On the 21st of March, the 42nd day of the 2018 LCK Spring Split took place. On the 2nd series of the day, Kingzone DragonX showed the fans why they're placed 1st in the LCK standings by defeating JAG with a score of 2-0.
In game 1, KZ constantly pressured and killed UmTi's Skarner. Afterward, KZ collected multiple kills in the botlane. With the lead that KZ had secured, they had no problems openly engaging and fighting JAG. JAG constantly searched for openings, with Teddy being the core of their strategy. However, KZ kept finding Teddy first -- opening advantageous teamfights over and over again.
Game 2 started out bloody. In the botlane, JAG did their best to fight against KZ in the botlane. However, as soon as Bdd's Swain arrived, KZ took over the fight and took the lead. Afterward, with great accuracy, PraY constantly opened up favorable teamfights with Ashe's ultimate. In the end, after securing Baron, KZ broke through JAG's defenses to win the game.
After the match, the sole MVP titlist of the series, Bdd, and KZ's coach, Choi Seung-min, was invited to an interview with the casters.

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With 1,000 MVP points, you now have the highest amount in the entirety of the LCK.
Bdd: Maybe it's because we're already guaranteed for the Finals of the playoffs, but I didn't get nervous at all today. I think that's why I was able to play better.
Coach Choi: We didn't just prepare for today's match, but for the upcoming Finals as well. I was a bit concerned, but the players played beyond expectations.
The players may drop their guards knowing that they're guaranteed for the Finals. How are you taking care of them?
Coach Choi: Regardless of our current position in the LCK, I tell my players to practice with the mindset -- to play as if the practice matches are the real thing.
Bdd looked very calm and happy today.
Bdd: We're currently at a very safe spot here in the LCK, so I played comfortably.
Before the match, we saw you dancing through the player-cam.
Bdd: It was a dance that I used to do when I was a student. I suddenly remembered it out of nowhere and danced.
Peanut has never shown such a reaction on camera before.
Bdd: He's a shy guy, so he asks us to do those things, but never does it himself. I hope he does it next time. (Laughs)
In game 1 where you played Galio, you microed very well, managing enemy aggression. Do you remember that moment?
Bdd: Not exactly. While diving, we brief who's tanking the tower and take turns doing so. I think we teamfight well because of our fluent communication. Teammates consistently let the others know that they're the one that's taking tower hits.
KZ's games always look like a circus stunt -- playing dangerously at a lot of times. What do you think, coach?
Coach Choi: It does concern me from time to time. But I still ask the players first, "what do you want to play? Tell me what you want," and try to pull out their inner potential. As a result, the players started talking a lot more and made amazing plays like you've seen them do so far.
In patch 8.5, Jhin and Swain were buffed, and you guys have been using them very effectively. Is it a part of preparing for the Finals?
Bdd: We're drawing a big picture, and practicing with the Finals in mind.
Is midlane Swain a pick that you have prepared beforehand?
Bdd: A lot of people have been saying that he's a great champion. He can also flex into the toplane... I think that's why he's been seeing a lot of play.
When seeing KZ's teamfights, a lot of them seem like rough dogfights. Is there a player that is giving calls in such situations?
Bdd: Each player makes calls, telling the team what they need. Peanut's in charge of gathering that information and providing them with that they need.
In game 2, the big fight in the botlane could've ended up badly.
Bdd: After Azir went down, I did feel like it was going to be dangerous. But then, I felt that if I made it in time, the fight could be in our favor.
You guys dove the enemy team very aggressively, taking multiple tower hits. Were you fairly certain that you guys were going to win?
Bdd: I play with the mindset that I can't die. I do die at times, yes, but I still play as confidently as I can.
KZ's picks and bans style is different to that of the other LCK teams. Are the players confident playing such picks?
Bdd: Whenever we discuss picks and bans, everyone agrees to play confidently.
As a coach, how do you rate KZ's picks and bans strategy?
Coach Choi: Last year, we played picks like toplane Cassiopeia and midlane Zed. Back then, we received a lot of criticism for it. However, when we pick, we never even consider the idea of losing. We pick based on what we planned. Every champion is picked meaningfully.
If KZ had a weakness, what would it be?
Coach Choi: Bdd's cuteness? Our weakness is that a lot of our players are cute... sorry. (Laughs)
Then what is Bdd's weakness?
Bdd: My overfilled energy? There are a lot of times where everyone gets too excited.
Currently, you guys are on an 8 winning streak. I bet you guys want to finish Round 2 without dropping a single game. And maybe, even aim for the season MVP...
Bdd: I don't have any personal desires. It doesn't matter if I receive the MVP. Our next match is against KSV, and I want revenge [as they beat us in Round 1].
For two splits in a row, you guys have made Finals in the LCK. Do you feel pride in that regard?
Coach Choi: Of course. We'll have to keep on improving without stopping.
Any last words?
Bdd: We'll win our next game, and show a great Finals.
Coach Choi: We'll do our best to prepare -- so that we'll win the Finals, like how we won during the last split. Thank you.
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