On August 30th, Dogok survived the “Team Sunbi Civil War” aginst lojom and became the champion of the Hearthstone Inven Tournament’s (HIT) 2016 final held at the Gangnam Sunreung Inven Studio.
Set 1 - Shaman vs Warrior
Dogok's Control Shaman and lojom's Dragon Warrior clashed in the first game. Both players had bad hands to begin with, but Dogok took advatage of this situation and put Cairne Bloodhoof on the board. Regardless of board dominance, lojom took Dogok's health down to 11. Dogok used Healing Wave to recover, but Iojom ruled out the possibility of Elemental Destruction and beat Dogok back down to 11 health again. Dogok didn't have proper board clear, but he used a Hallazeal and Lightning Storm combo to regain an extra 14 health.
Deducting that there was a low chance of AoE from Dogok, Iojom decided to leave Hallazeal on the board and go for face; it was a reasonable decision considering that it is the only way to gain his tempo back. As lojom anticipated, Dogok did not have board clear, but he did use Hex and Lava Shock to trade minions and slow lojom's tempo. After that, even Ragnaros could not create a positive position for the Warrior deck. Dogok cleared the board and built up a wall of Taunts. Deathwing was the only hope for Iojom, but the mighty dragon never showed. After a long battle, Dogok won the first game.
Set 2 - Warlock vs Warlock
The second set was a Warlock mirror match. lojom started without coin and didn’t have a good hand, even after mulligan. He changed out all three of his starting cards but could not pick up a single Flame Imp. Dogok played Possessed Villager and Argent Squire with coin immediately to gain board control. lojom was holding two Power Overwhelmings, but they were pretty much useless during the early stage, and Dogok was allowed to secure the board by flooding minions. lojom tried to find a minion to summon, but he could never find one. Even a Sea Giant could not swing the situation, and Dogok won another game.
Set 3 - Shaman vs Mage
lojom played Shaman conservatively even with a good starting hand, aware of Dogok's Mage spells. Iojom succeeded in securing early board control, but the damage he dealt was not threatening enough; Dogok summoned a Water Elemental and took over the board. Iojom’s equipped Doomhammer was too late to swing the game, and Dogok easily took the win. lojom had too many thoughts during the early stage, and it became a bottleneck for his victory.
Set 4 - Warrior vs Druid
Set 4 could be the last game for lojom. He once again picked Dragon Warrior against Dogok's C'Thun Druid. lojom deployed minions to secure control and established a stable board by summoning the Faerie Dragon he drew from Slam. On the other hand, Dogok’s minons were constantly removed whenever he played them. As a result, lojom overwhlemed Dogok in the fourth game and gained a foothold in the series.
Set 5 - Druid vs Shaman
Dogok started with a decent hand, but lojom also had a good start. Dogok changed three cards during mulligan to pick up low-cost minions for his Druid deck, though lojom's Shaman deployed minions first. Dogok used innervate and summoned Dark Arakkoa to prevent board domination from Shaman, but Iojom had Hex in hand. lojom cleared Dogok's board and summoned Tuskarr Totemic, then stabilized with the Totem Golem generated from Tuskarr. Dogok wanted to summon C'Thun fast, so he attempted the winning move by pumping up his mana count using Nourish. C'Thun damaged many of Iojom’s minions, but not enough to remove them all from play. The Azure Drake and Swipe combo was Dogok's last chance, but unfortunately that did not happen, and lojom got one step closer to the throne.
Set 6 - Druid vs Rogue
Both decks—Iojom’s Rogue and Dogok’s Druid—did not play strong minions in the early stage. lojom tried to gain control by summoning Tomb Pillager with coin, but then Dogok used Innervate and Arakkoa in return. Dogok seemed unable to lose after he played Vek'lor on the board. Though Iojom had many cards in hand, Dogok could summon C'Thun at anytime. Iojom summoned Fandral, Violet Teacher and a 5/5 Druid of the Flame, but Dogok removed most of the threats with Mulch and minion trades. No minions were left on the board after Dogok summoned a big fat C'Thun, and lojom had nothing to remove it.
He hesitated a little and declared his surrender. Dogok was the last man standing.
■ 2016 HIT Final Match Results
Dogok 4 vs 2 lojom - Dogok Win
Set 1 Dogok (Shaman) W : L lojom (Warrior)
Set 2 Dogok (Warlock) W : L lojom (Warlock)
Set 3 Dogok (Mage) W : L lojom (Shaman)
Set 4 Dogok (Druid) L : W lojom (Warrior)
Set 5 Dogok (Druid) L : W lojom (Shaman)
Set 6 Dogok (Druid) W : L lojom (Rogue)
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