On the first day of the LCK Summer split, the ‘Karthus - Nunu’ pick made its appearance in the Rift.
On June 12th (KST), the first match of the 2018 LCK Summer split commenced. With the prominence of the EU meta decreasing significantly in solo queue, a few surprising champions greeted the fans.
bbq Olivers managed to go with the ‘Karthus - Nunu’ pick and MVP surprised the fans with the ‘Master Yi - Taric’ pick. This was not all. For their Bottom lane, MVP decided to not use an ADC. Their choice was to go with an AP champion, Lulu.
Despite the concern, MVP managed to win without using an ADC. With Taric's support, Yondu’s Master Yi carried the game. The LoL community was truly hyped since a lot of the fans were skeptical towards whether a solo queue meta would work in an LCK level.
Now that the new meta officially appeared in the LCK, fans are excited about whether they will see more surprising changes in the Rift.
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