It was a valuable win after a close contest.
New York Excelsior and Philadelphia Fusion collided in the Stage 2 finals of the Overwatch League - Inaugural Season 2017-2018 at Blizzard Arena on March 25th (Sun), and New York eventually won the stage at the very last moment. The score almost favored Philadelphia with 2-0 at the end of the 2nd set, but New York stood up with their full potential and finally claimed the throne of Stage 2.
Below is the full text of the press conference with New York Excelsior after the game.

Q. You didn’t manage to win in Stage 1 but you made it in Stage 2. What do you think is the difference between those two?
Mano: After failing to win in Stage 1, we practiced to respond much faster even during the game.
Q. What do you think is the reason that Philadelphia Fusion managed to claim victories for the first two games, but New York Excelsior took the rest of the finals?
ArK: We were not fast enough to react to Philadelphia’s changed strategy for the first two games. That’s why we decided to do what we are normally capable of for the rest, and I think that’s what brought us a win.

Q. What was that Philadelphia’s changed strategy?
ArK: Phillies’ frontline tried to hide more than before. They played very passively, so it was quite hard for us to react in time.
Q. (To Libero) You went for a straight fight with Widowmaker against Carpe who is competent with the same hero. What motivated you to choose her? Also, What level of trust did the rest of team members have when Libero chose Widowmaker?
Libero: It was scary to face against Carpe’s Widowmaker. But, he seemed quite tired after playing two games, and I think it was going to be alright as I felt good about my shots.
ArK: At first, I thought Libero was going to have a hard time. But, he was doing really good when I saw him during the game.
Q. What did you guys think after losing two games in streak against Philadelphia Fusion?
Mano: We thought London Spitfire would be against us so we prepared a strategy in that case, and we used it for the first and second games, but it didn’t work well. Regardless, we managed to come back and we gained much confidence that we’ll win upcoming games as well.
Q. Other teams are closing the gap day by day. How will you improve yourselves in order to maintain the good result?
Mano: Unlike any other teams, we have an incredibly awesome coach who will help us improve further, so I am not really worried about it.
Q. Carpe’s Widowmaker is really popular. What do you think is the reason for his Widowmaker’s specialty?
Saebyeolbe: He’s just that good. The secret may be maintaining the small distance between Poko and Carpe while in combat.

Q. Who was the MVP of Philadelphia Fusion in last games?
ArK: Tanks were really incredible. They were hiding in a spot where it was difficult for us to take a shot and protected their teammates really well.
Q. Some of you will go to New York to meet some fans next week. What do you expect the most?
Saebyeolbe: I really want to go to the Central Park in New York because I love that kind of places, and see doggos there.
ArK: I want to go to a fancy restaurant in New York and try some nice foods because we won (laugh).
JJoNak: I’m just excited to go to New York in general.
Q. Although western teams are surely becoming more skilled, there is still a gap. How do you think that western teams will be able to close this gap?
Hyeon-sang "Pavane" Yu (Coach): I don’t think there’s any gap between Korean and western teams, but there’s only a gap between New York Excelsior and non-New York Excelsior.

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