Rockstar Games announced the pre-orders for ‘Red Dead Redemption II’ standard, ultimate, and special editions, as well as pre-order bonuses, on June 4th.
The pre-order for all 3 editions will include the War Horse, which has more stamina than average horses, and the Outlaw Survival Kit, which will help players survive in-game. The digital pre-orders in the PlayStation and Xbox Store will also provide players with extra in-game cash and a treasure map where buried treasure can be found. Players will be able to receive these bonuses only for pre-orders made by July 31st, 2018.
Red Dead Redemption II: Special Edition will give players a Dappled Black Thoroughbred and Nuevo Paraiso Saddle, which are both available in story mode. The Special Edition also includes special story mode items including a Talisman that will make Arthur’s environmental awareness last longer and an Iguana Scale that will make Arthur take less damage while riding on horseback. Additionally, players will get story mode boosts, bonuses, and cash discounts in-game along with an exclusive story mode outfit, the Nuevo Paraiso Gunslinger Outfit, Pump Action Shotgun, Volcanic Pistol, and Lancaster Varmint Rifle.
Red Dead Redemption II: Ultimate Edition will give all of the story mode content from the Special Edition along with additional bonuses including bonus outfits (Blackrose Bounty Hunter Outfit, Copperhead Enforcer Outfit) and more weapons.
Lastly, Red Dead Redemption II: Collector’s Box comes with a red metal box specially designed for Red Dead Redemption II along with an assortment of goods, including a collectable coin, double-sided puzzle, bandana, treasure map, a pin set, playing cards, a replica of the catalogue found in-game, and 12 cigarette cards. However, the Collector’s Box does not come with a copy of the game or the in-game bonuses of the other pre-order packages. The Red Dead Redemption II: Collector’s Box will be available for pre-order from the Rockstar Warehouse.
Red Dead Redemption II: Special Edition and Ultimate Edition are available for pre-order on the PlayStation and Xbox Store, as well as RockStar Warehouse. For more details, click here.

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