Exploration is where you can send idle heroes (heroes that are not part of Adventure or League team) out to defeat monsters and receive rewards. Unlike in Adventure, you cannot interfere with the battle, and the results can be checked out only after a certain amount of time has passed. You can loot certain items along with hero EXP if the Exploration is successful.
Prior to sending out your heroes to explore, you can see the list of monsters available for you to defeat during the Exploration. Tap on Exploration and on the left side, you will see the monster portrait, the name of the monster, the time left until the exploration for that monster ends, the time it takes to defeat it, and the rewards.
After choosing the monster you would like to defeat, tap on the portrait to see more details on the monster. It will show the monster’s CP as well as its weakness, which will be shown in hero classes; sending out heroes with the same hero class as shown will increase the chance of the Exploration being successful. Also, it will show how many heroes you can send out to defeat it.
Tap on ‘Hero Placement’ to see the heroes you have, and it will show heroes that are not part of any Exploration, League, or Adventure Team. Tap on the heroes you would like to participate in the Exploration, which will show the success rate depending on the hero classes and CP. Tap on 'Auto Placement' to automatically choose heroes.
After choosing the hero, tap on 'Preparation' to move on to the next part. You can get help from players on your friend list to reduce the time it takes to defeat the monster. The number of times you can get help is limited, thus the amount of time you can reduce is limited as well. After you are done asking for help, tap on ‘Exploration’ to start.
Once the time needed to complete the Exploration ends, it will show up on the 'Completed' tab. Regardless of they ended in success or failure, all the completed Explorations will be marked as 'Complete', and you can receive rewards by tapping on 'View Results'. Please note that the heroes you sent out for Exploration cannot be used in other Exploration, Adventure, or League Teams until their Exploration ends. Also, you won’t be able to change its status or equipment until then.

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