With dramatic fashion, 100 Thieves has placed 1st in the regular season.
No one expected this to happen. After 100 Thieves won against Echo Fox for the fight for 1st place, 100 Thieves secured the leading seat for the spring split. Ryu’s extraordinary performances in the recent games caught the eyes of many. While actively roaming around the map, Ryu consistently applied pressure onto the enemy team.
Below are the interview responses from 100 Thieves’ mid laner, Ryu.

¤ How do you feel about qualifying for playoffs?
I feel really good that I qualified, and I want to perform well at playoffs. Because all the teams that have made it to playoffs are good, everyone expects that it would be difficult for us. However, I am not worried at all. All the teams that have made it to the post season have all qualified as expected. Cloud9 qualified because their jungler is really good. As long as Echo Fox’s atmosphere is good, they will do well also. TSM played as expected as well.
¤ What did you predict for your team prior? Did you predict your team was going to be placed 1st in the regular season?
I knew we were going to qualify for the playoffs. Although I was not sure exactly how we were going to qualify, I believed it was possible.
¤ From the teams that have made it to playoffs, which team are you must wary of?
Although all the teams are good, I am most wary of TSM and C9. This is because both of these teams have always done well at playoffs. Echo Fox seems shaky recently, and Team Liquid seems like a team that could do a lot better than how they are doing right now.

¤ What aspects are you most worried about for your team?
I am trying my best to expand my champion pool for playoffs. Before when my team would go through difficult times, we would all try our best to set a good mood and atmosphere. Recently, we are constantly maintaining that positive atmosphere.
¤ We heard that Ssumday is practicing very hard to learn English. Are you also learning English with Ssumday?
At first, I did learn English. However now, it is just Ssumday learning English. Although my English is not that good, my English is just enough for communication (laughs).
¤ How do you rate your own performance?
I think I am playing pretty standard. I don't necessarily think I am playing bad.

¤ Have you been watching the LCK? What are your thoughts on the most recent LCK games?
Kingzone is playing phenomenally. Sometimes when I watch KT, I think their picks/bans are a bit weird. SKT’s picks/bans also seem a bit off. Since KT has Score, it is fun to tease him whenever he loses a game.
¤ Did you also tease Score when he got Baron stolen when it was at 2hp in the finals?
Oh that was a bit too sensitive, so I couldn’t tease him that hard. I just said “Unlucky...haha.”. I acted like I wasen’t teasing him but to be honest, I was.
¤ Is Ssumday adjusting well with the team?
Before, Ssumday had a really tough time. Now that his communication has gotten a lot better, I think he is adjusting better. Ssumday did miss Korea so much, but recently he said we should go on vacation here instead of Korea. When we do get our vacation time, I’m planning to go on a trip with Ssumday.
¤ You are once again standing in the playoffs. What mindset have you prepared?
Since I couldn’t make it to playoffs last summer, it was quite difficult for me. Because I am able to take foot on the playoff stage again, I am incredible happy. In order to prepare myself for this spring playoffs, I am going to train and expand my champion pool. I believe Swain or Sion will be good picks. Although Swain’s laning phase is weak, it seems to do well regardless because a majority do not know how to play against him. If the situation allows it, I’m planning to pick Swain.

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