New Event: EXP and Drop Rate Boost Hours in April
Ellie’s Mystical Lake Festival
[Event] Useless Weapon Box from the event Shepherd Boy will expire in 2 weeks following this week's maintenance. Please make sure to open your remaining boxes to claim your rewards before it expires!
The Lahn has been added to the PC Cafe Premium Characters.
PC Cafe Premium Characters can reset their skills without using any items.
PC Cafe Premium Characters will have Inventory Slot +16 Coupon *3 and 4000 skill points upon creation.
The animation when the characters move holding a matchlock while sitting down has been improved.
Fixed an issue where the characters’ underwear was not visible for a brief moment when changing costumes in the Pearl Shop.
New graphics have been added for when the Warrior smashes the ground with his sword in the character creation screen.
Fixed an issue where the Ranger could not use Flow: Sharp Feather I after Round Kick.
Fixed an issue where the Ranger could not use Ultimate: Evasive Shot while using Tearing Arrow.
Fixed an issue where the Ranger could not use Ultimate/Extreme/Absolute Charging Wind after switching to Longbow while moving sideways.
Fixed an issue where Breezy Blade II and III inflicted Stiffness on cooldown if the skill was used after backward Wind Step.
Fixed an issue where the Ranger could not use Ultimate: Evasive Shot while using Razor Wind.
Fixed an issue where Blasting Gust dealt damage when the skill did not hit the target if the skill was used immediately used after switching to Longbow while moving forward.
Fixed an issue where PvP damage of Absolute: Will of the Wind was not reduced when the skill was used while moving rapidly if the Ranger has Ultimate: Evasive Shot.
Fixed an issue where the PvP damage of Absolute: Will of the Wind was not reduced when the skill was used while the Ranger is standing still and the skill is on cooldown.
Animation optimization for the Berserker has been completed.
Fixed an issue where Ultimate: Frenzied Destroyer recovered WP.
Fixed an issue where the Sorceress could not switch to Scythe with Flow: Rushing Crow when Rushing Crow was used after Crow Nightmare.
[Musa and Maehwa]
Fixed an issue where Horn Bow appeared on the hilt of the blade while using Chase.
Musa - Pearl Shop banner images for the Anemos costume set, Onyx Jaguar costume set, and Pila Fe Outlaw costume set have changed.
Fixed the graphical glitch when the Valkyrie is wearing Arendo Armor and Venslar Shoes together.
[Witch and Wizard]
Graphics of the characters that are affected by Protected Area have changed.
Wizard - the Wizard will not “cheer” anymore when he obtains an item while using Bolide of Destruction with Black Spirit’s Rage.
[Kunoichi and Ninja]
Ghost Step can be used with quick slots.
[Dark Knight]
The DK will not “cheer” anymore when she obtains an item while using Lunacy of Vedir and Obsidian Ashes with Black Spirit’s Rage.
[Striker and Mystic]
Flash Step can be used with quick slots.
Fixed an issue where the Lahn could not use some skills while using Flow: Pendulum Waltz (long mobility skill).
Pendulum Waltz can be used with quick slots.
The Lahn cannot used Soul Grasp anymore while holding Shift.
Fixed an issue where the Lahn could not wear Farmer’s Clothes.
Graphics and sounds of Pendulum Kick/Flow: Pendulum Kick/Absolute: Pendulum Kick have changed.
Fixed an issue where the Lahn could not use Scream of Confinement and Descent after using Blood Pendulum Waltz while sprinting.
Everyone will get 10 Deep Blue Hoof Roots.
- The items have been sent out via in-game mailbox. Please claim the item before May 5th, 2018.
- This is a reminder that Deep Blue Hoof Root is obtainable from gathering with an Empty Bottle in water.
Descriptions regarding buffs will always be in the format below.
- Attack Speed +1 Level/Attack Speed +1 Point > Attack Speed Level +1
- AP +5 > All AP +5
- Damage Reduction +2 > All Damage Reduction +2
Item descriptions of the following items will be more clear and straightforward. (i.e. ambiguous words like “slightly” or “largely” have been edited.)
- Hunter’s Salad, Hunter’s Fresh Salad, Khalk’s Fermented Wine, Khalk’s Strong Fermented Wine, Rainbow Button Mushroom Cheese Melt, Mild Rainbow Button Mushroom Cheese Melt, Kamasylvia Meal, Special Kamasylvia Meal, Pure Black Stone

Descriptions of the following items will include the exact number of success rate increase.
- Glasses, Earrings, Pearl Mount Gear
Descriptions of bed items will include the exact number of additional Energy recovery.
The grades of some Horse/Ship Licenses have been adjusted.
The awkward sentences in the item descriptions of Flute have been fixed.
Fixed an issue where the creator’s name was removed from the PEN items that were bought via pre-order.
NPC Haaz, the NPC for Premium Characters, will sell Arsha Box.
- Only Premium characters can purchase Arsha Boxes (1 silver each).
- Arsha Boxes contain main weapons, sub weapons, awakening weapons, outfits, and accessories with different options.
Conquest War Season 4 ends this week.
Forts can be assembled and disassembled until an hour before the Node/Conquest War begins.
Individual Battle Mode has been added in Arena of Arsha.
- The Individual Battle Mode is a PvP mode where one player from each team has a 1vs1 battle until the final winner is determined.
- The player who can manage Arena of Arsha can start the Individual Battle Mode.
- The player who can manage Arena of Arsha can distribute players to each team and select the leader for each team.
- When the Individual Battle starts, the leaders should choose the player who is going to play for that round. If the leader does not choose, a random player will be selected.
- When one team has no players left to fight, the team will lose and the Individual Battle will end.
Arena of Arsha map has been improved.
- Geographical features have been simplified, and some physical obstacles have been removed.
- A wall has been added around the edge of the arena so characters don’t fall into the small pit.

In Arena of Arsha, the cooldown for Black Spirit’s Rage and Emergency Escape will be refreshed after each round.
When the player who can manage Arena of Arsha sends an invitation to the party leader, the rest of the members in the party will receive an invitation as well.
When your character is standing on your ship when it is anchored, the graphics that indicate your ship will not appear.
During the gathering mini game, pebbles will be distributed more widely among the tiles.
Fixed the animation glitches with Young Griffon Pet.
Fixed an issue where you could fish unrevealed fish in an unrevealed area.
Fixed an issue where Helmets would remain after changing to another costume in the Pearl Shop costume preview.
Fixed an issue where the drop location for Asula’s Weakened Magic Belt was written as the drop location for Asula’s Weakened Magic Necklace.
The drop rate of Asula’s Weakened Magic Accessories has increased by 50%.
Fixed an issue where traps could not be placed on certain geographical features.
Navigating in Valencia Royal Palace will become easier.
You can no longer start the gathering mini game when your weight is over 150%.
Fixed an issue where Node/Conquest war participants collided with the buildings that other guilds have built when Node/Conquest War is not going on.
Monsters in Red Wolf Town have been redistributed so you can grind more smoothly in the area.
Graphics of the following monster’s attacks have been improved.
- Cadry Commander, Green Orc Skeleton Warrior, Moghulis, Ogre
Fixed an issue where monsters and/or the player’s summoned creatures would disappear occasionally.
[Quest and Knowledge]
Materials will be written on the Knowledge descriptions of Cooking/Alchemy Knowledge.
- You can check the materials of the Knowledge that you have in the Knowledge menu (H).
- You can also check the materials from the Knowledge list that pops up when you interact with Cooking Utensils/Alchemy Tools.
- If you do not have the Knowledge for a food/alchemy item, you can hover your mouse to the question marks to see the materials for the Knowledge.
A new quest chain where you can get 2 inventory slots has been added in Drieghan. (7 quests in chain, must be level 58 or over, available once per character)
During the quest “The Only Plan”, you can now reach the quest objective using the navigation function.
Awkward lines in some quest descriptions, Knowledge descriptions, and NPC dialogue have been fixed.
If you have completed Tuval’s Law and Order - Respect #2 but do not have the Knowledge Article 5 of Tuval’s Law and Order - Respect, you can get the Knowledge by talking to NPC Maghed in Gahaz Bandit’s Lair.
If you have completed the Nightmare in Crioville quest chain but do not have the Knowledge “Nightmare in Crioville” and “King of the Otter?”, you can get the Knowledge by talking to NPC Crioville villager.
The Knowledge Categories for Low/Mid/High Grade Crystal Fusion have changed from Crystal Fusion to Certificates. (Total Energy will not be affected by this change.)
[Gameworld, NPC, and Graphics]
Fixed an issue where some objects in Calpheon would disappear after rotating the camera angle.
Drieghan will look more natural in low graphical settings.
The name of NPC Haaz, the vendor for Premium characters, has changed to Premium Vendor.
Some NPCs in Drieghan will have default voice lines.
Fixed an issue where the reflections of some items were not visible in the Pearl Shop.
Fixed the awkward camera angles when talking to certain NPCs in Calpheon, Duvencrune, and Shakatu.
Awkward lines of some NPCs in Drieghan have been fixed.
Fixed an issue where some NPCs saluted players who are not Lords.
NPC Eil in Heidel will now properly return to work.
The following information will be displayed in the Stable/Wharf UI.
- Number of mounts/ships in the stable/wharf
- Number of mounts/ships taken out
- Number of available spaces
You can now change the camera angle by clicking on a button during the world boss Garmoth raid, so you can see the whole area during the raid.
The function will not work when you are too far away from Garmoth.
You can only learn the skills that you did not lock in the skill window.
- Unlock the skill if you want to learn the skill.
A system message will pop up when you are trying to register a worker to the worker market but do not have any workers to register.
Fixed the unintended empty space in the quest widget.
A new feature “Recommended for you” has been added in the Pearl Shop.
The background image of the system message when your character’s Fishing, Critical Hit, Attack Speed, etc. level increases will look more natural.
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Comments :6
level 1 Tash
They nerfed ranger? O_o Serious?
level 1 BDOBloo
@TashNot really a nerf. They messed up last patch by letting Ranger not have reduced damage off cd this was just a fix of their previous mistake.
level 1 BDOBloo
Just out of curiosity are there any of the invenglobal staff that sieges or actively does PvP in KR?
level 1 Yullie
@BDOBloo Some of us play in the NA/EU server and some of us play in the KR server. One of our staffs likes PvP, but he doesn't play PvP that actively because he loses most of the times... -
level 1 Yullie
@BDOBlooand personally I haven't played PvP... ever since my TET Dande attempt failed
level 1 Geoffrey
Is this the real start of the real end?
NPC Haaz, the NPC for Premium Characters, will sell Arsha Box.
- Only Premium characters can purchase Arsha Boxes (1 silver each).
- Arsha Boxes contain main weapons, sub weapons, awakening weapons, outfits, and accessories with different options.