On the 21st of June, KT Rolster defeated bbq Olivers with a score of 2-0.
On the 2nd series of the 9th day of the '2018 LCK Summer Split Round 1', KT Rolster secured their 2nd win of the Split. In game 1, Smeb heavily contributed to his team's victory with Aatrox, despite having to had lane against Mundo, a currently top-tier toplane champion. In game 2, Mata pulled out his class signature pick, Thresh, to lead his team to victory.
After the series, the two MVP titlists of the series, Smeb and Mata, were invited for an interview with the OGN casters.

Smeb, this is your first interview of the Summer! Please introduce yourselves.
Smeb: I should've met you guys sooner through an MVP interview... I'm sorry that I was late. (Laughs)
Mata: Hello, I'm the support player of KT Rolster, Mata.
The series was hard-fought. You two look exhausted as a result.
Smeb: We had an early game composition -- we should've ended the game sooner. The game became increasingly difficult with time.
A lot of fans are worried about KT's performance this split.
Smeb: We're lacking in a lot of ways. We'll use this victory as a boost to return to form.
We heard that Mata is in a bad physical condition right now. Are you okay?
Mata: Not really... but I'm okay enough to play games.
A lot of fans have said that Deft could probably perform better on traditional ADC picks.
Mata: Although I personally prefer Deft on ADC champions, due to the state of the meta, we're picking a wide variety of champions.
I heard that you don't use your Thresh skin in games because you found it to be bad luck. However, you picked it today.
Mata: I had lost a lot of confidence recently. I saw TusiN performing well with the skin on, so I decided to try myself.
Mundo is currently seen as a "disgusting," undying champion in the toplane. You played against it as Aatrox.
Smeb: I personally think Aatrox has the advantage. He's good for diverting the enemy's aggression.
When did you get the feeling that you'd carry the game?
Smeb: I didn't pay too much attention to Mundo's growth, because as soon as I scaled enough, I knew that we'd win the teamfights.
You built Trinity Force in place of Guinsoo's, and you also picked Minion Dematerializer. Why?
Smeb: Guinsoo provides a lot of damage, but it lacks utility. With the utility provided by Trinity Force, I knew that I could confidently fight in teamfights. Also, I picked Minion Dematerializer to take advantage of Mundo's vulnerability to tower dives.
In regard to Mata's Thresh, I feel like the traditional ADC champions and supports are making a comeback in the competitive scene.
Mata: In the early parts of this split, many teams probably had a hard time looking for what to play. For us, we experimented with many different picks. Initially, we were going to go with the traditional ADC picks ourselves -- just like how the fans wanted it -- but because other picks look so good at the moment, we talked with our coaching staff and decided to continue to experiment.
Was there a fight of pride between Score and Rush?
Smeb: Not really. Rush is learning a lot of things from Score.
During the teamfight near the inhibitor, Rush came flying out of nowhere. What kind of shotcall was made at that time?
Smeb: I think he came flying to try and save me... Rush does a lot of weird things sometimes...
KT still has a long way to go. Please give a word of comfort to your fans.
Smeb: Our players have lost a lot of confidence due to our bad start. I'm hoping that this victory recovers some of that lost confidence. I'd like to ask the fans to cheer us on and give us strength. We'll show a much better performance in return.
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