On the 13th of March, at the Gangnam Nexon Arena, the 36th day of the 2018 LCK Spring Split took place. On the 2nd series of the day, KSV defeated Jin Air Green Wings with a score of 2-1. In game 1, Ambition played Skarner and utilized the ultimate to its fullest degree. In addition, he displayed a reliable and steady performance on Zac.
The following is an interview with Ambition.

KSV CoreJJ on Zyra: "I found her to be worth researching to bring out on stage"
Through today's match, your chance of advancing to the playoffs has increased significantly. How do you feel?
Since we're looking to enter playoffs, we need to stay on par with the other top teams in the LCK. It's important that we stay in high spirit before advancing, so we'll do our best to win all of our matches until then.
In game 1, we saw KSV's trademark macro; it was very clean.
Honestly speaking, we were very uncoordinated in almost all of our matches. We were only able to win in game 1 because we had the lead in all 3 lanes.
Unfortunately, right after winning game 1, you guys lost game 2. Why do you think you lost that game?
We could've done a lot better. But the teamfight that we lost while competing for the inferno dragon proved too big of a deficit. We were basically pushed all the way back by that fight.
You guys have been going on a winning streak. What kind of improvements were made for that to happen?
We evaluated and came to a conclusion that our players' individual performance is poor. So we practiced to increase the level of our said individual performance. But even still, we are not able to pull off flawless teamwork like we used to. If we continue to practice and play on stage, I think we'll eventually show good performance during the playoffs.
I think it's possible for you guys to climb higher in the LCK standings. What do you think?
I didn't calculate all of the possibilities yet. Currently, we're preparing with the mindset that we'll enter playoffs as a wildcard. If we win all of our games and if the top teams slip even once, we might reach 3rd place... but I don't expect that to happen.
If you manage to advance to the playoffs, which team do you want to face?
I don't care who we face. Our goal is to win, so the order of the teams that we need to take down doesn't matter.
What kind of conversations did you have with the coaching staff when your team was underperforming?
We came to a conclusion that we lacked enough practice. We're now practicing as much as we used to in the past.
How do you rate your own individual performance?
I'm confident in it. However, teamwork is more important. We're currently working on improving our teamwork -- all the way from the baby steps. I think we'll complete what we need to in time for the playoff.
Your next opponent is SKT T1. It's a very important match. Any predictions?
Currently, SKT is in a slump. I've been thinking about it for a while now, but SKT is a team that won't surprise anyone if they suddenly become the best team again. We'll focus more on ourselves instead of thinking about our opponents. I'm confident on winning.
Any final words?
I want to thank my wife for cheering me on -- I've been scolded by her due to my recent performance... I'm always trying my best, and I'll return to the stage and show a great performance that you guys won't be disappointed in.
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