The Asian Games LoL Korean national team players, Score and Peanut, are ready and excited for the preliminaries in Hong Kong. The two Junglers said that they both “have a lot of things to learn from each other.” Score remained humble when speaking about the team’s performance. “To be in the national team is an honor for the players. However, I would feel more comfortable once we get through the preliminaries.”
Peanut agreed with the team’s veteran. “Since everyone had to prepare for the Summer split, the team is on a busy schedule. As a team, we established our goal: to get through the preliminaries; I would like to fulfill that.”
Although they will have to compete with each other to be in the startings, the two had the same idea about the fact that they had to deliver a good performance no matter the result.
“Peanut has been always good. I have a lot of things to learn from him.”
Peanut replied, saying that “Score performs very well, so I have things to learn from him too. The team still lacks practice. That’s why we need to work on our teamwork in order to get good results.”
The two Junglers shared their thoughts on passing the preliminaries as well. “Like I said before, getting to the main event is our first priority. The preliminaries will not be broadcasted, so the fans won’t be able to watch the games. I’d like to get through and let the fans watch some esports [at the Asian Games].” Peanut added, “I’m quite aware that some people are not that positive towards esports. I’d like to get through the preliminaries and let everyone learn more about esports.”
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