On the 13th of June (KST), in the second match of the 2018 LCK Summer Split Day 2, Afreeca Freecs (AFs) defeated SKT T1 2-0 and took their first victory. On this day, Kim “Kiin” Gi-in played Aatrox, a long forgotten champion in pro play, and showed off his performance by having multiple solo kills.
The following is the interview with Kiin.

Q. You defeated SKT T1 2-0 and took the first victory of the season. How do you feel?
We won the first match of the season, and it’s a relief that we won easily against SKT T1.
Q. Can you elaborate on saying you won ‘easily’?
Our composition was better than theirs. No one knows which champion will appear in the current meta and we were luckier than they were. I actually picked Aatrox because there was nothing to play, but the result was good.
Q. Don’t you think that you deserved the MVP?
I did think that I would get MVP and I was a bit jealous of TusiN because he got it. (Laughs) I think I did well when the bottom lane was having a hard time.
Q. Your first solo kill was really perfect. Can you explain how you got the first kill?
Normally when I see a chance to kill the opponent, the calculation is perfect. I even
considered Shen’s ult and even with it, I thought that I could still kill him.
Q. Often in the current meta, the winning team is decided early in the game, but Game 2 went on rather long.
We played a bit conservative so there weren’t that many fights. Around mid game, I thought that we might lose because it was a very uncomfortable situation. But we were able to win by winning fights at mid and at Baron.
Q. Many people are predicting AFs to be really strong in the current meta since you had the 10-man roster from before.
We experimented many different compositions in the current meta, but I still don’t know what the current meta is. Something is happening at the bottom lane, but I’m wondering what’s happening there. It feels like top lane is playing alone. It’s hard to predict how the game will go until the picks & bans so I can’t really predict how well we’ll do. Still, it’s good having a 10-man roster because we can try out different comps and that the time doesn’t matter when we practice.
Q. You’re getting a high evaluation among the top laners. Do you think you’ll be addressed as the best after this split?
It’s hard to say. The top lane is less important in this meta so I’m not that confident. I don’t think of beating other top laners; I’m only aiming at Worlds.
Q. Any last comments?
I’ll do my best practicing and try to win more matches.
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