On June 19th (KST), Afreeca Freecs (AFs) defeated bbq Olivers (BBQ) 2:0 on the 2018 LCK Summer split day 7 match 2.
In game 2, BBQ went with the ‘Master Yi - Taric’ duo. They also used ‘Lulu - Morgana ‘ for Bottom lane to focus their resources on Master Yi. However, AFs seemed to know exactly what to do against the ‘Master Yi - Taric’ comp. They countered by picking Mid Lissandra, Jungle Graves and Support Alistar; this made them so strong in lane push and by using Lissandra/Alistar’s CC skills, AFs was able to stop Master Yi from doing anything in fights. Also, Kiin showed some exceptional performance on his Jax and dominated the ‘vs. Camille’ matchup by solo-killing her in lane phase. The game was clearly one-sided. On the 16 minute mark, BBQ was already behind 10,000 gold. The gap eventually widened to more than 20,000 gold and AFs managed to secure an easy victory.
After the match, AFs Kuro and Kiin were interviewed by SPOTV GAMES.

Q. You’ve already picked so many different champions already. How did you prepare all those picks?
Kuro: I try to use a lot of champions in practice. When talking about official matches, things just simply worked out, so that’s why I used a variety of champs.
Q. Irelia’s win rate is not that high. What are your thoughts on this champ?
Kuro: Irelia has been a meta pick, so I think pros eventually found out a way.
Q. AFs is ranked 1st place on ESPN’s Power Ranking. What are your thoughts on this?
Kiin: I’m thankful that they’ve rated us this high. We’ll have to work even harder.
Q. Top laners are thought of as the position that has the least influence in this current meta. What’s your personal opinion on this?
Kiin:Today, things went well for me, so that’s why I was able to influence the game.
Q. Why did you pick Jax?
Kiin: Jax is a counter pick against Master Yi. He’s also good against Camille.
Q. (teamfight in game 1) Can you explain what happened in this fight?
Kuro: We managed to focus on Skarner. Kiin did well and eventually we started the fight 4 vs 5. Well, I knew that I wasn’t going to die, so I closed down on the opponent.
Q. What do you remember in game 2?
Kiin: My solo-kill? (laughs) After trading some damage, I knew that I could solo-kill the opponent. I was certain I would succeed.
Q. Spirit’s Nocturne countered Skarner’s ult with his W. Did you notice his play?
Kiin: Wow.
Kuro: I didn’t know. (Q. He was good right?) Um… Yeah. (laughs)
Q. Your next opponent is KZ. Did you see them perform in game 1?
Kuro: Yeah I did see KZ play. I think we have a chance of winning against them since we’re also so good these days.
Kiin: I agree. The team is in such a good atmosphere right now.
Q. Any words for the fans?
Kuro: As always, I’m so thankful for your love and support. We’ll try to maintain our current performance and finish first place on round 1. Thank you.
Q. Khan said that you were one of the best playing Top laner in the LCK. What are your thoughts on this?
Kiin: First of all, I’d like to thank Khan. I’ll try to maintain my reputation.
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