Series 1: Pre-Match

Can they please give Garen Playful/Trickster?
ㄴLmao, imagine Garen jumping around on his sword.
ㄴYou guys are back... I guess LCK is about to start.
They'll give us chicken again at the stadium, right?
ㄴYou're a really objective person, aren't you?
I want to suck on Kuro's chin.
KZ vs. AFs: Game 1

Afreeca's Picks&Bans feel bad... Will they give away Kai'Sa two times in a row and lose? Just like the last time?
ㄴAfreeca might be the same as before in Picks&Bans, but PraY is definitely not his usual self.
Whew, team compositions are back to normal!
ㄴWhat's even "normal" nowadays?
I'm guessing Bdd was underrated because of his team's performance at MSI?
ㄴDid Zoe really one-shot Camille without a single completed core-item?
ㄴWoah, Faker's Zoe is truly impressive.
I really think Bdd is the best midlaner at the moment. His impact in a game is unbelievable.
ㄴAbout that... I'm pretty sure it's Fly.
ㄴIt's too early to put Fly above Bdd.
Super competitive. I think right now, from strongest to weakest, it goes: GEN > KZ > Every other team > SKT.
ㄴI don't think Griffin deserves being put in the "Every other team."
ㄴGEN > KZ > AFs > KT > GRF > Every other team > SKT
ㄴGRF will be going against the top teams next week, so we'll see.
Kuro, playing against the best midlaner.
ㄴ B...d...d... you pass...
Game 2

???: Hey, Mowgli is playing!
ㄴHuehue, the remaining dishes are yours, Aiming!

I feel like the pauses are more frequent when Kingzone is playing.
ㄴPause Tactics: Frequently pause the game to upset your opponent, mentally exhausting them.
ㄴUnstable client and environment. What an indie company Riot is...
ㄴSo many damn pauses... Let's just decide the winner with a good old-fashioned, fifty-fifty rock, paper, scissors.
ㄴYou guys are currently watching a sport that'll be demonstrated in the Asian Games!
Once again, a Zoe carry. Zoe is such a bitxx to deal with.
ㄴHer 'E' range is way too long.
ㄴBdd got a nickname in NA. People are calling him BADD right now LOL.
Game 3

I don't have a good feeling about Peanut's Nidalee...
ㄴWhen and how did Peanut become a source of a "bad feeling?"....
▲Peanut: "Yes! Finally, Nidalee!"
Afreeca Freecs always lose to Kingzone during picks&bans.
ㄴThey're thinking way too much.
ㄴShen is picked as a trap.
ㄴWhy is that garbage champion consistently getting picked?
Hey, GorillA! Taliyah can weave a wall when you press R!
ㄴWait, don't weave it like that!
ㄴI didn't expect such a fun game to come out of this meta.
ㄴOh, he just pressed R.
ㄴHe did pretty well despite having pressed it for the first time in his life.

How disappointing. It was one of the most boring games I've ever seen.
ㄴI ate all of the chicken that I ordered during the pause...
Series 2: Pre-Match

Gen.G is just Gen.G, but Griffin is really popping off.
ㄴHLE, too. They're really not messing around this split.
KT is ahead of SKT! Shout in joy KT fans!
ㄴAre you insane?
ㄴBe happy while you can, KT fans.
ㄴHaha... I think KT will stay ahead of them for the whole split.
KT vs. bbq: Game 1

I guess today will be this Summer's very first '2 days and 1 night' broadcast.
ㄴI'm glad that we have the chickens playing in series 2. It'll be fast.
KT needs to make a comeback in order for LCK to be fun and interesting. I'm worried.
ㄴI thought people found KT interesting because they "lose" in a fun way.
ㄴAll of you guys were making fun of them, but in truth were rooting for them... how touchy.
Alpaca just picked Swain? That's really odd.
ㄴPlease give Alpaca a cuter champion to play!
ㄴADC champions have become okay for picking now. Why give anything else other than an ADC to Deft, a naturally born ADC player?

The team became so dull without our Lord and savior Pawn.
ㄴYou said you'll be back in 3 days! That you'll save us all!
ㄴNow that Score is also not playing, I lost interest in them.
ㄴIgNar continues to cry.
ㄴ???: "Hey, Ghost, I don't workout for nothing"

KT... how fitting for an SKT rival. They're just as bad.
ㄴMaybe they grew fond of each other because they are considered "rivals".
ㄴ"I couldn't just stand still while watching you hit rock bottom."
ㄴBut KT is winning right now...? Why are you guys criticising them?
ㄴIt's their fate to be criticised.
Game 2

ㄴWatching Mordekaiser is the most boring thing about this meta, right? KT is becoming a boring team.
Four stopwatches during that teamfight.
ㄴStopwatch is so disgusting.
ㄴNow that you mention it, the nerf to stopwatch seems like it was yesterday...

ㄴRush did well.
ㄴA smite war between EU Trick and NA Rush... Rush wins!
Despite having own, it feels like they lost.
ㄴToday's matches were so boring.
ㄴThere are no winners today. Despite having won 2-0, KT is criticized.

A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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