On the 30th of June (KST), SKT T1 played against bbq Olivers. Being near the bottom of the standings, both teams needed the win, but Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok’s performance with Irelia and Poppy gave SKT the 2-0 win.
After the match, we had a chance to interview Faker. We heard about his thoughts on mid lane Poppy, the Asian Games and Rift Rivals.

Q. You got your 3rd win of the split. How do you feel?
I thought that we needed to win today’s match no matter what. It was important to go up with today’s win since we lost to Kingzone.
Q. You played Irelia and was voted MVP in Game 1. Did you think that you’ll get MVP? Effort was quite good too.
I think I wasn’t that good in Game 1, so I didn’t expect it. But since I got it, I feel good. (Laughs)
Q. With Pyke in the comp now, the supporter takes many kills. How do you think of Pyke taking up all the kills?
Actually, it’s uncomfortable when I see the supporter have many kills on the match stats page. If Pyke takes the kills, the kill should be given to a teammate. (Laughs)
Q. You played mid lane Poppy today. How was it?
I didn’t practice Poppy that much so I was a bit worried. Still, it’s a relief that we won.
Q. Do you think playing top lane champions like Aatrox or Jax helped?
Yes. I played many different champions from before, so I think I can play any other lane champions pretty well.
Q. You’re playing many different champions at mid lane. What would you recommend to play in solo queue?
As everybody knows, melee AD champions are played a lot at mid lane. If there’s a champion that suits you well, you should just play that champ.
Q. Which game were you satisfied with in the Asian Games?
I think it was the game against China. (Q. You mean the one you played Yasuo?) Yes.

Q. (from aiueokaki) What do you think is missing at the current team when looking at Worlds ??
Everything. There are many things that we lack. I think we need to fix nearly everything.
Q. Any last comments regarding the Rift Rivals?
I’ll do my best to win at the Rift Rivals to get Korea the championship. Thank you.
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