On March 22nd, a Reformed boss off-hand weapon, Blazing Nouver/Kutum Off-hand, has been added in Black Desert Online KR. The Blazing Nouver/Kutum has the same base stats as the regular Nouver/Kutum, but will give additional stats of Max HP +150, Max Stamina +100, and Special Attack Evasion +10%.
Nouver/Kutum Off-hands can be Reformed by using a new item called Reversed Heart of Garmoth. Reversed Heart of Garmoth can be crafted by heating one “Reversed Energy” and one “Heart of Garmoth”, which is available from the new world boss Garmoth.
The Reform will not fail, and the enhancement level of the original Nouver/Kutum will not be affected. The durability and the crystals of the original Nouver/Kutum will remain the same as well.

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Comments :8
level 1 Anita
Hello, after the change, weapons can be sold on the market?
level 1 ShimrraFiril
@AnitaYes, I think, on the screenshot, the version blazing have a price for the market.
level 1 ShimrraFiril
Sorry if i missed something but how can we drop "Reversed Energy" ?
level 1 Ravengaard
On the fiery heart item it states: "Fiery sub-weapons cannot be upgraded any further."
Is this a translation error? Either its telling us that we cannot be enhanced or that you cannot apply a second garmoth's heart to it.Any clear information on this?
level 23 Yullie
@RavengaardYou cannot apply any more Inverted Garmoth's Heart to a Fiery sub weapon.
level 1 Kizage
Someone has mentioned that you lose the fiery enchantment if you successfully enchant a gear item? Can anyone confirm this?