On June 14th, Hanwha Life Esports (HLE) won bbq Olivers (BBQ) 2:0 on the 2018 LCK Summer split day 3. The Jungler, Yoon “SeongHwan” Seong-Hwan showed some of his talents using Nocturne and Olaf. Let’s see what he had to say about today’s match.

Q. It’s your first win this split. How do you feel?
We were defeated on the match against Griffin. I was kind of frustrated. However, we managed to win today's match 2:0, so I think the team is on a positive vibe.
Q. As a Jungler, what do you think about the current meta?
I used a lot of tank champs last split, but these days I’m mostly using aggressive damage dealing champions. That’s why I had a hard time adjusting to the meta. Well, I’m practicing a lot and slowly adjusting.
Q. When Taliyah wasn’t banned on game 1, didn’t you want to use her as Jungle?
She was banned a lot, so I didn’t really practice using her as Jungle. We actually focused more on how to counter her. On the pick bans, Nocturne wasn’t banned so we decided to use Taliyah as Mid and Nocterne as Jungle.
Q. Once again, bbq Olivers used the Karthus - Nunu comp. What are your thoughts on this pick?
Personally, I think that the Master Yi - Taric comp is better. To counter it, you must use a lot of CC skills. Talking about the Karthus - Nunu comp, we did practice it a lot and it was okay at times but it had some side effects too. I think it’s better to counter the comp rather than using it.
Q. After HLE made a 10-man roster, I heard that the team is practicing until 6 AM. It seems that the team can scrim on any time possible. Is the 10-man roster helpful?
The 10-man roster is really helpful. If a team lacks members, players have to just focus on solo queue. However, if you have a 10-man roster, the team can improve more.
Q. What is the team’s goal for this split?
The players are highly determined. If we can maintain this atmosphere, the team will perform well. Our goal is to make it to the Worlds.
Q. It must be hard to make it in the startings if the team has a 10-man roster.
There is another Jungler in the team named, Kim “Mightybear” Min-su. I’ll have to go through the competition and practice more.
Q. Any last words?
My teammates practice until dawn. I’d like to thank them.
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