The voting for the 2018 Black Desert Online Global Costume Contest has begun. 5 entries from 10 regions survived after the intense competition and selection. The voting for the Global Top 10 will go from March 29th to April 2nd, and the entries with the most votes in each region will qualify for the Global Best Voting.
The participants who manage to make it to the Global TOP 10 will receive a 3,000 USD prize. The participants that are voted as the Global BEST entries will receive 10,000 USD, a special title, and will get to see their own design developed as an actual costume in-game.
Below are the entries that made it to the Global Top 10 voting. We classified them into regions, and the order goes as follows: Russia, Southeast Asia, Japan, Thailand, Taipei/Hong Kong/Macao, NA, SA, EU, South Korea, Turkey/Middle East.
◆ Russia

◆ Southeast Asia

◆ Japan

◆ Thailand

◆ Taipei/Hong Kong/Macao

◆ North America

◆ South America

◆ Europe

◆ South Korea

◆ Turkey/Middle East

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Comments :22
Best Comment
level 1 BdoChoice
@nntkPlease just stop your embarrassing yourself. Don't assume what other people may or may not like, makes you seem immature. Also I can think what I want, if your triggered by such a simple comment then I suggest you get some help. Also I don't need to insult with swear words and such, that's so 1980's.
level 1 BdoChoice
@nntkI can like whatever kind of clothing I like, if its cute, fantasy and sexy, there is nothing sexist about sexy and people need to stop treating sexy like its a crime against humanity. Its a Korean game and they can do whatever they want. If you do not like it then that's just too bad, perhaps you should play another game.
level 1 Talavyr
Pretty sad to see that a lot of the designs are based off existing costumes/armor in not only other MMOs, but BDO itself. Eg. The first South Korean entry in this article is essentially the Puff Mini outfit that's already in game.
Other designs entirely ignore the guidelines of the competition itself which stated it should be kept to a "Middle Ages of Europe" theme, "Excessively imaginative designs irrelevant and off-theme, as well as provocative ... images will not be accepted." and also "Costumes need to show both top and bottom; the front and back sides of the designs must be shown. Sides should also be shown if there will be additional details."
Like - did none of the people managing this competition even read their own guidelines? It's not like most of the players care - but at least show some kind of integrity, or just allow flagrant plagiarism while you're at it.-
level 1 HAISAN
@TalavyrI can say for sure that no one adhered to the rules, but ignored them. there is also a lot of plagiarism.
a lot of good works in Russia did not get into the top ten, because the voices were not honest.
level 1 BdoChoice
I love some of the designs and hope they eventually make it into the game. For me its all about sexy costume costumes, the more the better. The only thing I would of liked is more Lahn costumes. I feel that there are a lot of Dark knight costumes.
level 1 nntk
@BdoChoice Keep the sexism out of the fckin game you perverted cunt. you want sexism go to a brothel, a porn site or a ask your woman to be sexy for you but a game specially bdo should be all about fighting,trading, medieval looks, not a btch swinging a sword half naked. its not a brothel game, its a medieval one. Damn loner.
level 1 BdoChoice
@nntkI can like whatever kind of clothing I like, if its cute, fantasy and sexy, there is nothing sexist about sexy and people need to stop treating sexy like its a crime against humanity. Its a Korean game and they can do whatever they want. If you do not like it then that's just too bad, perhaps you should play another game.
level 1 nntk
@BdoChoice Perversion IS and IT should be kept in private. Soon people will ask for their rights to be pedophiles with this sick way of thinking and you're not far away from it judging from the way you talk and how ok you are with these kind of things. I bet you're into lolies too. You m8 need to go a little on the field to man the f*** up. I repeat. BDO is about MEDIEVAL WAR not some crappy btch runnin around swinging a sword half naked. Nobody in medieval times fought with her tits hangin out or unprotected by armor. Even if you add fantasy, fantasy doesn't refer to your sick, ill way of thinkin about sexy fantasies. Its not fetishes, learn the term fantasy.
level 1 BdoChoice
@nntkPlease just stop your embarrassing yourself. Don't assume what other people may or may not like, makes you seem immature. Also I can think what I want, if your triggered by such a simple comment then I suggest you get some help. Also I don't need to insult with swear words and such, that's so 1980's.
level 1 nntk
@BdoChoice Btch, stop puling the shame cards as there is no shame in trashing a perverted fat nerds like you. I assume cause its obvious . No normal person would say what you said. I respect the 80's, cause it seems they had more minds and they were wiser, had things in order, they knew how to have fun without the perversion, not like these sensible milenials craps who are full of bullsht. Stupidity is trend and everyone likes to be trendy i see.
level 1 FourthWay
@nntkI'm convinced @nntk is a troll account. But on the off chance that it isn't, let's begin:
First off, you don't even understand the word sexism. Sexism is discrimination against a sex, solely because of that sex. Enjoying looking at, or being apprecitive of the body, is not even in the realm of sexism. The best you would get would be objectification.
Second, you assumed that the person making the original comment was saying that they preferred naked women. It's 2018, you sure you want to assume it's about a man objectifying a woman? Why could it not be the other way around, or man objectifying a man, or a woman objectifying a woman?
Bdo is all about "whatever the hell you think it is". How about you tell us where *your* name appears in the credits for creation of this game, cause if they aren't there, you don't get to dictate to everyone else, what, or how to enjoy bdo. I doubt you could do anything about it even if your name *was* there, unless appreciating the art or such is against the ToS (it isn't).
I find it absolutely hilarious that you have *zero* problem with being a demon spirit infested, dragon slaying, mechanical worm killing, harpy hating reincarnating wielder of magic, elements and weaponry, but it's "unrealistic" that women can wear whatever and do whatever in the game. Maybe the problem lies with you?
The last bit of your useless, spew of opinion I'm going to address is the immense hyprocrisy you show in saying "stop pulling shame cards" literally right AFTER you just tried to shame this other individual into agreeing with your nonsense. If you knew anything about the 80's (you don't), you would understand we were pausing vhs and betamax tapes to see breasts, we were stealing the girlie mags from our parents or older siblings, and we had art on the front of dragonlance novels that showed as much booby and butt as this game does.
Get off your hugh moral horse. You can have your opinions, but you talk stupid mess like this in public, you'll get called out. Also, I'm willing to debate any of the aformention issues with you, iun a public forum, where we both show our faces and name names, or you can just scurry off. We will do it live, and online, so everyone can watch, and we can see what you look like, and what I look like. Hows that sound, cupcake?
level 1 BdoChoice
@FourthWayThank you for defending me. I really enjoy playing bdo because it has the great divercity of armors/clothing to choose from, plus I just love the designs. Everyone should be able to enjoy whatever game design they like wither it be cool, sexy, cute, hero etc. That's what makes video games so cool, the ability to showcase ones art style and direction, this contest was also a great way to showcase talent from multiple artists form all around the world and was a great way to not only showcase their talent but also give them a chance to become a part of bdo. Again thank you for the comment.
level 1 nntk
@FourthWay If you came with these excuse your lust and motives, with what will people gonna come out next? A reason and an excuse to like lollies ? And by like i mean turned by them as in pedophile sense( cause i've seen i have to put details so you wont try turning the words bacl) You realise how sick minded you milenials started to be?Im kinda sick of all these people flapping their mouth and fingers about assuming. F*** your sensitivity and ofended bullsht and shove it up your ass, "sensitive" +20 yrs nerds.
I repeat myself. Do you find that woman on medieval times to be flaping a sword half naked? Game is part fantasy part medieval, it focus on fighting and life skills. But i can see making up excuses is easy when you want to justify lust and obsessions as art or hobby.
Almost all the games turned into a way where the fan service boobs and ass and maximized to please some perverted loners. till 2010 i cant remember a single game that used these kinds of things because common sense and all that. But from a asian game is not a surprise. While everyone knows that at least half of Japan and S Korea are full with pedophiles, people that are into kids or young teenagers, or perverted in the most disgusting way.
About 80's. Yes people were doing that, but everything was kept in private. They had shame and moral standards to follow, the common sense which most of you brats lack these days.
Ohoho id had no problem in debating face to face, problem is we might be a few countries distant. -
level 1 BdoChoice
@nntkIf you hate Japan and Korea so much and think that their countries have such a large number of pedophiles then why do you play their games? Why not just play western games that you think are so holy & clean? Do you know that Japan and Korea are ranked some of the lowest crime in the world?
Can you say the same about Romania?
I just read the crime in Romania and its pretty bad, pickpockets on tourists, thieves, big corruption in government and high domestic abuse against women and much more. Look there are crazy people everywhere but what you are showing isn't any better, you swear like a child, you insult other people's likes, you insult other cultures and show complete disregard to this website and the people that use it.
If your so "old", "wise" and "non millennial" like you claim to be then you would respect others opinion but instead completely disrespect everyone here for no reason because "you" have a problem with a particular style of outfit that other people like but you do not. Well guess what, its 2018 and people can like whatever style of clothing or whichever style of game they want to play. Stop making it seem like you are someone who is immune to doing bad things and that everyone else is bad because they like something "you" are against.
Now I'm going to end this conversation because I don't want to drag this on forever. Learn to respect other people because the internet is a place where many people will have different opinions then you and in the end everyone has to learn to get along with each other.
level 1 Kurozake_Azrael
@nntk @nntk I guess you want/expect all costumes to be full body plate armor or something like that. With your aggressive comments you seem to be far more dangerous than some people who like to have a character with a sexy outfit. Besides, to say it in your words: Do you find that woman on medieval times to be dashing around like a maewha? If you want to stick to medieval fantasy, you shouldn't just decide for yourself which part of the game is allowed to be fantasy and which part has to properly be like medieval times. Lastly, even if someone likes sexy outfits in a game, that has in most cases no relation at all to how they act in real life.
level 1 nntk
@Kurozake_Azrael I'm not dangerous, you're a womanized man, or a bullied kid who couldnt get his shit together.. or you're trying to play the victim. M8, you're a plain idiot you cant see the point im makin. i could repeat the same sentence so many times but you'd be the same idiot u were a few days ago. There are lots of people who are against this things, even if its 18+ doesnt mean it should show half naked btchs. The fact that you said that fantasies could be with half naked woman shows how perverted fat nerd you are. A true man, and a person with half a mind would find that perversion is not ok in public. Fck, a person like you can't even satisfy a true woman as she would be creeped out by you. You would give her the feeling of insecurity.
Another thing. Its ok for a woman to be half naked with full boobs out but not ok for a man to walk with his balls hanging out. or with a big bulge on the seen , get your shit and facts toghether.
And as i was saying there are lots of people against these kind of things but are shadowed by these milenials. This and that are sexy i like it and all that yeah, but every single person with a mind will tell you that is not ok for these kinds of things to be public. Most of the people like you dont talk with reason but with desire and perversion, making up excuse to cover their true intentions. That's why i foresee pedo people asking their rights, these pedo's already found an excuse saying that its a sickness so they could go around the law. And from the way you guys speaking, are not far from that direction at all.
level 1 nntk
@BdoChoice Im just gonna be short.. cause you sound like a creeper. You're defending sexy outfits, i agree with them but only in private, in a relationship or on a brothel. Not on the street,games, games that are about a thing and they turn into fap service for loners. The fact that you defend so much shows the true intention and the way you are. it proves you're a creeper, maybe into lolies too. You need to man up and you need a woman, but first you need to man up or you'll creep her and make her feel unease, insecure. Learn how to talk with sense and reasoning, not with lust and hided perversion mask. Get you sht together.
Not everything you read on internet is true. Its just massmedia. The thiefs you talk about are gypsies, indian people that remained in romania and bulgary 200 hundreds years ago or so. There are roumanians that do bad deeds too but they dont make it very far.
Perversion is not a culture, asian people we're into these kinds of things since 1800 or so, but for example china is heading onto the right track, banning this sickness, they got the point of what a game looks should be.
I used to repect untill i've seen what directions did they lead us too. Womanized man, gay marriage, cults with rights, criminal with rights, less woman with a solid mind, 12 yrs old girls pregnant, stupid trends, drugged kids with wrong surroundings, boys to pussy to do the right thing, milenials that lost sense of morality and helpin....and the list is so f***in big but it would be a wall text.
level 1 Gabriel_Martin
I really enjoy most of the Taipei/Hong Kong/Macao, I enjoy badass/strong costumes that make me feel like I am in a kinda high fantasy/medieval setting. I really hope these costumes win the design contest. I am tired of most of the skimpy dark knight costumes, and also want something for the mystic that actually looks good. I hope these win.
level 1 Frank
The 2nd is a vanilla dungeon set from Guild Wars 2. I really like the ninja entry from Russia, really good.