Doublelift’s brother, Yihong Peng, was arrested for murder on the 31st of March (Saturday) in Orange County, California.
According to Daily Mail, Yihong Peng was allegedly charged with stabbing both his mother and father. The mother did not survive her injuries. On the other hand, the father, severely injured, is expected to survive according to the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.
Police responded to the scene after a neighbor saw and reported Yihong Peng on the streets with a knife. Two deputies arrived to the scene shortly after to find both parents stabbed, and Yihong attempting to flee the scene. Shortly after, Yihong was captured and arrested. He is currently being held on bail for $1 million dollars. Yihong Peng is scheduled to appear in court on April 2nd. The police has stated that they are still actively investigating the motive behind the crime.
Scheduled to perform for the North American playoff finals in Miami on April 8th, Doublelift has stated in a Twitlonger post on April 1st “I’m still processing this news and joining up with my dad and little brother to make sure they’re ok and the proper arrangements are being made. I’ll likely be quiet on social media while I work through this. I hope you all understand and support me as you always have in the past.”.
EDITORS NOTE: Portions in this report have been changed to better reflect the unknown nature of Doublelift’s tournament participation plans.
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