The champions of each and every region have been decided, and soon they will all be gathered at this year's MSI to determine who stands at the very top; League of Legends fans from all around the world are burning with anticipation. In order to satiate the fire until the main stage of the tournament begins, we have prepared an AMA.
This time, the player that we have invited for the AMA is a Korean toplaner that has joined Echo Fox to battle in the NA LCS.

■ How to Participate in the Event
The live AMA with Huni will begin at 18:00 (PDT), May 6th, through the comment section at the bottom of this post; and the AMA will take place for approximately 1 hour. All questions will be checked and answered by Huni himself. Please don't be shy with your questions!
Before the live AMA begins, Huni will go through the comment section of this post for questions to answer. So don't wait until the live AMA; leave a comment on this post, now!

In addition, we'll be doing a giveaway of ten 1350RP gift cards that can be redeemed on the NA server. Ten lucky winners will be randomly selected from among all participants.
※ Duration of the Event: NOW ~ May 6th, 23:59
※ Prizes: 1350RP Riot Gift Card (10 Winners)
(Prepaid RP cards are for the North American League of Legends server, and they cannot be redeemed on other servers.)
(All winners will be sent a notice to the e-mail address they registered with at the Inven Global website. Once we confirm the winners via e-mail, we will send them their rewards right away.)
※ The purpose of this AMA is for Huni to communicate with his fans from all around the globe, and therefore, his answers will be given in English. We would highly appreciate it if you can leave your comments in English (Google Translator) so that everyone can read your interesting question! (후니 선수와의 AMA는 전세계의 유저를 대상으로 진행 중이라 영어로 답변을 드릴 예정입니다. 구글 번역기 등을 활용하여 가급적 영어로 질문을 남겨주시면 이를 확인하는 많은 분들에게 큰 도움이 될 것으로 예상됩니다.)
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Comments :130
level 1 meihui_jin
Who do you think will win the 2018 MSI? How will you evaluate peanut and mlxg?
PS: wish you happiness everyday :P
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@meihui_jinprobably KZ . As everyone knows def looks strongest team worlds and have so many way to win. Ofc Mlxg is one of strong jungler but I would say Peanut has more ability.
level 1 largebeta
Who do you THINK will win, and who do you WANT to win? Also, what hair product do you use?
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@largebetaYeah I would say KZ and also I would like to see KZ win. Because Peanut is there :D .Fortunately my hair stay pretty well so I am not using anything HAHA!!
level 1 ja11es
I have a few questions. What do you think is the main reason you guys lost to ssg in 2017 finals, and what would you want to change that happened? Do you think skt will come back? And last one, why did you leave skt?
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@ja11esEmm, That's not easy question ! but I would say back that time SSG was too good to win for us. They were really trying hard and as score like it was 3:0. def they were way better at as a team. Also they almost never made mistake. Even tho I go back I am not sure what we could have done haha :D . For sure Skt will be back. I always want to have new experience and NALCS was only region that I have failed, I wanted to win again :D
level 1 Jessie0721
How's your vacation in Korea? How do you spend your spare time? Look forward to seeing you again in NA summer split!
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Jessie0721AWESOME!! Family, Freinds, food and everything. :D exciting for NALCS Summer split !
level 1 baeleeyoon
여긴 한국어로 써도 되나요? 한국인, 유럽사람들, 미국인의 제일 이상한 특징이 뭐라고 생각하세요? 독일과 미국음식을 비교하면 어떻게 달라요?-
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@baeleeyoonEmm.. It's SO HARD TO DESCRIBE.. ah! when i was in Berlin even tho raining was so hard they were not using umbrella haha i got surprise .. else idk in NA there is a lot Korean i guess hahaha . is not able to compare between Germany and NA .. NA food is TOO OP
level 1 Matthew_Brown
How difficult was learning English and did living in America help?
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Matthew_Brown emm i was really sad that could not speaking Eng when Reignover could speak really well. so i was crying before i slept :( and i tried hard to be good at Eng ! and become like here lever :D . Ofc living in America so much helpful than being in KR
level 1 Lisa
Hello Huni! I really enjoy watching your plays since you were in SKT. Here are my quesions.
1.Who do you think is the best top laner in the world now?
2.Khan says if top laner is in trouble, it must be jungle's fault. Do you agree with him?
3.Peanut said you guys had a gathering together with your parents? How was it?
4.How would you compare NA, EU and LCK since you have experiences in all of them? In terms of training, competition or anything.
5.Which players are you close to? Both in LCK or NA.
Good luck on the upcoming summer split!
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Lisa1. Khan
3. Great :D was fun in Bang's town
4. Emm i would just say LCK is crazy haha too good
5. hard to say !! depends on person :D
level 1 Datwater
How does playing on Echo Fox differ from your experience playing with SKT? Do you think you played a more important role last season or the current season?
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Datwater not really. always league 5 man game and everyone is most important but NA is easier region. i could do probably more thing than when i was in lck
level 1 dontplayyasuo
Do you know Hong-Cheon?
level 1 Gerbil
What wildcard region is surprising or has surprised you the most this MSI?
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Gerbilprobably supermassive my boy snowflower is there also my hyung gbm is doing well haha looks strong
level 1 Mia_T
What are your favorite foods? I hope you are doing well!
level 1 Le_ChienMaigre
Have you got habits to feel good before a match begins? When was the time you felt more pressure? Are you happy to be back in NA? Why?
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Le_ChienMaigre obviously worlds final was .. most pressure haha i mean always i am exciting before match start :D i am happy to back NA cuz so many good food .. ah...
level 1 goldenpeanut
Hello Huni!!! I’ve always loved watching you play ever since your days in SKT! My first question is if you have any plans to stream again because I really miss seeing your streams ;(!! My second questions is that I’m actually a top main and I was wondering if you had any tips for how to know when to and when not to teleport to help your teammates! Lastly how was your trip with Bang and Peanut to Hongcheon? :) Love you and will always support you ???????? 화이팅!
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@goldenpeanuthaha will try to stream but i am doing ogn casting on 11/12 :D
it just .. look at there if u think that can win go for it !!
Hongcheon is great clean city :D
Thank you ~
level 1 mstxdeath
Do you have any pregame routines or rituals?
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@mstxdeath i am just drinking coffee and using hand warmer :D coffee is my life
level 1 Marcinho
Hi Huni! Hope you are doing well.
1.Last year SKT had two jungles in S7, which to some extend led it to the finals but didn’t make it to the champion. How do you compare Peanut and Blank as junglers in this kind of SKT system?
2. What made Peanut and you think SKT was no longer suitable and decide to leave?
3.Are you considering going back to LCK or exploring some other regions in the future?
4. Are you still in touch with kkoma? How strict was he in SKT? Does he have a girlfriend now?
5. Do you prefer to date Korean girls or foreign girls?
Thanks for your time!
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Marcinho1. def Skt system is great bringing so much motivation
2. for me i want to have more experience and try again NALCS
3. not sure i am always open mind
4. haha actually kkoma is not that strict just good and need to follow him that's all. i don't think so ^^..
5. i have no experience .. :(
level 1 Bubble0711
Hello Huni :D. I really want to see you in World Champion League so please be strong and keep your health well :D. I have some questions which I want to ask you :D
1) Are you happy now ^^~?
2) Can you tell me about your relationship between you, Peanut and Bang?
3) What is the most important for progamer to keep their health well?
4) With you, 5 top laners you think are the best top laners in the world now?
Thanks for your answer. Have fun and see you in World. Fighting Huni <3-
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Bubble07111 i am HAPPY!
2 haha my boys
3 probably stretch and keep good posture
4 uh .. huni huni huni huni huni ..? :D probably in Msi Khan will do best
level 1 alehandro22
Hi Huni, do you still keep in touch with your old teammates? Have been following you since your debute in 2015 with fnatic. You are the best and I hope you can win next split in NA finally.
level 1 LordFeanor
Are you interested in coming back to EU ?? -
level 1 jnijni
Hello from Vietnam! Hi Huni!
1. In one of the interviews with Travis you mentioned that Echo Fox struggled with the meta halfway through regular season. Many fans say that you are inflexible in adapting/can only play carries? Do you think this is true? How have you improved over time?
2. What's the difference between playing with Reignover/Peanut/Blank/Dardoch? Which of the junglers do you mesh with the most?
3. I read somewhere that you were previously a midlaner trainee on Samsung. Why did you swap roles?
4. What are some teams you want to play against again in international events? Why?
5. Can you rate your experiences on Fnatic/IMT/SKT?
6. Most memorable fan experience?
7. What do you like to do in you free time?
8. How do you feel about being a guest caster for MSI?
Thank you for your time and to Inven staff as well! Good luck in summer, I'm cheering for you to make it to Worlds! <3
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@jnijni1 i mean i am always able to play anything :D
2 hard to say everyone has diff strength
3 i was doing both top and mid
4 skt :D win vs kkoma
5 since esports growing fast ofc skt imt fnc
6 in eu when they yell my name
7 playing game. .?
8 exciting but kinda nervous ..!
level 1 Jenny_Kim
Hello Huni! I have some questions for you.
1, Are there any funny stories in your friendship between you and Bang ?
2, How about Hongcheon trip with Bang and Peanut recently ?
3, How do you evaluate about SKT 2018? Do you think they can make it to Worlds 2018?
Thanks for your answer. See you in Worlds 2018. Fighting!-
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Jenny_Kim1 haha everything is fun all the time
2 good was super nice
3 not sure they are having hard time but will be back i belive
level 1 mlaitut
Hi Huni,
Really enjoyed watching you on Echo Fox this split. Besides yourself, who do you think is the best top laner in NA? Looking forward to watching cast at MSI!
level 1 Chase_Adelman
Given that you have played with three very agressive junglers during their prime; Reignover on FNC, Peanut on SKT, and now Dardoch on FOX; who do you feel you worked best with given your playstyle of being aggressive and dominant topside? Who did you have the most trouble working with? Thanks in advance man. Was super fun seeing you live this split
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Chase_Adelmanhard to say just try to work hard to be as one team but everytime ealry is hard when we need to get use to :D
level 1 Genryou
Hi, Huni.
What do you think about TheShy as toplaner?
level 1 Karim_Elhamy
Other than reignover , who are u close to the most during ur time eu and na
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Karim_Elhamyemm Adrian is close friend and probably impact i am friendly with everyone haha
level 1 Reduiiii
Hello hello! I've been a fan of you since your IMT days. Since you've played in so many different regions, have you considered going to LPL or LMS? Also is a reunion with Reignover still a possibility for the future?
Thanks for doing this ama!
level 1 vanesser33
Are there any other games you like to play on your free time right now? Are you more of a solo climb or duo/group que for fun?-
level 1 Trang_Marie
Can you compare 3 e-sport environments are Korea, EU and NA? And what advantages, experience and skill that each place brings to you?
-From your fans since SKT 2017 <3--
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Trang_Marielck teams are just trying so hard no one can catch up that level . that's why i got so much better than before
level 1 ZakanSparta
I'm a top main, and would like to know what you think is the most important things to focus on to improve, especially carry/assassin's tps (Fiora, Jayce, Jax, Irelia)?
Or is it just "play more"? It seems I do mostly the right things, win trades, push opponent to deny cs, outfarm, etc, yet i often end up losing games :(
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@ZakanSpartaprobably play more help but u need to play every champs that vs it and get use to will be better :D
level 1 Rihika
Huni, what do you think about KingZone DragonX, can they be unbeaten in the group stage?
What do you think is the most formidable opponent for MSI KingZone DragonX?
Do you want to confront KingZone?
The team or gamer you want to meet the most?
In the end, I love you very much, looking forward to you in the upcoming tournaments.I miss you Huni ????????
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
level 1 myasan
hi huni ^^ you look happy on this team so i’m glad to see that! do you miss other countries you used to live in? do you enjoy the adventures that await you with the new teams you’ve been in? is it nerve-wrecking having to meet people and does everyone get along well? wish you the best~
level 1 David_Lim
What was your favourite thing about NA, EU and Korea? Really love you Huni!
level 1 Cody_Lancaster
Did you have aspirations of becoming pro when you first started playing league? Or is it something that just sort of happened for you?
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Cody_Lancasternot really i was bronze haha i got diamond with Akali and i felt oh i am gonna be pro
level 1 Hoswenator
Hello huni,
Who were some of your favorite teammates to play with over your whole career?
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Hoswenatoremm i have no idea i can't pick one :( bang reignover adrian peanut etc..
level 1 LeHaiNhi
How did you enjoy your stay in Korea with Bang and Peanut?-
level 1 MorantesGabriel
In your opinion, what needs to be done to close the gap between Korean and other regions, specially NA?
level 1 Jonaras
who do u think is the best toplaner right now?
level 1 NickV
Hey Huni,
- Who gives you the most trouble in scrims, both on the enemy team and on your team?
- Aside from Lucian top, what champion outside of your role would you like to see appear in the toplane?
- Is there another NA pro-player that you would want to get closer to and get to know better?
- Fenix > Faker?
- If you and Dardoch switched roles, do you think you could do better than him in the jungle? How do you think he'd act as a toplaner?
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@NickVi don't remember scrims but khan was hard to deal when i was in kr
not really i will try look
haha i have no idea but i am really good at jg
level 1 sakurasw
Can you stream with Reignover? ????
level 1 RedRobin77
Hello Huni,
Do you believe that you will ever be able to win the World Championship with a NA team? Also if you had the ability to create a team using anybody in NA what would your dream team be and can you explain each role choice?
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@RedRobin77uh.... not really somehow lck does not join worlds .. probably yeah ?
that's why fox is here let's go
level 1 KimiGV
Hi Huni! I hope you're well, I woul like ask to you some things.
1.- How do you feel now that you're playing in NA?
2.- Do you have plans to return to play at LCK?
3.- How was your experience playing in SKT?
4.- What is your goal for the next season?
5.- What is the difference between LCK and NA?
I hope to see you in summer split, greetings from Mexico, fighting!-
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@KimiGV1 feels good man good food
2 not sure but open mind everything
3 good i learn so much
4 winning every game
5 lck is working harder and pressure a lot
level 1 dont_ban_teemo
hi Huni!! when you eat cereal with milk, do you pour the cereal or the milk first?
good luck in the upcoming summer split!! greetings from Poland
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@dont_ban_teemoHAHA i am doing random but cereal and eatting some and put milk HSAHASHA
level 1 G-Swayze11
You've been in a few different regions now, and I'm curious about which one you enjoy the most. Also, do you think you'll ever settle down and play permanently in one region, or would you rather keep moving around every year or two?Thanks Huni, I'm a big fan of both you and Echo Fox!-
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@G-Swayze11emm i am enjoying now always and let's see next time :D be more open?
level 1 Deathberry99
First Off, good luck at MSI 2018.Second, what do you do when your friend is stuck in silver 5 and what can he do to get out and climbing?Third, what Champs do you think are good for players that have low mechanics?Thank you very much, Huni.-
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Deathberry99.. i am sorry could not join msi
i have no idea uhh praying he will get carry everygame ..
level 1 Abdullah_C
What are your thoughts on top lane as of now and the current meta? Good luck at MSI and why you so cute?-
level 1 Hendrick_Chan
Hi Huni, you've been I. The EU, NA and KR. Which region is the most challenging?
level 1 Narei
Hi Huni :)
My question: How did you learn English so fast from almost knowing none, and do you think it affects your play when communicating in English vs Korean?
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Nareibecause i was crying everyday and i got motivate from reignover that speaking really well..!
i think Korean is op cuz shorter
level 1 Janice
Why did you choose top lane, and what is your favorite secondary role/why?Note: I play all other roles but top! Please tell me the pros of top lane :)-
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
level 1 cabetoto
Hi Huni! Long time fan here.
What is one champion that you haven't been able to play in the top Lane yet that you can't wait to show us during the summer split? I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Taric top myself!
Enjoy your trip to MSI!!
level 1 Aprilkoala
Hi, Huni,u r a adorable player, good in-game mechanical skill and nice personality. Hope we can see u on Oct‘s Worlds in Korea. I have several questions:
1. it's about last year's leaving. Although u were blamed a lot during the summer split of LCK,with the benefit of hindsight, u r not the real problem for SKT. On the contrary, u r exactly the Top laner that SKT needed. r u agree with u? and is there any chances that u would come back to SKT to help them out?
2. Since u replaced Looper to be the top laner in Echo Fox, and got the success that Looper couldn't achieved. u two both r one of the best top laner in the world, can u tell us what made u accomplish the Looper's impossible task? what's the difference betweeen u & Looper?
3. u r well known for u language talent, and I also watched a interview that u spoke a little in Chinease before. How many language u can speak? Is there any secret learning methods?
4. I knew that LPL lacks good top laner, it seems like they r the only region who can compete with LCK currently and also their salary is quite high. Have u ever considerd to play in LPL? If opportunity comes, would u willing to take?if the answer is no, could u tell us why? I'm sure Language won't be a problem for u.
thank you so much ! Hope u have a great day!
level 1 EchoFox_Huni
@Aprilkoalaofc i am adorable :D wanna go worlds cuz my city
1 i mean i was doing well before so that's why looks like way worse but i play also bad . still overall i agree play pretty well whole year
2 i am way more active personality and bring team more up to be powerful or have more energy that was big
3 just 2. . but knows some chinease haha
4 not sure yet will try !