A highly anticipated rework since it was announced in October, Riot Games revealed more details about the new Irelia, who will be coming out alongside Patch 8.7, which should be released on April 4th, if the developer continues its trend of bi-weekly updates.
While last week we were presented with a great teaser alongside the equally awesome log-in theme, both very helpful to make us understand her new identity as someone who really dislikes Noxus and everything about it, today we finally got to see how she and her abilities will be looking in-game, thanks to this trailer:
Here, we can see a high mobile champion, who used several dashes to elegantly dodge away strikes from her hated Noxus’ enemies – Swain, Kayn, Cassiopeia, Darius, Sion, Draven, Riven, Talon, LeBlanc and Katarina were present in the trailer as the antagonists - while dealing overwhelming damage with her blades to turn the fight in her favor. The way she also manipulate the blades is unique as they fly around the Blade Dancer, just to come together to form her abilities and send her foes back to the fountain.
While the trailer is very fast-paced and perhaps for some too chaotic too follow, making it hard to tell which ability does exactly what, many players analyzed it frame-by-frame, and came out with conclusions that are actually close to how Irelia’s kit will actually look like.
Considering most assumptions are right, her ultimate sends out blades to trap enemies (maybe similar to Jarvan’s or Camille’s ultimate), allowing her to freely dash inside this cage in order to burst her enemies down.

Meanwhile, she has a primary “dash” ability, which resets on minions kills as shown in the fight against Riven, where Irelia gets the reset to dodge away the latter’s combo. She also has a more crowd-control oriented ability that stuns all enemies who are between the location of two different blades she throws, making it perhaps a strong ability both for disengaging but also for more “flashy” plays, where she can use her dashes (and flash) to catch the opposition unaware.
And finally, she reacts to Katarina’s ultimate by employing a sort of a defensive blade formation, which looks like it can at least partially reduce any incoming damage, while reflecting some of it back to the caster, looking similar to Fiora’s Riposte.
Overall, it looks a very strong and equilibrated kit – and perhaps a bit obnoxious to play against, especially if you are on an immobile champion. But still, nothing is yet 100% confirmed, so we have to wait a little bit more until her abilities (and all numbers surrounding it) are officially revealed. ´
The wait shouldn’t take long however: considering she will be released in a little more than two weeks from now, Irelia should be hitting the PBE server soon enough, so players can take a look and test new combos while Riot makes the final adjustments before patch 8.7.
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