Kingzone DragonX (KZ) ADC PraY shared his thoughts following the MSI.
On the 24th of May (KST), Kingzone DragonX ADC PraY talked about the MSI through his personal stream. He said that he didn’t read any reactions in the communities because he thought that there would be too many negative comments, and said that he received some negative messages from fans. Also, he mentioned that he was careful not to click on any reaction pages when he went on Inven to check the patch notes.
Regarding the MSI, PraY said “It was a tight schedule, but it would have been harder for RNG because of visa issues.” He also said that the gaming environment wasn’t that good; the pauses were due to stuttering issues when Debonair Ezreal used his Q skill.
PraY praised his opponent’s performance. “I also took about 10 CS per minute, but that hyeong (Uzi) took 15. It felt like he was taking all the CS from his next game too.” When asked about the rumor saying they’ll start streaming in a Chinese platform, he said that nothing’s final yet.
He opened up to his fans and viewers: “Whatever I say will be like giving excuses, so I think I shouldn’t say much.” PraY continued, “I’m thankful for whoever consoled me but this is a time where those words of condolence actually hurt. I’m sorry, but I hope you give me some time before asking me further things.”
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Comments :2
level 2 ThisGreatOne
Even in dark times when the win was close yet pray who we all thought was finally going to get his first international title but it was probably not the right time to achieve it, don't focus on the negative that is now the past the future is what only stands in front, if you focus on the positive future that is going to happen it will happen, and how sweet victory will be when they finally achieve it. It is far from over RNG said they made the meta at MSI it's now kingzone's turn to leave their mark on history. #Worlds 2018
level 1 JoshuaHager
KZ knows he did something wrong and he will be receiving mean and negative reviews and comments. He should have gone underground for a while and used https://essaywriter.org/cheap-research-papers to see the situation before coming in front of the camera. I this he is quite brave to talk even.