On the 1st of July (KST), in the second match of 2018 LCK Summer Split Day 18 between kt Rolster (KT) and MVP, KT defeated MVP 2-0 and collected their 5th win.
In Game 1, KT took an early lead and snowballed slowly to the end. The next game was very close. The two teams gave and took a total of 44 kills in a 57 minute game. KT was able to seal their victory after a teamfight near Elder dragon.
After the match, Score, Ucal and Smeb were interviewed by SPOTV.

Q. Congratulations on the win. How do you feel?
Score: Game 2 was really hard, so I’m tired. Still, I’m happy that we won.
Ucal: Game 2 could have ended quickly, but it went on for too long. I really want to go to the bathroom now. (Laughs)
Q. Game 1 went on very smoothly.
Score: In the early-mid game, the game went on as we wanted. We took the game without many variables happening.
Ucal: I think our teamwork was good today. Deft usually doesn’t use his TP at a low level, but he did today.
Score: Actually, he didn’t need to come but he did anyway. I think he wanted the kill.
Ucal: It was with the red buff. It should have been given to the mid laner. (Laughs)
Q. You had a triple kill in Game 2. How was Kindred?
Score: The early game was hard, and it went on different from what we planned.
Q. What did you think after Elder was stolen?
Ucal: I was sure that we’ll win so I didn’t worry too much.
Q. It was the longest match of this season.
Score: I thought the game went on for long, and it was really tiring. I feel good because we were able to maintain our concentration and end the game as the winner.
Q. Yesterday was Smeb’s birthday. How was it?
Smeb: Since we had a match today, I practiced hard. It wasn’t such a satisfying birthday, but I was happy because many people wished me a happy birthday and gave me a lot of presents.
Q. Many teams are taking part in the Rift Rivals. Any comments regarding Rift Rivals?
Score: We don't usually lose to foreign teams, so I’m confident. I think SKT, Kingzone and Afreeca can also prove that LCK is strong.
Ucal: There are several mid laners that I like in the LPL so I’m very eager to play against them.
Smeb: We’ll do our best to deliver good performance as LCK representatives.
※ Image captured from LCK Korea Twitch Channel.
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