It started a little different than the usual interviews. I was waiting in the interview and welcome by a very calm and happy person.
Lee "GBM" Chang-seok entered the interview booth very relaxed and smiling. Usually you want to make the person you are interviewing feel the most comfortable way possible, well Lee "GBM" Chang-seok was already comfortable and was more concerned to be sure I was comfortable too. He greeted me friendly and joking. While he entered the interview booth he was still joking with one of his Supermassive colleagues, they were simply in an extremely good mood after the games. The first impression was already great and we also had time to catch up with Lee "GBM" Chang-seok how his time in Turkey has been, why he misses North America and his expectations coming into MSI.

How are you feeling GBM? You played in so many regions already and you are finally on international stage, how does it feel to finally showcase your talent to the rest of the world?
I feel great. I don’t have many words to say here.
So you just feel great? *jokingly*
Actually, I played in many regions and I really miss North America.
Ouh, why do you miss North America?
Because I love King Crab! Actually it called 'Boiling Crab', do you know what it is?
I know, but I never got to try it! So that’s what you miss the most about North America?
I looked for it in Turkey, but I couldn’t find it. I miss king crab!
I don’t think Turkey is too famous for 'Boiling Crab', but did you try Kebab?
Kebab is also good, but I still miss King Crab.
Guys bring King Crab to the whole world! Anyways how does it feel to play MSI?
It’s very exciting. I think I’m playing better when I’m on stage and I think when we get through play into the main stage I will play even better.
That sounds great! So, are you excited to play a certain team or player at the main stage?
Yea of course! So one year ago I changed to jungle for a moment in Vitality. I was so scared at that moment, I even thought of retiring.But at this time I thought if I tryhard mid lane again with jungle knowledge.
Which is good right? It is not atypical to have mid laners and junglers play a lot together anyway.
Exactly, so I’m adapting now to play with my jungle knowledge and I’m playing a lot better than before.
So do you think this is the best GBM we’ve ever seen play?
Yes. (laughs) You know before I played Jungle, I had reached my limit. Now I don’t know my limits.
So you have to face Faker, your new “Faker” so you can grow again?
Yeah! That’s why I want to play against Kingzone!
What do you think about the other mids in Group B? Do you think they are good or do you think you are just better also due to your experience?
Maybe. *jokingly* (actually we both just started laughing) I hope I’m better at least. I will try my best.I like to lane perfectly and not go for any risks, that’s why.
I mean it fits perfectly to what you like to play right? Slow scaling mages which you also played a lot in the TCL. So do think it is better for you to shotcall your team to victory during the late game or is it better for you to be able to carry them individually?
Usually Snowflower and me we shotcall together. For an example when to go for a play, who to focus and other objective calls. I also try to help my jungler by tracking the enemy jungler.
So you are tracking the jungler all by yourself too?
We are doing it together! I try to help by finding the junglers position for our top and bot lanes.
That is actually very different and interesting. So you came to the TCL with a lot of other Koreans to play there but you guys at Supermassive were the only ones with a Korean coach. Why a Korean coach?
I like our coach coach because he is very passionate. And I wanted to have him and also Snowflower because they have very good knowledge too.
Actually, I watched this team prior to joining it and I wanted to make sure that I will reinforce them the best way possible. I knew Zeitnot was a good ad carry so I thought it would be the best for him to have a Korean support so he can improve.
How do you guys Shotcall?
We shot call in English! In the beginning, it was a bit difficult for Snowflower but I have been helping him by teaching him, so he is much better now.
Do you want to say anything to your international and Korean fans that are rooting for you?
I want to thank all the fans that are watching and rooting for us. Keep watching for us, we will give our best and I will keep going for my life!
Thank you Lee “GBM Chang-seok for the interview and we wish you and Supermassive eSports for the rest of the tournament.
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