On March 20th, the voting phase for the Global Costume Contest - KR Regional ended, and the top 10 entries have been selected.
The top 10 entries will now be competing at the global preliminaries and finals, starting from March 21st. The results will be revealed on March 27th, and the global top 30 designs will move on to the finals.
Below are the top 10 entries from KR. If you see one that you would like to see in the game, don’t forget to vote for that one! Hope your favorite costume can make it into the game!

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Comments :7
level 1 Ikrekot
So only female costumes ?
level 1 N0rthWind
@IkrekotApparently. Just like in terms of game-balance, players that have or prefer male characters get shafted over pixel boobs.
But at least they're honest about it- they did not put in even a single male costume just to appease us. They went full waifu-creep mode all the way without shame or remorse :P
level 1 Peyton_Motede
@N0rthWindeven then. we wont see one of the korean winning costumes on the american server for years.
level 1 HAISAN
гвно блять ебаное, корейцы пидорасы
level 1 HAISAN
i wanna pants
level 1 Peyton_Motede
typical..90% of the costume entries are for female classes. 50% of those are for dark knights and the other 50 is for loli loving tamer players.