More on BDO: PvP Restriction During World Boss Spawn - Do you agree or disagree with it?
New Event: Exp and Item Drop Boost of June
- From May 31st to June 28th
New Event: Vote for the leader of your BDO neighborhood
- From May 31st to June 28th
- Vote for the NPC with the best agenda!
The base AP of the below skills has increased.
- DP of characters and some monsters increased in previous balance patches, but the AP of “summoned” objects remained the same. The base AP of the summoned objects has increased.
- The AP of the summoned beings summoned by characters will also be determined by the stats of the summoner (not including bonus stats).
- Summon Heilang I: AP increased by 30
- 5 additional AP per level
- Summon Heilang XI: AP increased by 80
Blade of Darkness
- AP increased by 20 in Skill Level I, 25 in Level II, and 30 in Level III.
- AP increased by 30
Gorr, Marg, Arne, Tett
- AP increased by 80
Toxic Flood, Lava Field
- AP increased by 30
Echo Spirit
- AP increased by 50
Delighted Blast
- AP increased by 30
Mystic’s Dragon
- AP increased by 30
Ninjutsu: Sinew Cut
- AP increased by 30
Fixed an issue where you could not inflict CC on far away enemies because only the animation at the beginning of the skill could inflict CC.
For details, please refer to the notes below each class.
On the character selection screen, it will always appear as if your character is equipping main hand and off hand weapons even when the character is not equipping any weapons in game.
Fixed an issue where some weapons’ graphics were not visible.
The word “Forward Guard” has been added to the descriptions of the following skills so the description will match the actual skill effect.
- Shield Charge I, Shield Charge II, Absolute: Shield Charge, Double Shield Charge, Ultimate: Shield Charge
Only the first hit of Penetrating Wind will inflict CC.
Fixed an issue where the Ranger could not use Evasive Explosion Shot after Will of the Wind if she has Flow: Wings of Wind I.
Only the first hit of Absolute: Shadow Kick will inflict CC.
The sentence “Pushes targets on good hits (PvE only)” has been added to the skill description of Flow: Vile Plan to match the actual skill effect.
Flame Buster will not inflict Down Smash and Air Smash when the skill is on cooldown.
Skill description of Elastic Force has been edited to match the actual skill effect.
Pushes targets on good hits while mounted > Pushes targets on good hits while mounted (PvE only)
Recovers +5 WP upon using skill.
The sentence “Recovers +5 WP if the skill is used with insufficient WP” has been added to Fierce Strike.
The sentence “+3 WP upon using skill” has been added to Headbutt.
The following skills will inflict CC on the first hit only.
- Absolute: Falling Rock, Absolute: Headbutt, Storming Beast, Flow: Ancient Power
Fixed an issue where Surging Tide could not inflict CC on far away targets because only a single animation during the skill could inflict CC.
The distance where the Tamer can target an enemy has increased by 25%.
Command: Attack and Command: Follow will be reworked. (This part will be added to the game later.)
- Attack: When the distance between Heilang and the target is more than 5m, Heilang will quickly approach the target to deal damage on the target and the area around the target .
- Attack: When the distance between Heilang and the target is less than 5m, Heilang will pull the target and enemies nearby towards itself while dealing damage.
- Attack: The speed at which Heilang runs towards the target has increased by 1.5x.
- Attack: Heilang will deal 1.5x more damage and will not knockback enemies.
- Follow: Heilang will always appear right next to the Tamer, regardless of distance.
Fixed an issue where Forward Guard had been left out from the skill description of Flow: Soaring Strike.
Legendary Beast Dance White Tiger and Vermillion Bird will inflict CC only with the first hit.
Hastiludium will inflict Down Smash only with the first hit.
Fixed an issue where Shield Throw and Terra Sancta could not inflict CC on faraway enemies.
Castigatio will inflict CC only with the first and the last hit.
Fixed an issue where the skill description of Guard still included stamina consumption.
Skill description of Severing Light I has been edited to match the actual skill effect.
Pouncing Dragon will inflict CC only with the first hit.
Quick Shot will inflict CC only with the first hit.
Fixed an issue where Rising Dragon and Rising Dragon: Blaze did not deal damage properly.
When the Musa has Charged Stub Arrow: Enhanced and Absolute: Charged Stub Arrow, he will be able to use Stub Arrow faster during backward Chase.
Fixed an issue where the damage of Projection did not match the skill level.
Fixed an issue where the damage of Flow: Extra Credit was equal to the damage of Projection I.
Fixed an issue where the first hit of Gale II, III, IV, V, and Absolute: Gale did not push targets.
New special emote has been added for Nouse’s Shard costume set.
The Maehwa can use Sleet Steps in Blade stance.
The distance that the Maehwa moves after the first “stab” animation of Moonrise has increased so that the Maehwa can attack while moving.
- This will not apply when the skill is used on cooldown.
The first hit of Moonrise will inflict Stun instead of Stiffness. (Applied in PvP as well.)
Sticky Snowflake will deal more damage.
- I : 753% * 4 > 791% * 4
- II : 808% * 4 > 848% * 4
- III : 821% * 5 > 862% * 5
- IV : 962% * 5 > 1010% * 5
Fixed an issue where Absolute: Blunt Kick could not be used on cooldown when the skill was used with quick slots.
The sentence “pushes targets on good hits (PvE only)” has been added to Stigma.
[Witch and Wizard]
The description of Spellbound Heart has been edited.
- MP recovery +50/80/110/150/200 > MP recovery +50/100/150/200/250
Fixed an issue where Inquirer’s Destiny Dagger’s dye was not visible in non-combat stance.
[Kunoichi and Ninja]
Suicide Fall will inflict CC only once.
Fixed an issue where Flash Slash I, II, and III did not inflict Stiffness during PvP when the skill is used while mounted.
Fixed an issue where Absolute: Flash Slash did not inflict CC when the skill is used while mounted.
Fixed an issue where Chain Slash: Sah Chakram inflicted Stun more than once.
Fixed an issue where the Kunoichi could not inflict Stun in PvP by pressing W after Flow: Block Jump if the Crimson Eclipse buff is on.
Fixed an issue where Forward Guard effect was not maintained if the Kunoichi is attacked while moving backward in Kunai combat stance.
Fixed an issue where Lunatic Discus could not inflict CC on far away enemies.
Serpent Ascension will inflict Float on the first hit.
Fixed an issue where Murderous Intent did not inflict Stiffness.
Skill description of Serpent Ascension has been edited: Floating on good blade hits > Floating on good first hit.
Fixed an issue where Absolute: Blade Spin did not inflict Down Smash.
When the Ninja switches to non-awakening while moving forward in awakening stance, he will recover Stamina during the transition animation.
[Dark Knight]
Fixed an issue where Smokey Haze I, II, and III did not increase movement speed if the skill is used in Kriegsmesser stance.
The following skills will inflict CC only with the first hit.
- Flow: Savage Fang, Combo: Hurricane, Wolf’s Hunger, Absolute: Wolf’s Hunger, Flow: Crosswind
Fixed an issue where only the first hit of Spiral Cannon could inflict CC.
Fixed an issue where the Striker could not use Fist Fury IV consecutively while mounted.
Fixed an issue where the Vambrace was visible for a moment while switching to combat stance from non-combat Gardbrace stance.
Fixed an issue where Endless Explosion did not consume the right amount of WP when the skill is used during cooldown.
Fixed an issue where the last hit of Rampaging Predator with 200% Black Spirit’s Rage did not deal damage properly.
Fixed an issue where using Hell Break after Endless Explosion did not deal damage properly.
Fixed the graphical glitches with Lahr Arcien Helmet.
Fixed an issue where only the first hit of Spiral Torpedo could inflict CC.
Fixed an issue where Flow: Rib Crusher could inflict CC after the first hit.
Fixed an issue where only the first hit of Dance of Death could inflict CC.
Level 56 Rabam skills (both) will inflict CC only with the first hit.
Fixed the graphical glitches with some life skill costumes.
The word “Awakening weapon” has been removed from the item description of Orchid Fall costume set.
Crescent Pendulum and Noble Sword will not be visible when the Lahn presses Z, Y, C, V during mounted combat.
When resurrecting using Elion’s Tears, the players with negative Karma will be able to recover exp loss as well.
Fixed an issue where Wild Thracia could not be sold to NPC vendors.
Description regarding crafting the Dragon Slayer weapons has been added to Remains of Black Energy.
Fixed the abnormal location of certain Drieghan furniture.
Thuja Plywood can be used as material for polishing Alchemy Stone of Protection.
The required amount of Palm Plywood and Elder Tree Plywood for polishing Alchemy Stone of Protection has decreased.
The icon for Mysterious Seed/Hypha has changed.
Fixed an issue where the max durability of PEN items could not be repaired.
Fixed an issue where Special seeds and Magical seeds gave different types of fruits for certain types of seeds.
- Sunrise Herb, Carrot, Hot Pepper, Olive, Arrow Mushroom
New rules for the Node War have been added and some rules have changed.
- A guild can conquer a maximum of 6 nodes in a week. The number of nodes that a guild owns will be reset to 0 at the end of each Conquest War every Saturday.
- A guild cannot own Beginner Nodes and Normal Nodes at the same time.
- Also, Node Territories will be divided into two groups: Balenos/Serendia and Calpheon/Mediah/Valencia. If you own a node in Group 1, you cannot participate in the Node War for Group 2, and vice versa.
- Extra Node War can only be held within the same territory.
- In order to go for a Domination Node, a guild must own at least one Normal Node.
- When a guild that owns Normal Nodes is going for Domination Nodes, the territory the guild can participate will be determined based on the Nodes it owns.
- If a guild owns Normal Nodes in Balenos or Serendia, the guild can challenge the Domination Node in one of the two territories.
- If a guild owns Normal Nodes in Calpheon, Mediah, or Valencia, the guild can challenge the Domination Node in one of the three territories.
- Based on the number of Nodes the guild owns, the max number of players that can participate in the Extra Node War will be different.

- The guild members who will be participating in the warfare can be determined by a newly-added system called the “Node War Qualification” system. The Guild Leader can give each guild member the opportunity to participate in the Node War (5 times max).
- The players who do not have any “qualifications” left cannot participate in Node Wars.
- For example, if a guild has 100 members, the Guild Leader can give one “opportunity” to 100 members, two “opportunities” to 80 members, three “opportunities” to 60 members, and so on. All 100 members can participate in the first Node War, but only 80 members (who have more than one “opportunities”) will be able to participate in the second Node War. In the third Node War (when the guild owns two Nodes), only the members who got 3 to 5 “opportunities” (which will be 60 members) can participate. In the sixth and the last Node War (when the guild owns 5 Nodes), no one can participate and the only thing they can do is build Forts.
- The “Node War Qualification” cannot be changed during Node/Conquest Wars.
In order to create a better Node War environment, starting from 20:50, all types of PvP will be unavailable in the server where a Node War is going on.
1vs1 Leader Duel has been added for Node War.
- Before the Node War in Calpheon, Mediah, and Valencia begins, one player from each side can have a 1vs1 duel to make the warfare more intense and give useful buffs to each side by winning the duel.
- The Duel Arena will be built at 20:52. The players who are on the spot might get stuck, so move your character somewhere else before 20:52.
- Starting from 20:52, the members of the attacking side can challenge their opponent to a duel by interacting with the Wooden Fence Gate.
- If the attacking side does not make a challenge, a duel will not happen on that day.
- Anyone can challenge the opponent to a duel. The participants will not be able to do any forms of PvP or Savage Rift.
- The players who are not participating in the 1vs1 Leader Duel will be moved to the closest town.
- The participants will have one minute to prepare starting from 20:55, and start the duel at 20:56. The duel will last for 3 minutes max.
- The Duel ends when one of the two is killed. If both are alive after 3 minutes, the one who has more HP left will be the winner.
- When the attacking side wins: +1000 max HP for everyone in the attacking side (disappears upon death, 1 hour duration)
- When the defending side wins: +1000 max HP for everyone in the defending side (disappears upon death, 1 hour duration)
- When the defending side did not answer the challenge: +500 max HP for everyone in the attacking side (does not disappear upon death, 1 hour duration)
Fixed an issue where the lever that controls the castle gate in Calpheon, Mediah, and Valencia could be destroyed by summoned objects.
Fixed an issue where Annexes could not be disassembled properly.
Fixed the wrong message that appeared when you were killed by an enemy guild member during Node Wars.
Fixed an issue where you were moved to the Fort even when you are not far away from the Fort.
Fixed an issue where you could not see the character who attacked you during Node/Conquest War if the “Hide other characters” option is on.
Fixed an issue where Faint Fairies would look like Gosphy after being reincarnated.
Fixed the wrong system message that appeared when clicking on the “view other items” with insufficient Energy in the Night Vendor window.
The graphical effects for Thracia (gathering mini game herb) have been removed.
Only the Thracia within a 50m distance will be visible to you.
PvP will be restricted when a World Boss spawns.
- Only Red Battlefield and Arena of Arsha will be available.
- The players who entered the free arena will be kicked out from the arena after 15 seconds, and will not be able to re-enter until the World Boss disappears.
Server change will not be allowed for 15 minutes after a World Boss spawns.
- Even if the World Boss is killed within 15 minutes, server change will still only be allowed after 15 minutes.
Quint and Muraka will spawn in all servers.
Item drops for some grind spots have changed.
- The drop rate for Accessories will remain the same. However, if an Accessory is one of the major drops, the drop rate will increase.
- Available items other than the ones mentioned in the tables below can be found in the Item Drops menu.

Monsters in Mansha Forest (Calpheon) will drop Goblin Chief Summon Scroll.
The sound effects for the following monsters have been improved.
- Kelcas, Gehaku, Giath
[Quest and Knowledge]
New quest “Honorable companion” has been added.
- Can be received from Wacky Toshi in Sand Grain Bazaar.
- You can receive Sealed Book of Combat (1 day) as a reward.
Fixed the wrong quest objective in [Repeat] Delights of the Lake
The quest objective in [Repeat] Bold Investment has changed to Lavender Kuku Bird Nest. The Kuku Bird Nests in Kamasylvia have changed to Lavender Kuku Bird Nests.
Fixed an issue where Humpback Whales were airborne and could not be attacked.
Fixed an issue where Troll Siege Soldier Knowledge was unobtainable.
[Gameworld, NPC, and Graphics]
Fixed an issue where the character could not move in certain geographical features in Heidal, Grana, Altinova, and Duvencrune.
Fixed an issue where the character could go into some pillars in Calpheon.
The geography of Crescent Shrine and Desert Naga Temple will be smoother so the character can move better.
Fixed an issue where some NPCs were flickering.
Fixed the graphical glitches that occured around the Imperial Delivery NPC in Duvencrune.
Guild UI will be slightly bigger.
The location of the glowing circle effect when equipping gear or a costume has changed.
You can now switch to combat stance while auto-pathing with awakening weapon without stopping.
More on BDO: Nouse's Shard costumes for Striker and Ninja
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Comments :22
level 1 thinkcontrol
Give Warrior SA on Solar Flare.
level 1 StarDan
I don' realy get the loot change, does that mean BMC won't loot anymore at Naga and Fogans ?
level 1 BDOBloo
@StarDanYou're correct, you can no longer get Black Magic Crystals from Nagas and Fogans, in KR Bashims already didn't drop Black Magic Crystals.
level 1 woots
crap devs only "boost" drop rates in the lastest region where the trash loot weight is the higher and nearly force CS weight.
Thoses guys are so fked up.
level 1 Nyanpasu_
wiz/ witch dmg still nerfed
level 1 BDOBloo
@Nyanpasu_So after talking with my guild mates in KR after our nodewar, the Witches say their damage seems to be the same now as before the pet damage changes, but the Wizards claim its better, but not entirely the same as before.
level 1 obitum
@BDOBloo@BDOBloo Can you ask your friend if flow do use kutum extra ap since it state pet wont get any bonus from extra ap? sorry if it's not very clear i dont quite know how to word this.
level 1 Konokolicious
last week of bdo and unistall -
level 1 Anita
Give please explanations to the table with a drop
level 1 BDOBloo
@AnitaSo, according to my guild mates (I play KR) its like this, the items listed "Major Drops" have higher chance of dropping, the "Others" tab is basically lowered chance or no longer drops area.
level 1 LumiNotOP
pls fix wiz/witch
level 1 AlreadyEnd_Bro
i dont get the "is not dropped" than dont put it in the list to begin
level 1 AlreadyEnd_Bro
@AlreadyEnd_Brodid i understand it right that hystria and aakman dont drop tungrad accessories ??
level 3 Yullie
@AlreadyEnd_BroHi, the Accessories that are not mentioned in the table (ex. Tungrad Earring/Necklace in Aakman/Hystria, Serap in Desert Naga) are still dropped. The drop rates of the Accessories that are not in the table remain the same, and the items that are under the "Major Drops" category (including the Accessories) will have more drop rates :)
level 1 bobaec
I'm curious as to how far Moonrise will go now after these changes, as well as the "can attack while moving" portion of that change. Maehwa buffs rejoice though.
level 1 Kurghen
So, let's suppose i'm killing Nagas, i should also get the Scroll and Yona's Fragment drop boost from the Valencia Tab right? and if i kill in Pila Ku i get 2x scroll drop boost? -
level 1 RV___
no damage for witch wizard.. dead class -
level 1 Blackhearted
Fixed issue where damage wasnt applied properly? Ninja boosts?