The new designs for the Valkyrie and Warrior’s costumes which Beom Kim, a popular Korean illustrator, has been working on after joining Pearl Abyss for the new project have been revealed.
The Valkyrie’s costume resembles a soldier uniform from the Modern Age, while the Warrior’s resembles a medieval knight’s armor with metal plates. These costumes are still in the concept design stage and the actual in-game design could differ from the illustrations once they are out.
For reference, Beom Kim has drawn illustrations for Vindictus, Durango, and Hyper Universe. He is one of the top Korean illustrators who is popular for his unique illustration style.

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Comments :5
level 1 NakedToast
That valk costume is AMAZING
level 1 Diego_Alonso
@NakedToastno its not, its going to be for a new game who knows for the same IP
level 1 Nutoboni
@Diego_Alonsoit's an article for black desert online, why would it be for a new game. it litteraly says warrior and valkyrie
level 1 Diego_Alonso
@NutoboniThe new designs for the Valkyrie and Warrior’s costumes which Beom Kim, a popular Korean illustrator, has been working on after joining Pearl Abyss for the new project have been revealed.
level 1 Diego_Alonso
@Nutoboni Seems they are creating a New IP