Game 1 KZ vs FNC

▷The two teams’ pick/ban has quite a concept. - KZ banned Caps 4 times, FNC banned Peanut 3 times.
ㄴYup. The two teams have a clear target for sure.
ㄴThe bottom matchup will be highly difficult for FNC.
ㄴLooks like KZ is trying to go 50:50, withstand and go for teamfights. FNC wishing for a jackpot from Rekkles.
ㄴWe’ll have to see. Wait, Khan is using Vladimir right?
▷(PraY dying on level 1) Is this a self-handicap?
ㄴ Streamer Jong-in making his appearance.
ㄴ solo queue?
ㄴ so arrogant.
ㄴ KZ going back to Longzu.
ㄴ Looks like there is a Jungle performance gap.
ㄴ It’s just a kill. Stop exaggerating.

▷(3rd kill from Caps) Wow, the crowd’s applause is so loud.
ㄴ They are the home team, so quite obvious.
ㄴ Are they really going to lose?
ㄴ EU >>>>>KR
ㄴ This is what SKT did when they performed in international events: losing early games and winning in late games.
▷Khan’s latest Vladimir game did do well against the Gangplank, but he’s not in his best shape today.
ㄴ I think they’re going to lose.
ㄴ Now they can't finish undefeated.
ㄴ This is the power of a Worlds quarter final team.
ㄴ KZ’s big picture for the EU fans.
▷Khan looks like he’s in a mental breakdown. Something’s wrong.
ㄴ He should kneel in front of Bwipo.
ㄴ Minion OP. They’re now destroying turrets.
ㄴ Look at that Corki…No way you’re going to beat him.

▷I’m sorry that I’ve said that KZ will turn the game.
ㄴ They couldn’t do anything.
ㄴ That early snowball from PraY…
ㄴ Who said that Rekkles is bad? Where did they hide?
ㄴ They lost because I saw the match. They won every game that I didn’t see.
▷It’s just a loss. I’ve played League for 2 years and learned that winning/losing doesn’t mean anything.
ㄴ I’m dumbfounded.
ㄴ Well going undefeated might be wanting too much, but if they perform like this… They can’t win this tournament.
ㄴ MSI is always like this. Underdogs have the chance of winning.
ㄴ Who’s Caps by the way? Never seen him before.
ㄴ Since last year, he’s the so-called “Baby Faker”.
ㄴ He’ve been performing well. I think EU has a lot of good mid laners.
Game 2 RNG vs EVS

▷Wow, Slay going for that Teleport Ezreal.
ㄴ He learned it from PraY huh?
ㄴ ‘Teleport Ezreal’ now should be used as an export product.
ㄴ Well the usual: “Woah, that looks cool. I’m going to try it out.”
ㄴ Yo guys please… Slay’s favorite champ is Ezreal.
▷There’s going to be another huge mid lane difference here, but this time Vladimir is the OP.
ㄴ The last match he was quite weak right?
ㄴ Um… I would say he was a mosquito.
▷(after Vladimir’s mistake)
ㄴ This ain’t it.
ㄴ Is Vladimir jynxed or something?
ㄴ Well, this time, Vladimir is already in his power phase; they’ll probably win.
(RNG dominating the game)
ㄴ And yes, they’re winning.

▷I’ve been thinking… Chinese teams make games boring.
ㄴ It was boring for the past few years. They know that they’ll win, but they don’t go too aggressive in order to secure the win.
ㄴ That’s the Chinese LoL style. Dota 2 was similar too.
ㄴ I’m about to fall asleep.
ㄴ They’re going to win all right, but it’s too boring.
ㄴ This might be their strategy. Probably EFS will feel drowsy and not focus.
▷But, what’s up with EVS today?
ㄴ They’ve used all their power in the Vietnam War.
ㄴ Lost power because Warzone does 1000 push-ups.
ㄴ Why did TL lose?
ㄴ EVS is drying to death.

▷They thought Ezreal was good, so they imported it. Unfortunately, they don’t know how to use this champion.
ㄴ Probably the manual was missing.
ㄴ EVS won TL. RNG won EVS. KZ won RNG. FNC won KZ… FNC is the best team.
ㄴ The mid/bottom lane gap was quite huge.
ㄴ Nothing to see in this match.
Game 3 TL vs FW
▷What? Ezreal Again?
ㄴ PraY didn’t win, but he did spread this yellow haired beast to the world.
ㄴ Whether it’s a “beast” or not depends on who uses the champ.
ㄴ Agree. The last user seemed to have not read the manual.

▷Good to see DoubleLift smiling.
ㄴ He probably had a hard time, so it’s quite a relief to see him smile.
ㄴ He still performed in the LCS finals. A real pro.
ㄴ Yo I'm rooting for you.
▷Again… The science champion has done it again.
ㄴ There are some champs that could help out Yasuo.
ㄴ This game is for Pobelter, regardless of the result.
ㄴ It’s just the pick/ban and the game is already so interesting.
ㄴ Well, their champion picks makes sense; Braum and Ornn on their side.
▷Guess what. The game becomes so much fun when there’s a Yasuo in it.
ㄴ It’s been 10 minutes with no kills yet, but it’s still fun to watch.
ㄴ Everyone’s thinking about when Yasuo will die.
ㄴ He’s playing more safer than I thought. You know, most Yasuo users cannot control their aggressiveness and ends up dying.
(Yasuo dies in a teamfight)
ㄴ A ‘scientific’ ending.

▷Probably the first team to be defeated three times in this MSI… How do you guys think?
ㄴ NA hasn’t improved. They could just start from the Play-In stage.
ㄴ If FW wins against KZ, they might get the trophy.
ㄴ The game was already finished in the pick bans. Yasuo isn’t a hypothesis. He’s an actual fact now.
ㄴ Well, I guess PraY managed to send the manual together this time.
ㄴ Why did Ezreal buy 2 Tears? Seeing Yasuo’s crying is enough.
▷There are always expectations towards improvement… But Yasuo has never changed.
ㄴ FW is really good.
ㄴ This is an example of a good team.
ㄴ Their split strategies and teamfights… They seem to lack nothing.
ㄴ They might seem to look strong because the opponent is weak.
ㄴ True I guess.

▷Seems that FW heading to the semi finals for sure.
ㄴ They’re really good. I think they were already there even when they were in the Play-In stage
ㄴ I’m not sure who deserves the praise. Everyone in the team seems to be so good.
ㄴ TL really was defeated… 3 times already.
ㄴ The highlight clip is about Yasuo, dying.
Game 4 KZ vs EVS
▷The tentacle woman!
ㄴ Illaioi pick for real?
ㄴ Bdd supporting the team again.
ㄴ EVS using Lee Sin?
ㄴ The picks are interesting. Is it because it’s an international tournament?
ㄴ Kai’Sa finally!

▷KZ, giving up another first blood.
ㄴ But rescuing Trundle was really cool.
ㄴ Khan must be angry since he lost last game.
ㄴ Warzone probably skipped his push ups.
▷Khan really seems angry. He gained twice more CS compared to Ornn.
ㄴ Did you just see Ornn disappear? He got hit by a squid leg and died.
ㄴ Why did Taliyah leave top?
ㄴ Because she was afraid.
ㄴ Push ups doesn’t work against a squid.

▷Who do you think is winning?
ㄴ Top was completely dominated by Khan. But, KZ keeps on losing teamfights when he’s not there.
ㄴ I think EVS decided to completely ignore Khan.
ㄴ Hard to determine who’s winning.
ㄴ They’re constantly going for skirmishes, so the team can’t use of the advantage from Khan.
▷(EVS secures Baron, but 4 players die) Teamfights became so much different once Illaoi decided to team up.
ㄴ Now the game looks even.
ㄴ KZ got 2 Infernals so they have the advantage.
ㄴ I really don’t know how things will go now.
ㄴ Before the match, I thought that KZ will easily win, but of course, nothing should be 100% sure.

▷Now KZ has the advantage. Kai’Sa is in her power phase.
ㄴ And 3 Infernals. They’re going to be so much stronger.
ㄴ But EVS wasn’t that bad.
ㄴ KZ managed to withstand those fights without Illaoi. Now she teamed up.
ㄴ I think the result is obvious.
▷(After the game) Look at Illaoi’s damage deal. She’s like an ADC.
ㄴ Probably half of the amount was from Ornn getting beaten up.
ㄴ Why didn’t they use her against FNC?
ㄴ They probably were too arrogant.
ㄴ The Vietnamese style skirmish is so fun to watch.

Game 5 FW vs RNG
▷This game has some history to it.
ㄴ Will it be China or Taiwan?
ㄴ Zoe!
ㄴ Signing Moojin was a good one. Karsa left but I can’t feel any absence.
ㄴ If FW wins this match, they have the chance of winning the MSI trophy.
ㄴ I think they will win.

▷Look at Ezreal dance. He is having such a good time.
ㄴ Trying to enjoy the game.
ㄴ He’s quite doing well farming up on CS against Uzi.
▷RNG’s pick bans are mostly focused on only Uzi.
ㄴ Uzi will feel some pressure.
ㄴ The world loves Uzi-god.
ㄴ I think they’re going to lose this time.
ㄴ To know whether they’ll win or not, you got to wait until their late games.
▷RNG is hanging in there, but FW will probably win.
ㄴ It feels like I’m watching a game that has no conclusion; they just keep on fighting.
ㄴ But, the gold gap is widening. FW knows how to use some good strategies.
ㄴ I think they’re better than KZ. They might win the MSI.
ㄴ Look at Maokai melting down… It’s so sad.
ㄴ Maokai: i am groot

▷They forced to destroy the Nexus.
ㄴ It was really close.
ㄴ FW got their 4th win?
ㄴ RNG seemed really quiet throughout the game and just simply lost in a second.
ㄴ China lost, but people probably will still praise their performance.
ㄴ Moojin was remarkable. That fake move near the Baron and his teamfight abilities are so good.
ㄴ Let us pray for KZ. I think they can’t win FW.
Game 6 FNC vs TL

▷ Finally, the main event for today.
ㄴ I was looking forward to this match, even more than Korean team's games.
ㄴ I’m not sure why but NA and EU always fights about who’s the better region.
ㄴ FNC will win.
ㄴ Why?
ㄴ They’re ‘the team’ who won KZ.
▷Yasuo again?
ㄴ Already so fun.
ㄴ If Caps performs well, what happens to Pobelter?
ㄴ Is he still going to be ‘science’?
ㄴ Why are they using him? I’ve never seen a Yasuo perform well.
▷(on the positioning of the teams on level 1) The game is already interesting. What’s up with their positioning?
ㄴ They just went past each other.
ㄴ What have I just seen?
ㄴ Well, Olleh seems to be back.
ㄴ Yeah, they probably thought that Joey wasn’t good enough.

▷Look at Yasuo. He’s like doing a ‘diamond step’.
ㄴ Of course, he can do basically everything.
ㄴ and then lose.
ㄴ cause it’s ‘scientific’.
ㄴ He’s still better than Pobelter.
▷What? Yasuo got a kill?
ㄴ Can science be wrong?
ㄴ If the opponent is NA, can science be wrong?
ㄴ EU’s best swordsman.
ㄴ They won KZ. Already out of the ‘science zone’.
ㄴ I’m not sure why I still feel so concerned even though he is strong enough already.
▷ It’s just like my expectations. It was fun and I’m pleased.
ㄴ Kind of weird that Yasuo is performing well.
ㄴ Agree. But, I have to admit it is so fun to watch.
ㄴ What happens to TL? They’ve lost every game.
ㄴ FNC probably won the game already.

▷Perkz was right. He said in his interview that EU is better than NA.
ㄴ It was quite controversial but it wasn’t wrong.
ㄴ I can tell by just watching them trying to give the Penta kill.
ㄴ EU is better than NA.
ㄴ Reddit is going to blow.
▷ I thought that TL will win because of the Yasuo pick.
ㄴ I want to say farewell to the EU solo queue. So many Yasuos are going to appear.
ㄴ The one and only 1 tier mid laner should be Caps.
ㄴ Pobelter should be heartbroken.

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