that, it made me very thankful.
¤ Let’s talk about the meta. Aatrox seems to be a very popular pick in the top lane.
In the current meta, Aatrox is a good champion. As long as the top laner plays well on Aatrox, I believe it becomes a lot easier for everyone else. Because of this, I prepared both picking Aatrox and countering him prior to the game.
¤ Is there a counter pick to Aatrox?
Rather than a specific counter pick, it really depends on mid-jungle. It is the scariest when the enemy mid-jungle has the initiative to dive you. I died this way in today’s game. The enemy mid laner roamed first, and my mid laner didn’t ping mia (laughs). Regardless, we got the upper hand in kill exchange. Thank god.
¤ Aatrox got reworked. Have you tried him out yet?
I have never played the rework yet, but I have versed one. It was pretty difficult to lane against him because I didn’t know his skills (laughs). Listening to what all the pros are saying, his review is pretty bad. One thing is for certain, Since he got reworked, we won’t see him anymore. I got 2 free wins with Aatrox. It is quite unfortunate.

¤ If Aatrox disappears, what pick do you think will take his place?
Although it is too early to say, I believe it will be Mundo. I would assume people will either pick him or try to counter pick him.
¤ During Rift Rivals, do you plan on resting?
I need to practice. This is our chance. If you look at the teams last year that went to Rift Rivals or MSI, they all seemed to be lost. I’m just waiting for them to be just that. On stage, the condition is the most important.
¤ Excluding yourself, what are some of the top laners you think are extremely talented?
I think around 4 of the players I have in mind are similar. Top laners in the best teams often tend to do well. These players also frequently receive a lot of help from other lanes while also having prowess as well.
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