KZ vs KT
Game 1
- Khan’s Aatrox? He’ll probably be good using Aatrox.
ㄴ What’s up with KT’s comp? Their main dealers are only AP mages.
ㄴ Aatrox? Is it a new champion?
ㄴ Well, he’ll be reworked… He was just becoming a good pick...
ㄴ He’s now starting to be picked in official matches… Riot come on...

- It feels so bad to see Deft dying using Vladimir. Why does he have to use AP mages...
ㄴ Deft has no choice. If he doesn’t use them he’ll become unemployed.
ㄴ It’s like dancing in a over-sized clothes.
ㄴ What? Now Soraka is picked?
ㄴ Yep, these days she is pick quite often.

- KZ’s perfomance is really good in game 1. This is what we wanted from them on the MSI.
ㄴ They should have played like this way earlier.
ㄴ BDD needs to use some carry champions. No Braum please.
ㄴ Ucal is not bad, but he still lacks performance compared to BDD.
ㄴ FACTS) Fly is still better using Aurelion Sol.
- Why is the game paused?
ㄴ There was an invisible wall.
ㄴ What kind of ‘wall’? Is it a Taliyah ult bug?
ㄴ Real talk. There seems to be a huge ‘wall’ between KZ’s and KT’s performance.
- (paused more than 30 minutes) When will it start again?
ㄴ When KT is prepared enough to win against KZ.
ㄴ The game will resume in 2019.
ㄴ Deft is so cute.
ㄴ Look at him sleeping. I want to bite him.
ㄴ Yo guys, stop please…

- (game resumes) What? This decision took an hour to make?
ㄴ Man that was so long.
ㄴ (KT loses a teamfight) Okay, they paused to get killed?
ㄴ Well, they weren’t aced before the
ㄴ This game is already over.
Game 2
- KZ’s Master Yi - Taric?! Lol
ㄴ Using ‘Ma - Ta’ against Mata?
ㄴ Mundo and Lulu… It’s perfect for Master Yi.
ㄴ KT lacks CC skills… Can they stop Master Yi?
ㄴ Well, every team has a counter for it, so let’s wait and see.
ㄴ Rakan will be slayed once he engages.

- Another KZ win for sure. Master Yi is already a problem, but now Lucian is becoming OP.
ㄴ Just end this game alright. I simply want to see the next one.
ㄴ If I go to the bathroom, will it be over?
ㄴ How long do you poop?
ㄴ Ucal is good. But, he’s playing for KT...

- Why did they play so bad in MSI? They are so good.
ㄴ No one used the Master Yi - Taric at the time.
ㄴ To think of it… No one did. Lol
ㄴ AND, they weren’t against KT.
ㄴ Wow they are so good. Just look what they are doing in teamfights.
- KT is still one of the strongest teams… But, they’re losing pretty bad.
ㄴ They’re not pausing this time?
ㄴ At least, they need some time to eat dinner.
ㄴ Master Yi is strong… Lucian is OP already… But, probably Mundo will be the most frightening to face.
ㄴ There’s no way you can kill that Mundo...
ㄴ There were some interesting moments, but it wasn’t that fun.

AFs vs BBQ
Game 1
- Can Mordekaiser show his strengths in this game?
ㄴ Soraka’s banana is quite powerful.
ㄴ Banana of mass destruction.
ㄴ Thresh seems like a powerless pick...
-(TusiN’s remarkable play) What? How did he survive?
ㄴ This is insane.
ㄴ If the rest plays like TusiN… AFs will win the trophy for sure.
ㄴ That play was crazy!

- The two teams are putting up a fight. I’m not sure which team will win.
ㄴ It’s definitely not one-sided.
ㄴ I thought that AFs will be much better…
ㄴ Ghost played a lot of Mordekaiser Bottom. Probably, that’s why he didn’t lose the Bot matchup.
ㄴ Well, that’s a new talent for him.
- Still, AFs seems to be the better team.
ㄴ Well, I’m satisfied that Ghost found his new talent.
ㄴ Vladimir was okay.
ㄴ It seemed kind of boring, but the teamfights are so interesting.
ㄴ AFs is remarkable in teamfights.

Game 2
- I heard that Lissandra is a good pick, but I’ve never actually seen her in an official match.
ㄴ In theory, she is a good pick. She can counter Master Yi.
ㄴ AFs’ clearly wants to instantly kill Master Yi. Look at their picks...
ㄴ Full of CC skills.
ㄴ It’s up to whether IgNar can efficiently use the Black Shield.
- It’s not about the Black Shield. The opponent comp seems to be already countering ‘Master Y i- Taric’.
ㄴ BBQ has to focus everything on Master Yi, but their laners are already way behind.
ㄴ Wow… Jax is about to devour Master Yi.
ㄴ Afreeca’s pick bans are on point.

- They are eating their chickens down to the bones... (notes: bbq is a Korean fried chicken franchise)
ㄴ Their bones are about to break.
ㄴ Camille and Master Yi are the bones… They’ve just got broken.
ㄴ IgNar seems like he’s not having a good time.
ㄴ Well, you know he had to play a game that was already over in the pick bans.

- BBQ is getting smashed...
ㄴ Solo Queue: gg 15ff (15 minute surrender)
ㄴ Their sponsor isn’t a conglomerate like HLE, so it’s impossible for them to eat 1,400 dollar worth of beef.
ㄴ If it is fried chicken, they probably can. Lol
ㄴ Smells like fried chicken!
ㄴ We can lose! Because we have our fried chickens!

- 20,000 gold gap on a 22 minute mark… I’ve never seen this before.
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