Vicky Lau is an international cosplayer based in Canada. Traveling the world to attend gaming, anime and culture events, her cosplays embody the feel and emotions of each character she loves. A combination of razor-sharp crafting skills and collaborations with skilled photographers results in images that bring the most popular IP's to life!
What first drew you to cosplay?
When I first immigrated to Canada from Hong Kong, the locals all celebrated Halloween and explained to me they dressed up as characters they liked. And of course, because I grew up with anime and video games, I dressed up as my favorite video game characters for Halloween!
And that's how I started cosplaying!
What is the most satisfying thing about Cosplay?
Being able to create your favorite fictional character and bring them to life is a very satisfying and rewarding feeling. It's a lot of fun trying to figure out how to make something from scratch when a lot of the character designs defy gravity!
But I enjoy the challenge and, when you figure it out, the feeling of accomplishment is fulfilling!

Who are some cosplayers you look up to?
Some cosplayers I look up to are Jessica Nigri, Stella Chuu and Aza Miyuko! They are all very talented cosplayers and have amazing cosplay skills! Every time they create a new character, it's very fascinating to see how they transform into someone different.
What type of characters do you love to cosplay?
I love cosplaying characters that speak to me --characters that I feel I have a connection with! Usually, when I watch an anime or video game, the characters grow on me and those are the characters I want to cosplay as.
What would you do if you had a weekend entirely free of work or obligations?
If I had an entire weekend off, I like to sleep in, relax at home, eat LOTS of food, and play video games while chatting with my friends on discord. Then at night, I like to wind down by binge-watching some anime or reading manga in bed.
What cosplay achievements are you most proud of?
The recent achievement that I was most proud of was making the wings for Star Guardian Soraka cosplay! It was complicated because I had to make the wings detachable so I can fit it in a luggage to travel to out of country conventions.

What is the current cosplay project you are working on?
I'm working on creating a Nier Automata music video! I am collaborating with a friend that made his own arrangement of "Weight of the World" duet in English (sang by myself as 2b) and Japanese (sang by 9s cosplayer). I'm very excited about this as I love recreating moments in games or animes that portrays the feelings of the characters!

For example, a previous project doing a photoshoot of Yuna in Hawaii's beach during sunset to re-create the FFX spirit sending scene. Or driving 4 hours out to the mountains to shoot FFVII Tifa by a factory that looks like Midgar!

What would be your ideal travel destination?
I want to visit all the Disneylands in the world! So far I've only been to USA California Disneyland, Japan Disneyland, and Hong Kong Disneyland. This would be my dream to visit all of them!
What do you do for fun besides cosplay?
I love to contribute to the anime and gaming community! I do a lot of volunteer work for anime and video gaming conventions and events. As a passionate fan, I want to help my community grow so I dedicate my time to running anime and video gaming events!
What type of advice do you have for people looking to start cosplaying for the first time?
Pick a character you love or can relate to! It's always fun to be able to bring a character you admire to life. Cosplaying is always fun with friends too! So if you can, you should get a few friends to join you.

Where can people see more of your cosplay?
Facebook: https://www.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/
Patreon: https://twitter.com/
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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